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Zone11 Applications


Uncannily weird - 2nd time I have seen it, and now it's confirmed, but that used to be my old FB profile pic! OMG I fucking love that shit. I don't even know where it's from? Can we paste that into z11 some where lol?
I would like to join in the open spaces department. I would be very dedicated to building, and i'm currently working with stratadon on his parliament building in cool42 :) Pikachu.pngUntitled 3.png Untitled 4.png Untitled 5.png Untitled 6.pngUntitled 2.png hotel.png penguin.png Pikachu.png Untitled 3.png Untitled 4.png Untitled 5.png Untitled 6.png


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hmm,i guess ill apply to join this. seeing its whitelisted,here is somescreens,screenshot_20110515202004.png(next is random build i made for builder)screenshot_20110513193748.png
Ok, since there can only be four departments, im gonna still go ahead, if this passes, make rec facilities around the map. In these threads, I have some examples of old spleef arenas (when i was bad at them, I've improved tons) and a maze. the last post shows you how well i can build in general, and why I would be good for Zone11

cool app: http://www.team9000.net/threads/pyrofiredelta-guest-cool.7860/

builder app: http://www.team9000.net/threads/pyrofiredelta-cool-builder.8970/

Casham palace: http://www.team9000.net/threads/coconut-palace.10230/

i've built tons more, but tht was all i bothered taking pics of.
The list is getting longer by the second! Wow!

Ah yeah sorry joe, I'm gonna need to see something that is scaled correctly. Your house would dwarve my train station. Scaling is the biggest issue. But please do not get discouraged! Keep up the good work and just work on making everything life-sized!
oh and the demensions on both of my builds were 32 high,and the bottle had 2 floors that were 5 high. the viewing dock was about 10 high
both of the builds were about 15 wide.
Remember we are going for realism Excide. Giant bottles will be deleted out of this city. Have you ever done any urban buildings?
Oh geez, I want to join but i got a spleef committee to handle, a spleef game also and part of s9k1, my dish is too full. Even if i join later, all spots will be taken. sigh.
Vorsprung said:
I think there's some seriosuly epic builds here that I feel impressed with, like Oozinator's... But some others aren't that impressive. Sorry Joe.

Wow, I'm so flattered, but honestly I don't think some of the zones are technically challenging. I just built a 2-story single-family structure in the D-area and it's essentially a glorified box. Granted, that zone is low-income housing adjacent to industrial area, so I tried to make it as cheap and simple as possible. MinerJuco seemed pleased with the results.

What I think is most challenging however is working with the space you're allotted. I can build anything that makes people go "ooh and ahh" if I had 2500 sq. blocks of area, but chances are, if you're working in Zone11, you will get around 200-500 sq. blocks. That's a relatively puny amount to work with considering the all the ginormous builds in guest and cool worlds. I bet some cool or guest (well, maybe not guest :cool: ) can easily out-design me within these parameters.

My advice to those wanting to impress MinerJuco would be to read his guidelines and submit a few sample builds based on the conditions of the a few zones. Only a privileged few will be able to build the mansions in Zone11 but there's a lot of housing in between filthy rich part of town and just the plain filthy. :)

Even I don't think I'll be able to make anything in the rich part of town since I haven't made any traditional mansions. I'm just horrible at interiors. :(

Maybe this would suit one of the inner city areas for an office block or could be made taller for a skyscraper, went for a modern feel with the glass and the grey blocks
For serious Dukey, I am going to have to say - SUBMIT A BUILD! I'm sorry but I know that most engineers didn't get to their position because of their spectacular building.

Sorry Engineers, just because of your colour doesn't mean you will be picked. I am pretty sure my higher-ups would agree, yet we havn't talked about it. Please if you have any problems take it up with the head of the Ministry of Resource Management.

Arn't you Awesome+ Konflakes?

Rollcast123 - I'm afraid we will have to see more detail, I like the shape of your build but the levels and windows are all wrong. Sorry dude but we have to be going for realism in these builds.
Check out the actual zone (/j zone11) and you will see, the building sizes vary but height limit is around 55 in the CDB.