League of Legends Thread

I feel so sad not being ranked ;-;

Also, im giving out gifts to people on my friends list. T9kers have priority so, if anyone wants one, let me know! :D

P.S. League name is Walrus12
I feel so sad not being ranked ;-;

Also, im giving out gifts to people on my friends list. T9kers have priority so, if anyone wants one, let me know! :D

P.S. League name is Walrus12

I'm lvl 19, so don't feel bad. You aren't the only non ranked...

And gifts sound nice :D
I doubt I'll hit 30 before the next season and I am okay with that. Been having trouble lately with people autolocking the roles I like even if I call them politely first. :s
I doubt I'll hit 30 before the next season and I am okay with that. Been having trouble lately with people autolocking the roles I like even if I call them politely first. :s

Unfortunately that is prevalent at all levels of play. It more or less forced me to learn to play every position. My suggestion to you is to learn to play every position and just go with it. It is not worth pissing off other people or getting reported just to prove a point by spiting whoever did it. It gets a little better once you get to ranked. I have had some very rewarding experiences with random ranked teams that come together in a mature fashion with one mindset of teamwork and winning the game.
To clarify further, your MMR is essentially a ratio based on wins to losses, with around a 50% win / loss rate being the ultimate goal. If your wins are much greater than your losses, the system attempts to balance that out by placing you with higher skilled players, and vice versa. However, there is an win / loss expectation system tied in that allows for your MMR to drop or increase, more or less, dependent upon if the game expects you to win or lose.
I thought my massive increase in wins would cover up my horrible past of losing every game, buuut i guess i should just rack up more wins. xD

Balanced matchmaking my ass.
I would say that is fairly balanced, if you look at normal wins as well as the ranked win/loss ratio of your team compared to theirs. However, I don't understand how you ended up with unranked teammates if you're playing ranked.
This may have been draft pick
I would say that is fairly balanced, if you look at normal wins as well as the ranked win/loss ratio of your team compared to theirs. However, I don't understand how you ended up with unranked teammates if you're playing ranked.

Normals are completely different from Ranked, they mean nothing. Normals MMR should be different from Ranked MMR.

It was a Ranked match. I have played 200 Ranked matches and I end up with a Fiora who is playing their first Ranked match. Ended up going 2/9. Jinx doesn't even have full masteries yet, and has a Rune Page of scaling AP runes. Fed as well. Elise was AFK for the first 10 minutes and fed right after coming. Nami was actually decent.
And the entire enemy team was Silver and finished the game in 25 minutes.
Fuck Riot's logic.
Normals are completely different from Ranked, they mean nothing. Normals MMR should be different from Ranked MMR.

It was a Ranked match. I have played 200 Ranked matches and I end up with a Fiora who is playing their first Ranked match. Ended up going 2/9. Jinx doesn't even have full masteries yet, and has a Rune Page of scaling AP runes. Fed as well. Elise was AFK for the first 10 minutes and fed right after coming. Nami was actually decent.
And the entire enemy team was Silver and finished the game in 25 minutes.
Fuck Riot's logic.

I'm not saying the Normals MMR has anything to do with it, but it does correlate to some extent as to the level of the person's skill and shows how much experience the player has in the game. I may be incorrect in saying this, but I think the normal MMR is used as a base for your first ranked game.

Also, there is a little difference between Silver V and Bronze I. Anyway, don't worry too much about a single loss and just try your best next time to carry if the odds are not in your favor. Seems weird to me that your teammates would feed and/or be afk considering their records.
Normals are completely different from Ranked, they mean nothing. Normals MMR should be different from Ranked MMR.

It was a Ranked match. I have played 200 Ranked matches and I end up with a Fiora who is playing their first Ranked match. Ended up going 2/9. Jinx doesn't even have full masteries yet, and has a Rune Page of scaling AP runes. Fed as well. Elise was AFK for the first 10 minutes and fed right after coming. Nami was actually decent.
And the entire enemy team was Silver and finished the game in 25 minutes.
Fuck Riot's logic.
She was with you because her MMR was equivalent to yours. It doesn't matter how many games she has played. She can suck balls, but if she is starting out at a fresh 1200 (which, yes, is about Bronze 1) and your MMR is the same then she can be placed with you.

Also, normal MMR does not have to do with ranked MMR.
Holy shit what :confused:
I always thought it affected your Ranked MMR when you first started Ranked...
I need to kill the person who said it worked like that.

I said that as it makes sense for it to work in this manner, as the system needs a base number to go off of before it can choose how to place you initially. Maybe I do not have enough experience with initial ranking, but in my mind the system probably works somewhat similarly to this.