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Zone Proposition


I have a proposition for a zone that may seem a little odd to say the least. Most of you know me as the one who makes very few but very LARGE builds (at least of the ones i complete). Most who know me are also aware that I have been working on a massive, underground city. At first, this city was only a means to an end: my promotion to builder rank. But now that my goal has been achieved, i will not stop and leave it in pieces. I will admit that I may have bitten off more than I could chew when i began the initial size (55X55X55) and i have come to the point where i need help. However, the room i have left is not enough to be able to fit different houses in. So my proposition is thus: create a zone where my current build can be moved to and allow any other builder+ ranks to work on this. Now you may ask "why not just make more room and ask for help?" well, the answer to that is, i want anything built in this build, to follow the theme that I started. It is known to me that Zones are meant for exactly this type of thing. I am finished making builds for myself only, And i wish to open up my build to a build for the community. so please, if is not too much trouble, please accept my request. thank you for your time.

If you support my idea, please type "I Support" or "support"

List of Supporters:

1. jrl51592
2. _Joostb
3. Vorsprung
So, something like this?

I was actually planning on something to that effect for just ONE of the many chambers and caverns. But I am also planning on making it the way a normal city would have it's layout, only underground. Also, I would prefer for this build to be open to all cool+ ranks (because I do not trust all guests for the same reason they have limited build privelages). Like I said, I want this build to belong to not just me, but to the community, meaning all who have earned our trust. If there are some guests who are truested enough, they could also be whitelisted to be allowed to build on this too (When Guest463; the original location for this build, was closed, I was whitelisted until it was moved to cool89 by Casham (or was it cacash10))
I was actually planning on something to that effect for just ONE of the many chambers and caverns. But I am also planning on making it the way a normal city would have it's layout, only underground. Also, I would prefer for this build to be open to all cool+ ranks (because I do not trust all guests for the same reason they have limited build privelages). Like I said, I want this build to belong to not just me, but to the community, meaning all who have earned our trust. If there are some guests who are truested enough, they could also be whitelisted to be allowed to build on this too (When Guest463; the original location for this build, was closed, I was whitelisted until it was moved to cool89 by Casham (or was it cacash10))
hmmm....I never saw your city. I'm gonna have to have a look at it either later today or monday and see if there is anything that I could add to it for you.
An underground city-world would be cool. I would help out on this when I could (If it is done right, like in rmsv's post).
that what I'm talkin about, but I want this one to be availabe to cool ranks too
I doubt it will be available to [color= yellow]Cool+[/color]. So in that case, work on getting your [color= cyan]Builder[/color] rank now so you won't have to worry about that. :)
I doubt it will be available to [color= yellow]Cool+[/color]. So in that case, work on getting your [color= cyan]Builder[/color] rank now so you won't have to worry about that. :)
(Not Moronical like I spelt it in the Funny Moments thread :facepalm:
is already builder.
I take it you don't frequent the pony zone much?
Eww, ponies. Anyhow, read the wiki. Zones are strictly Builder+, with the exception of the pony zone, which shouldn't even be a zone at all.
To get that zone, you'll also have to show lots of pics of builds you have done to convince the mods to open it in the first place.
King, you are focusing too much on the rank aspect of zones, I was using zones as an example due to the themes of the zones
Eww, ponies. Anyhow, read the wiki. Zones are strictly Builder+, with the exception of the pony zone, which shouldn't even be a zone at all.
To get that zone, you'll also have to show lots of pics of builds you have done to convince the mods to open it in the first place.
Why shouldn't the pony zone be a zone?
katphish, ur going off topic there...
Look, if you want to request a zone, prove that you will actually build something in it and not just leave some empty world when it's finally opened. There's a couple of threads that I can show to you that will give you an idea of how builders were able to get specifically themed zones created by the admins.

Pony Zone Request
Star Wars Zone Request

You haven't actually posted any pictures of your builds in your city so wee cannot gauge how it would look or exactly what the shape of the world would be like. A text wall is probably not enough for getting a new zone created, if you have any pictures of the builds or theme that you plan to have in the new zone please do so now.

Also, the theme may be to have an underground city, but for all I know it could be any type of architecture under a giant box that covers up the sky. Pictures and examples really would help.