Xbox 720 may be Always Online

Playstation Plus is not required to play online at all, and gives games for free to trial and play monthly. And they aren't just small indie or casual games either, full 60$ games.

Watch them actually do it in their blissful greed for control and money, also more ads on the dashboard.

The ads are so unobtrusive I don't understand why people complain about them. You aren't forced to watch them, and it makes MS more money. MORE MONEY. If someone told you, that you could make more money, would you say no?
On the subject of online subscriptions for consoles: I don't know much about the PS3/PS4, but with the XBox 360 you need an XBox Live Gold subscription to use Netflix or YouTube. Greed is the only explanation for this, and it's just insulting for Microsoft to suggest that they deserve a monthly payment for doing nothing.

The ads are so unobtrusive I don't understand why people complain about them. You aren't forced to watch them, and it makes MS more money. MORE MONEY. If someone told you, that you could make more money, would you say no?
They already make money from subscriptions. If you're offline, you don't get ads. So it kinda seems like you're paying for advertisements.
On the subject of online subscriptions for consoles: I don't know much about the PS3/PS4, but with the XBox 360 you need an XBox Live Gold subscription to use Netflix or YouTube. Greed is the only explanation for this, and it's just insulting for Microsoft to suggest that they deserve a monthly payment for doing nothing.

They already make money from subscriptions. If you're offline, you don't get ads. So it kinda seems like you're paying for advertisements.

It's merely a ploy to get more people to pay for things and cover bandwidth/server costs. May not be most ideal, but the shit isn't free.
So, how did this thing about the next Xbox possibly being always online suddenly come down to an argument about Xbox Live and PSN?

But just to add my two cents, PSN is free because it sucks balls.
But just to add my two cents, PSN is free because it sucks balls.

This. How many times has PSN been hacked and brought down? I really don't mind paying an annual fee to play games and stream content through my console. It's secure, the service is good, and (in the past, anyways) the amount of time I spent on my 360 more than justified my subscription.

The idea of always having to remain online for my console to be operable is ludicrous. The argument that doing so helps reduce piracy is a very lame veil to cover the fact that always having a connection to one's console also gives MS the ability to monitor everything you do/play and limit what you can do with/to your console when you've paid for it. I feel it's an infringement on my rights as a consumer to be able to pay for a product and not be able to use it any way I choose.

This doesn't assuage any of my worries.
...the console will be backwards compatible with Xbox 360 games via a new "reoriented" Xbox 360.

The console - codenamed Durango - will apparently have an always-online functionality, but a lack of connection will not prevent users from using local content.

The article goes on to say you need a new, specially deisgned 360 that (in some way) connects to the new Durango/720 in order to play 360 games. So, you have to buy TWO consoles to play your old games, if your 360 no longer works.

I know it's all rumors, and we won't know for sure until the official announcement is made by MS. Maybe they're letting these rumors fly and when they reveal the new console and tell us all the features everyone will be very pleased because it won't have some of these rumored features.
That is the problem with this entire argument. Nobody cares if the console is always connected to the internet, nobody cares if your games are always connected so they can stream in new content, allow other players to join you or update stats. What people are concerned about is losing the ability to play a single player game if the console does not have an active internet connection.

Here's the way I see it, If there is one thing MS is good at judging from history, it is their network. That is why you pay for Xbox Live. You have a much more reliable network for playing games than what is offered on PS3. We all use Steam, we have seen how DRM can be done properly, and Steam doesn't even pull this off perfectly. If Microsoft can provide a system that works as good as Steam, I think everyone will be fine with it. This comes with a few caveats, of course.

1) If I want to play a single player game, I don't want to be slapped in the face because it can't authenticate.
2) If I lose connection mid-game, I don't want to be removed from my game (which has already been authenticated)
3) Provide a service that compliments my games if they are always connected.
4) A method of playing games is still available at the end of the retail life of the system.

I'm sure there are more possible problems with a service like this but here's the deal. If it sucks, I won't buy it. I never understood why people dole out all the hate on companies like EA but still go out and buy every game that they make.

As for backward compatibility, I have been buying video games since the Atari. I got my first taste of backward compatibility with the Sega Genesis and a device that allowed it to play Sega Master System games. It was barely used. I (and most people I know) had the same experience with the PS2 -> PS3, believe it or not, there is a reason Sony saw fit to remove PS2 compatibility from the system. It wasn't being used. Backward compat is a feature that is used for a very short period during the console switch and is quickly forgotten but costs a large amount of money in most situations. Basically if there is a major hardware change, the previous console has to be included in the new system. I'm personally not worried about backward compatibility.
This whole thread is just based off a rumor. So there's no need to freak out about whatever really.

rsmv does that. I forgot he made threads.
It's Happening! It's Happening!

The always online thing will be the difference between me getting and not getting the 720. My internet connection can't handle always having a console online, it just wouldn't work. I may go PC and Nintendo only this gen.

I forsee some sort of DRL. If not persistent online, at least periodical.

Even if it's always online, even dial up would work, I'm sure it's just a few packets sent back and forth for authentication.
I forsee some sort of DRL. If not persistent online, at least periodical.

Even if it's always online, even dial up would work, I'm sure it's just a few packets sent back and forth for authentication.

I'm more worried about random automatic updates starting without my knowledge and other crap eating up my internet usage. I have a 10GB cap on internet, we live in the middle of nowhere so it's the best thing unless you want to use [shudder] satellite.

And before anyone says that I can just turn them off, there have been countless times on Steam where I've gone to play a game and it starts updating so I can't play it for an hour. That's fine for online games (TF2 for instance), but I'd rather be able to play Skyrim, Borderlands, Half-Life, Tomb Raider, Fallout NV, Far Cry 3, without having to do a 100mb-300mb update (has happened for each of these games, Far Cry was Uplay's fault). That's even with automatic updating turned off. Not to mention game breaking updates (lolbackwardsflyingdragons).

If updates for Xbox games are completely optional for games where I'm going to be playing single player, I am completely fine with it. But when I have to fear not being in offline mode when a new update for a game comes out, that's just not alright. The way 360 does it is kind of a hit and miss, you can not update this game, but you'll be signed out of Xbox Live. Okay, I get it. You don't want me playing online at ver1.3 when everyone else is at ver1.4, makes sense. But what if I want to chat with people on Live? I can't, because I'm forced offline completely, unless I update, which sometimes I can't do. Just block me out of online gameplay or something, don't completely boot me off of Live. If it's a single player only game there's no reason to make me be offline.

Oh, and the state of the Xbox dashboard right now it just complete and utter bullshit. I pay for Xbox Live, why the fuck are there ads on my dashboard?
Oh, and the state of the Xbox dashboard right now it just complete and utter bullshit. I pay for Xbox Live, why the fuck are there ads on my dashboard?

Because millions of people make advertisements worth thousands of dollars. I don't know why people complain about them. They fill in unused space, and are unobstrusive. When ads start playing during boot, or while you're playing a game, then I can see the need for complaints. Until then, it helps MS pay for tons of shit, like the bandwidth, and running servers, and closing deals to bring you shit like crackle, netflix, espn, etc. None of that shit is free. Subscription fees should pay for it... sure, but MONEY is the key. MORE MONEY! IF I were MS, I'd do the same shit.
Because millions of people make advertisements worth thousands of dollars. I don't know why people complain about them. They fill in unused space, and are unobstrusive. When ads start playing during boot, or while you're playing a game, then I can see the need for complaints. Until then, it helps MS pay for tons of shit, like the bandwidth, and running servers, and closing deals to bring you shit like crackle, netflix, espn, etc. None of that shit is free. Subscription fees should pay for it... sure, but MONEY is the key. MORE MONEY! IF I were MS, I'd do the same shit.
Actually, I think it was Saints Row II where this was happening, but the in-game billboards would have up-to-date advertisements for other games on them. I thought it was pretty clever. But as for the dashboard, the advertisements fill up a lot of the screen. The fact that they didn't use to when the console originally came out, coupled with the fact that so many players are already paying Microsoft for Gold subscriptions just makes the advertisements seem kind of dickish. It's also hard to argue that the advertisements are filling up unused space when Microsoft was the one that spaced things out only for putting in advertisements.
Actually, I think it was Saints Row II where this was happening, but the in-game billboards would have up-to-date advertisements for other games on them. I thought it was pretty clever. But as for the dashboard, the advertisements fill up a lot of the screen. The fact that they didn't use to when the console originally came out, coupled with the fact that so many players are already paying Microsoft for Gold subscriptions just makes the advertisements seem kind of dickish. It's also hard to argue that the advertisements are filling up unused space when Microsoft was the one that spaced things out only for putting in advertisements.

idk bro. The never bother me. Someone of them I like watching.