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Zone Proposition

I will be posting screenshots of various stages of my build later today, but until then, there are older (albeit outdated) screenshots of it on my promo app (most likely under Reviewed Applications) for cool --> builder (which has been accepted, yes I am a builder) but the reason that I want it open to cool+ if because I had the help of two others at the fisrt stage, and at the time they were only cool rank and I do not know if they have gotten promos yet, their names are StarSpangledKiwi and BlockBob (I forget the numbers at end of BlockBob's username). Also, Twn3 (cool rank) has been wanting to help with city, but I lack the room to expand in the current location due to the shape of the cuboid. For the time being, directions to the current build is to the right of spawn, under the black&half-step pyramid (which serves as the entrance) In front of the build is a giant silver tower w/ lava and water in it that was built by L_O_T_R (Engineer Rank)

Edit: while the cambers may look like boxes, I was going to make them look a bit more "natural" but again, I ran out of room to do so, Also, I will be starting an improved version of the build (one that looks much more astheticly pleasing on outside and inside) shortly in Cool89 (hower, entrance will be under water due to lack of above-water space)
I was referring to the "Why shouldn't the pony zone be a zone?" part
Eww, ponies. Anyhow, read the wiki. Zones are strictly Builder+, with the exception of the pony zone, which shouldn't even be a zone at all.
To get that zone, you'll also have to show lots of pics of builds you have done to convince the mods to open it in the first place.
The fact is, I spent about 100 hours of my time as a builder vying for the pony zone, because oftentimes before I had been harassed and ridiculed by the other builders when I built pony sprites in Zone15, sometimes even by well-respected Awesomes ingame. People hated the ponies, considering them to be to be "intruding" on other worlds because it is a natural tendency for people to resist the ponification of the internet (or in this case the server if they are a non-brony). This is why rsmv and I conceived the idea of having a pony zone, so that we wouldn't "intrude" on everyone else's land and get everyone so butthurt about how we're "shoving it down people's throats". But even after we have had the pony zone, the trolls continue to do their thing and come on the pony world doing stupid things like making a pony sprite and putting a cross over it. Aside from that, there are still other builders who continue to complain (and an engineer, as you can see here) about the existence of a pony zone.

I spent nearly, if not more than a hundred hours building pony sprites for the Pony Zone Request so that they would no longer bother a lot of people on the server. I don't blame the others for not liking ponies, they really can get out of control, especially the more extreme bronies. But it absolutely pisses me off that after all of my hard work to get the pony builds to have a designated area to build, some insensitive person claims that it "does not deserve to be a zone". Seriously, are you kidding me? The large pony builds that had once been on Zone15's walls have been griefed out (the culprits are builders and haven't been caught), and most of the pony sprites have been moved into Zone16 yet people are still complaining? In both these forums and in the actual Classic server, the ponies have effectively been "quarantined", to keep this subject out of other people's ways, yet the fact that other people are so annoyed about this and still continue to complain about it really irks me. We've practically separated our builds from the rest of the server because other people don't like them (there is noticeably more grief on pony sprites), and people still insult the hard work that I did, to get THESE BUILDS AWAY from the rest of the server. I'm trying to help the anti-ponification out, and yet this whole thing is misunderstood and "shouldn't be a zone at all".

Fine, if it really SHOULDN'T be a Zone at all then why don't we delete that damn world, and have the pony sprites back on the walls of Cool and Guest again. I've tried to understand the viewpoint of the haters, there are not usually any pony sprites in the Cool and Guest worlds anymore and this is still going unappreciated. I can't believe no-one else has even noticed this.
When this zone comes here, I'll start playing minecraft more. I really like building underground things. This zone is really easy to make for you admins, just make the world 1 big block off some rock-like block. Then make one hole, and set spawn there. The miners will do the rest ;D
Anyway, back to topic
Look, if you want to request a zone, prove that you will actually build something in it and not just leave some empty world when it's finally opened. There's a couple of threads that I can show to you that will give you an idea of how builders were able to get specifically themed zones created by the admins.

Pony Zone Request
Star Wars Zone Request

You haven't actually posted any pictures of your builds in your city so wee cannot gauge how it would look or exactly what the shape of the world would be like. A text wall is probably not enough for getting a new zone created, if you have any pictures of the builds or theme that you plan to have in the new zone please do so now.

Also, the theme may be to have an underground city, but for all I know it could be any type of architecture under a giant box that covers up the sky. Pictures and examples really would help.

A giant box covering up the sky sounds like engi city.
Anyway, back to topic

A giant box covering up the sky sounds like engi city.
Yeah, and that's sort of what I was going at. Will this Underground city be just hollow space with ceilings and walls or interconnecting tunnels? I think the latter would be a more interesting way of having this world, but the way the OP phrased it sounds like it's just a hollow box.
Yeah, and that's sort of what I was going at. Will this Underground city be just hollow space with ceilings and walls or interconnecting tunnels? I think the latter would be a more interesting way of having this world, but the way the OP phrased it sounds like it's just a hollow box.
not hollow, filled. One massive block. We will mine our own tunnels,but maybe this project needs some preparation, i will help with that (if possible)
I was hoping more for clearing out something that looks like a natural cave, for several tower-like buildings, along with several, interconnected tunnels, but no square/box shapes except for in buildings, I want it to look more like it was an underground cavern that was there before the buildings, then add some tunnels for various sections, but I alone lack the needed skill for doing that, so having several ppl help me would be ideal. but no, it would not be one massive hollow place, but that would be more like where the palace is, the rest of the areas such as markets, residences and Spleef Arena(s) would be going through interconnected tunnels (along with some underground lakes that look natural, ie: stalagtites on cieling and stalagmites on floor (NOT the other way around) and even some fallen stalagtites)
Ok, So I will now be making an official list of supporters of my zone Idea, if you choose to support the idea, plz type "I support" or "support" and I will add your username to a list on first post
So basically the entire world just gets stone cuboided? o.o

Then mined out by hand to look something like these:

So, something like this?

Look, it's not an entirely out-there request.

MinerJuco, an exceptionally talented Builder, came to the admins with an idea to make an entire city. They gave him a Zone, and he worked at it, on his own, for ages. It was only until about June-July last year that he opened it to the public, and started getting people involved in it.

That Zone was Zone11. Go there. It's amazing.

If you genuinely have a really great plan, and you have the skills and motivation to see it through, talk to the admins. If you give them plenty of images, they'll be more than happy to help out, I can imagine.
Usual brony bumhurt
Please, keep the religious debate out of the thread.
Please, keep the religious debate out of the thread.
Not a religion. Obviously, being a fan of a kid's show isn't a religion. Like you said, people work hard to be able to have zones created, I am no different, neither is DanielB, who vied for a Star Wars Zone after I encouraged him to do so.

So far, nobody has been able to provide a valid reason as to why the Pony Zone "Doesn't deserve to be a zone". You can't simply ignore the fact that kingjok3r is taking a shot at my hard work, and I felt the need to defend it. Letting everything done in there just go to waste, without even giving a valid reason to why it needs to be discounted is an insult to all the people's work.

If you were to go for a TF2 world, spend several hours vying for it on one thread, have it created and later get more amazing creations inside it, you would be satisfied that you were able to found a themed world. If someone was to say that it "Doesn't deserve to be a zone" without giving a valid reason other than hatred for the game, I think you would understand. It's not just the subject matter of Ponies either, the same applies for every other zone.

Rsmv and I had a really great plan, I had the skills and motivation to see it through, I talked to the admins. Apparently someone thinks that the Zone I worked for doesn't even deserve to exist.
Not a religion. Obviously, being a fan of a kid's show isn't a religion. Like you said, people work hard to be able to have zones created, I am no different, neither is DanielB, who vied for a Star Wars Zone after I encouraged him to do so.

So far, nobody has been able to provide a valid reason as to why the Pony Zone "Doesn't deserve to be a zone". You can't simply ignore the fact that kingjok3r is taking a shot at my hard work, and I felt the need to defend it. Letting everything done in there just go to waste, without even giving a valid reason to why it needs to be discounted is an insult to all the people's work.

If you were to go for a TF2 world, spend several hours vying for it on one thread, have it created and later get more amazing creations inside it, you would be satisfied that you were able to found a themed world. If someone was to say that it "Doesn't deserve to be a zone" without giving a valid reason other than hatred for the game, I think you would understand. It's not just the subject matter of Ponies either, the same applies for every other zone.

Rsmv and I had a really great plan, I had the skills and motivation to see it through, I talked to the admins. Apparently someone thinks that the Zone I worked for doesn't even deserve to exist.
1: I'm juss' sayin', you guys are like a cult, lol.
2: True. Apart from the usual.
3: Fer one, I wouldn't go for a TF2 world, because it truly doesn't deserve to exist.
4: Point taken. Although, the last time I went to the pony world, it underwhelmed me, 'cept for that big-ass flat sprite.

Of course, Jok3r's being a bit of a penisburger here. I mean, personally, I disagree with him, but I do share his disillusionment with Classic. (And I never get on Classic. I've been on Classic for longer than you have, and I'll bet I have nowhere near your hours. ;) )

Also, /support, but I'd like to see some pics.