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ZONE 18 - RED Vs. BLUE Antics Rebootz0rz!

I would join, but I never even got around to building even 10% of the castle I had planned out for the red vs blue war in zone 2. I can only imagine how much I would get done with the busy life I live atm. :p

Edit: I like how the entrance sign is quite opposite to how builds are appearing in terms on which side is for which color.
Red Team Phoenix lava-buckets Blue Team Thug!

Casey, I don't know if this is intentional but the signs aren't on the corresponding side. The Red sign points to the blue side, and the Blue sign points to the red side. The wall of names are also on the enemy side.
The "sign" that pointed to the Red and Blue sign is not an arrow. Note both arrows are red, it was just decoration in the sign. It's simply saying the name of the Zone.

Course its a new map now, so....yeah.
'Scuse me guys. My Zepellin is on the wrong side of the map. It's a Blue Zepellin, but I haven't gotten down to coloring it yet. So can someone please cuboid it to the correct side of the river? Thanks.


'Scuse me guys. My Zepellin is on the wrong side of the map. It's a Blue Zepellin, but I haven't gotten down to coloring it yet. So can someone please cuboid it to the correct side of the river? Thanks.

View attachment 98304

View attachment 98305

Red Team Newsflash!

A Blue Team zeppelin, supposedly on a poorly-planned infiltration mission, has been captured by our glorious Red forces!

On board the zeppelin was a Blue Team soldier who was promptly captured, after surrendering himself so readily. The POW would not identify himself, but Console provided us with intel on that detail.

1Creator34 will be tried as a spy and summarily hanged.

Red Team Newsflash!

A Blue Team zeppelin, supposedly on a poorly-planned infiltration mission, has been captured by our glorious Red forces!

On board the zeppelin was a Blue Team soldier who was promptly captured, after surrendering himself so readily. The POW would not identify himself, but Console provided us with intel on that detail.

1Creator34 will be tried as a spy and summarily hanged.

View attachment 98308
Hang ALL the Spies!
Red Team Newsflash!

A Blue Team zeppelin, supposedly on a poorly-planned infiltration mission, has been captured by our glorious Red forces!

On board the zeppelin was a Blue Team soldier who was promptly captured, after surrendering himself so readily. The POW would not identify himself, but Console provided us with intel on that detail.

1Creator34 will be tried as a spy and summarily hanged.

View attachment 98308
You're an Awesome rank. This vehicle has not yet been fully constructed so I request you or someone else return it to the correct side of the river. Please. It was cuboided there from yesterday so it went to the wrong area, nobody could see what color it was but it was on the correct side, on the blue area.
You're an Awesome rank. This vehicle has not yet been fully constructed so I request you or someone else return it to the correct side of the river. Please. It was cuboided there from yesterday so it went to the wrong area, nobody could see what color it was but it was on the correct side, on the blue area.

The vehicle in question will be returned at the end of hostilities...

or until a Pro+ rank gets around to moving it... :p

In the mean time... *scours the ship for intel and starts reverse-engineering the zeppelin*
You're an Awesome rank. This vehicle has not yet been fully constructed so I request you or someone else return it to the correct side of the river. Please. It was cuboided there from yesterday so it went to the wrong area, nobody could see what color it was but it was on the correct side, on the blue area.
I got dasbeast to move it for you. You might need to tidy it up a bit.
You're an Awesome rank. This vehicle has not yet been fully constructed so I request you or someone else return it to the correct side of the river. Please. It was cuboided there from yesterday so it went to the wrong area, nobody could see what color it was but it was on the correct side, on the blue area.

All's fair in love and war. Including being fortunate enough to have a zeppelin get cuboided onto the red side of the world. /kidding

If no one gets around to doing a copypasta for you by this afternoon, I'll try to get on and flex my cuboid muscle. I know dama and woot basically spent a couple of hours yesterday moving everything themselves, so it's impressive this is the only thing that got switched around.
All's fair in love and war. Including being fortunate enough to have a zeppelin get cuboided onto the red side of the world. /kidding

If no one gets around to doing a copypasta for you by this afternoon, I'll try to get on and flex my cuboid muscle. I know dama and woot basically spent a couple of hours yesterday moving everything themselves, so it's impressive this is the only thing that got switched around.
Yeah, I haven't gotten in on the server but as MrFrog said, i think Dasbeast has already got that taken care of. I better get down to finishing that thing soon though.