League of Legends Thread

I am getting rather frustrated with ranked games recently. My skill level is way beyond Silver IV, at least how I see it. My play skill is more or less constant, I perform far above average in all of my games. I always win my lane, yet my win/loss depends on my teammates. In silver, I can no longer just shove games down the throat per say and always win by hyper carry. My games are now more or less decided by my teammates. Half the time I get decent teammates, the other half of the time I get total crap teammates. So even though my play level is beyond the rest of my league, my win/loss still finds its way back towards 50/50, so I go nowhere.

For example in my last game, I dominated my lane mid against orianna, got early kills on her and outfarmed her. Meanwhile however, the enemy adc wracks up 7/0 from complete idiocy by my teammates. It is just frustrating when I can play so consistently well but my team members can't manage to pull their own weight. I don't understand how people manage to move through the ranks. Maybe I just need to add to my volume of ranked games played and my skill level will slowly start to come through in a much better win loss average. My mere 30 ranked games so far may be too small of a sample size to see perhaps. It's like tossing a fair coin. After 30 tosses, the average may be extremely skewed and nowhere near 50/50, but as you make your way towards 1000 tosses, the actual probability starts to come through as indeed being 50/50.
I am getting rather frustrated with ranked games recently. My skill level is way beyond Silver IV, at least how I see it. My play skill is more or less constant, I perform far above average in all of my games. I always win my lane, yet my win/loss depends on my teammates. In silver, I can no longer just shove games down the throat per say and always win by hyper carry. My games are now more or less decided by my teammates. Half the time I get decent teammates, the other half of the time I get total crap teammates. So even though my play level is beyond the rest of my league, my win/loss still finds its way back towards 50/50, so I go nowhere.

For example in my last game, I dominated my lane mid against orianna, got early kills on her and outfarmed her. Meanwhile however, the enemy adc wracks up 7/0 from complete idiocy by my teammates. It is just frustrating when I can play so consistently well but my team members can't manage to pull their own weight. I don't understand how people manage to move through the ranks. Maybe I just need to add to my volume of ranked games played and my skill level will slowly start to come through in a much better win loss average. My mere 30 ranked games so far may be too small of a sample size to see perhaps. It's like tossing a fair coin. After 30 tosses, the average may be extremely skewed and nowhere near 50/50, but as you make your way towards 1000 tosses, the actual probability starts to come through as indeed being 50/50.
If you only have 30, then yeah, I've played almost 300, and I haven't gone anywhere, but my play has improved. Besides, reset tommorow, so I wouldn't let it stress you.
If you only have 30, then yeah, I've played almost 300, and I haven't gone anywhere, but my play has improved. Besides, reset tommorow, so I wouldn't let it stress you.

I am very excited to get a clean slate. It will be interesting to see what happens next season and what increased ranked play will have on my rank.
Ever since the Ahri nerf, I've building rushing DFG because i thought it would be the only way to get acceptable dmg as ahri.

I was losing every game, it was incredibly hard to carry as ahri since i was focusing on trying to DFG the ad carry to hell.

So I built rabbadon's and rylai's early without any consideration for DFG in one match.

Won the game even with a hard ahri counter and constant enemy mid ganks, I delivered a lot of utility and didn't have to focus on that slow and unreliable DFG combo.

Thing is, seriously don't build assassin ahri, she's supposed to build as a mage since there are others that assassinate people MUCH easier than Ahri. *cough* LeBlanc *cough* *cough*

So what happened to the group of peeps I used to play with on mumble? I know I've been busy with work and all (lack of energy to play anything) but the main reason I still played was because of you all. now that work isn't a thing atm (long story short I'm looking for a new less shitty job) I want to play with peeps! come on the mumbles and play!

in all seriousness the upcoming changes to league look pretty interesting. I'm excited to see what happens this up coming year!
Played Leblanc, I dominated the early laning phase easily but I couldn't do a grain of dmg in teamfights. (CC OP)

I'm starting not to like assassins anymore. xD]
Played Leblanc, I dominated the early laning phase easily but I couldn't do a grain of dmg in teamfights. (CC OP)

I'm starting not to like assassins anymore. xD

Not many assassins are good in dominion. Bruisers and anyone with CC are optimal for it.

Also: Made a smurf for practicing purposes, so feel free to add it! It's xWalrusOverlordx
Not many assassins are good in dominion. Bruisers and anyone with CC are optimal for it.

Also: Made a smurf for practicing purposes, so feel free to add it! It's xWalrusOverlordx
Assassins are awesome in dominion IF you can jump someone while your team is busy capturing the objectives. Up front, no, you will be mauled if you show your face. Assassins are notorious for their 'Glass Cannon' status. Thankfully, the map has plenty of places to hide in wait for an ambush.

Just saying this to get "relaxed" and clear my head of my godly frustration right now. -.-
I am getting rather frustrated with ranked games recently. My skill level is way beyond Silver IV, at least how I see it. My play skill is more or less constant, I perform far above average in all of my games. I always win my lane, yet my win/loss depends on my teammates. In silver, I can no longer just shove games down the throat per say and always win by hyper carry. My games are now more or less decided by my teammates. Half the time I get decent teammates, the other half of the time I get total crap teammates. So even though my play level is beyond the rest of my league, my win/loss still finds its way back towards 50/50, so I go nowhere.

For example in my last game, I dominated my lane mid against orianna, got early kills on her and outfarmed her. Meanwhile however, the enemy adc wracks up 7/0 from complete idiocy by my teammates. It is just frustrating when I can play so consistently well but my team members can't manage to pull their own weight. I don't understand how people manage to move through the ranks. Maybe I just need to add to my volume of ranked games played and my skill level will slowly start to come through in a much better win loss average. My mere 30 ranked games so far may be too small of a sample size to see perhaps. It's like tossing a fair coin. After 30 tosses, the average may be extremely skewed and nowhere near 50/50, but as you make your way towards 1000 tosses, the actual probability starts to come through as indeed being 50/50.
If you are better than Silver 4 you will win most of your ranked games, and you will naturally gain mmr. 30 ranked games played is too small of a pool of playtime to actually see great improvement.

Guys, i need help...


The amount of trolls and intentional feeders is INSANE! League of legends is getting far more frustrating than fun. :(

I really wish i could play with a premade team for once. -.-

Solo queue or blind pick?

Because you have yet to see the worst of solo queue, trust me. :coffee:

Thing is, seriously don't build assassin ahri, she's supposed to build as a mage since there are others that assassinate people MUCH easier than Ahri. *cough* LeBlanc *cough* *cough*
Ahri is probably the easiest mid champ to delete people with though as an assassin. There is a reason why she is considered the best mid assassin as of late. If you land charm on a squishy target late game and DFG Q W they are dead.
So how about those Season 3 rewards?
I didn't get anything because, I didn't played ranked. Why? Because I was told and told my self I wasn't good enough to play ranked. I probably could have done decently on it too but nope.

So while you all sit there enjoying your icons and shit I'm just be over here trying to change my attitude because damnit I probably could have placed silver if I actually tried.

Am I coming off bitchy? Probably but you know what, I saw my friends the people I play with at least give it a damn try. All I did was sit there doing thinking I can't do ranked because of some stupid arbitrary number that somehow means I'm good enough to actually play ranked.

and then part of me just thinks it would be wiser to just edit my text out of this post and say something else because I'm preaching to the wrong crowd.
I didn't get anything because, I didn't played ranked. Why? Because I was told and told my self I wasn't good enough to play ranked. I probably could have done decently on it too but nope.

So while you all sit there enjoying your icons and shit I'm just be over here trying to change my attitude because damnit I probably could have placed silver if I actually tried.

Am I coming off bitchy? Probably but you know what, I saw my friends the people I play with at least give it a damn try. All I did was sit there doing thinking I can't do ranked because of some stupid arbitrary number that somehow means I'm good enough to actually play ranked.

and then part of me just thinks it would be wiser to just edit my text out of this post and say something else because I'm preaching to the wrong crowd.
Meh, ranked isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's just if you want to take League more seriously.
Him too. I still think Ahri is easier though because her charm isnt an ult, so it's cooldown isn't long, and the charm change gives her high late game burst.
Yea, but it's veerrrryyyy easy to miss charm.... (I agree though, get DFG, hit charm, and everything else will pretty much drop into place XD)

As for Fizz, he doesn't even need his ulti to kill someone, all you have to do is jump directly at the enemy adc's face and throw the rest of your ulti-less combo at him aaaand.... CONGRATULATIONS THE ENEMY ADC HAS BEEN MURDERED!!! (and congratulations you are probably dead but who needs assassins anyway)

I just like building the mage version of ahri because she actually does something in teamfights.

Bitch Fizz please...