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[MC] Serpent's Pass Thread

IGN (case-sensitive):konflakes
Length of Time in the Community:3 years, 11 months, 3 days
Last OFFICIAL T9k Map Played On (if applicable, See Here for a list of official maps): All
Member to Vouch for You (if you've been here less than a year): Yes.
I've built an iron farm near the station for metro line 6 3. It's communal so feel free to improve it if you can see ways to do so.

At the moment the spawn rate for golems is a bit hit and miss. Not really sure why so if anyone has any ideas feel free to have a fiddle.
I've built an iron farm near the station for metro line 6. It's communal so feel free to improve it if you can see ways to do so.

At the moment the spawn rate for golems is a bit hit and miss. Not really sure why so if anyone has any ideas feel free to have a fiddle.

How far away is it from the big village near the portal? It's recommended that it be at least 100 blocks away to avoid conflict.

Konflakes, Metroid, and Tsysin.... Where are we at with their approvals? We got a water-well competition this weekend!

IGN (case-sensitive): Master_XM
Length of Time in the Community: ~3.5 years (dear god...)
Last OFFICIAL T9k Map Played On: All since the beta Outlands
So here is an image that accurately reflects the current state of Serpents Pass.


  • Serpents Pass.png
    Serpents Pass.png
    1.6 MB · Views: 148