Xbox One

the console looks good but one thing i want to say is to never EVER buy a console in the first days, you have to know perfectly how the console is and reflect what console gonna make you have a great time and make you happy :D (no matter if it is nintendo or another game company)
I was a little disappointed that the peripheral projector, er, "IllumiRoom" wasn't standard, that looked like it could be neat.

you have to know perfectly how the console is

Problem in my case being that all my friends have also migrated to PC for games in recent years, so no one for me to mooch off of on the new console :P
I apologize if I came off as rude. I was attempting to be funny in my original reply which was why I purposely was not direct in answering your question. You did not, however, deduce the answer from my post so I decided to spell it out for you.
Highly disappointed so far with the Xbox One. I am starting to lean towards getting a PS4 but I'll wait until both release to decide for sure. Hopefully E3 will help clear up some stuff about both systems.
Highly disappointed so far with the Xbox One. I am starting to lean towards getting a PS4 but I'll wait until both release to decide for sure. Hopefully E3 will help clear up some stuff about both systems.

Hopefully they demo it at PAX too..
Hmm... these consoles are going to cost what, $400-$600 range?

Or I could just dish out ~$75 and get a GPU that can crossfire with my APU in my PC and have a much cheaper, possibly better gaming machine?

Decisions, decisions...

Anyways, when the reveal was live today I was on the road doin' what I do. My buddy texted me some info about it and it sounded alright, but then he sent me a picture of it...

Next text I sent back:
"Woohoo! Atari systems are making a comeback!!!!! *trollface*"

Not too sure what to think really, I might end up getting it if it is cheaper than a PS4.
I apologize if I came off as rude. I was attempting to be funny in my original reply which was why I purposely was not direct in answering your question. You did not, however, deduce the answer from my post so I decided to spell it out for you.
Alright, although I actually did understand what you meant the first time. I just thought you were ridiculing me or something, but I guess I was wrong. Sorry, I take back what I said.
And there it is.

Not always online but it does require a internet connection.

And if this is true, conflicting reports about this, take with grain of salt and a pinch of bullshit cause the way Microsoft is handling this PR wise is just a clusterfuck but if you want to take your game over to your friends house to play it you need to pay the price of the game to play it.

"But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend's house and play there? You'll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game's code on a friend's account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison said. "

You can however play the game on another person console if you are logged in to your account.

Also before someone pulls the "Pc works the same way" card, thats basically downgrading the argument saying that the accessibility to sharing games with your friends is being more and more limited. Also at least pc games/steam have sales every 2-3 months.


Im curious that if this was to show what the xbox 1 itself can do I wanna see at E3 game wise it does, cause thats the only reason people want it for. If Its just more kicks to the nuts after E3 I wont even buy a console and just stick to PC gaming since Infinity is the only thing drawing me to consoles and that alone will be on PCs anyways. Hopefully.

"But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend's house and play there? You'll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game's code on a friend's account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison said. "

Can anyone think of an item for which, when borrowed, the borrower has to pay the full price of the item?
Can anyone think of an item for which, when borrowed, the borrower has to pay the full price of the item?

Now try changing your perspective and seeing the situation from Microsoft's shoes. Microsoft is a business and the number one goal of all businesses is profit maximization. Every time a friend borrows one of your games instead of buying it for him/herself, Microsoft loses money. Some people consider this stealing. In my opinion, it is in reality no different from torrenting movies, tv shows or computer games. Do you have a double standard, or do you openly support the pirating/torrenting of computer games and other media?

Now we have seen both extremes, but there is a grey area in the middle. For instance, what if you just want to bring your game to a friend's house to play a co-op game with him/her for a bit? The problem is not black and white. There are may grey areas. At the end of the day, these are all things that Microsoft has to juggle and try to find the perfect balance to make their users/target consumers happy while at the same time making as much money as possible. At the end of the day, businesses have to make judgement calls and the consumer sometimes gets the short end of the stick. According to a press release from Microsoft, nothing about the games is set in stone just yet. We will have to wait and see how it all plays out.

For now, I think we all have to maintain an open mind and not simply cast it out after the first unveiling. There is much still to be determined.
All I got from the reveal was how much I apparently care about sports and the various tv options that won't be available or relevant in Australia whatsoever. If they hadn't spent the majority of the time talking technical jargon and bothered to show off more of their innovative experiences found in games that they bragged about, I would have probably enjoyed the reveal. The only thing slightly interesting I found was Forza Motorsport 6 and the Halo TV Series.

I'll wait until the full specs for the console and the launch titles are revealed until I make any decisions on future purchases.
I'm just waiting until we get

10/10 IT'S OKAY

Fuck, the new Kinect can detect your heartbeat,

One of my dumb jock friends just made a post on facebook.

He said "The xbox one looks pretty shitty but I am probably going to buy it anyways."

This perfectly sums up my previous description/prediction of what is happening here.
One of my dumb jock friends just made a post on facebook.

He said "The xbox one looks pretty shitty but I am probably going to buy it anyways."

This perfectly sums up my previous description/prediction of what is happening here.
xbox one.jpg