Search results

  1. jrl51592

    R.I.P. Michele Fererro

    Michele Fererro, creator of Nutella and Fererro Rocher, died on Valentine's Day from a prolonged illness. source
  2. jrl51592

    My First Blog!

    Yup, that's right! You read the title correctly. This is my first blog... ever... on T9K... and it's kind of a update with my life, some stuff about me and also some venting and somewhat of life advice too. Anyways time for the update... So what all has been going on with me? Well, quite a bit...
  3. jrl51592

    Microsoft "Rumored" To Buy Mojang?

    Mojang's Statement Microsoft's Statement
  4. jrl51592

    Sort Of A Re-introduction

    I guess I made this thread to re-introduce myself to y'all and let any newcomers know who I am. So, for those of whom that do not know me, or may have forgotten about me, I'm jrl51592. My real name is Jonathan, but you may call me Jon. Like most of you, I discovered T9K through the minecraft...
  5. jrl51592

    Question about community hosted servers!

    Since the official T9K SMP Server is no more, would we still be allowed to post a thread on the Survival Abuse Report page for whatever Community Hosted Server we may be playing on? For example, lets say someone broke one of the server rules (ie. griefing) for that Community Hosted Server. Would...
  6. jrl51592

    Failed To Connect! - Minecraft Classic

    I tried logging into the Minecraft Classic Server and I keep getting this message. I got this message when I tried logging in through my browser, xWoM, and WoM. Is anyone else having this problem? EDIT: I may have found the cause for that error. According to this article that I found, it's...
  7. jrl51592

    jrl51592's Survival Application

    1. In-Game Name: jrl51592 2. Why do you want to join?: Cause I love this server and the T9K community. Plus, playing survival gets boring when you are playing it alone and not with awesome people. 3. If you're new to Team9000, how did you find us?: Not new, been apart of this server since mid...
  8. jrl51592

    Please pray for me and my family.

    I have suffered a tragic lost. On the night of Thursday, Janurary 10, 2013, my cousin was shot and killed. She was 22yrs old and 6 months pregnant. The tragedy has caused my family significant pain and I ask that you all please pray for my family and I, as we deal with this significant loss. I...
  9. jrl51592

    Rockstar Games announced release date for GTAV!

    "Today, we're proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto V is expected to launch worldwide spring 2013 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Developed by series creator Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V takes place in a re-imagined, present-day Southern California in the largest and most thriving...
  10. jrl51592

    Real Life Anime Girl

    When I was checking out the homepage for Yahoo, I saw an article about this 19 year old girl who spends an hour on makeup to look like a Anime cartoon. I was amazed at how good she is so here is an article that I found about her on CNet. It may not be the best article about her but it was the...
  11. jrl51592

    Is a minimap ok?

    I was wondering if having a minimap, is against the server's rules to have? The minimap I was interested in is, Rei's Mini-Map. I haven't installed it yet because I wanted to make sure it was okay to have first. Also here is a video that I found that reviews the minimap.
  12. jrl51592

    Randomly Banned

    I join the server and like 5 seconds of joining it, I got teleported to someone and I kept falling into a big hole that was being dug out with some sort of mod. Then shortly after dieing several times, I got banned. I'm pretty sure someone was hacking on the server. It said to check MCBans when...
  13. jrl51592

    My Tripwire Setup

    I played around with the tripwire and some redstone and this is what I made on my creative single player save. You can use this setup to open your door(s) on survival. I made it so the doors will open from the inside. I know I could just use pressure plates to open the doors but if you are...
  14. jrl51592

    For Dubstep lovers!

    Here is another cool song by Eptic. Enjoy! :D
  15. jrl51592

    Is this okay?

    I was flying around on classic and I find this build. Are builds like this against the rules or are they okay to build? Most of the blocks are unknown on it but I found one that has a name on it. The person's name is, yrHuve
  16. jrl51592

    Screens of grief

    Here are the screenshots of the grief that I was told to post. There is 3 guest who added on to a house built by katwantscupquake and kat didn't say they could add on to it. Also, a room under kat's house got griefed by jan200101. I only got the names of 2 of the 3 guest who griefed and added on...
  17. jrl51592

    inappropiate trolls

    SawSeck, mooimaboss65, and sniper1340 joined the smp server and started being inappropiate. Several people told them to stop but they kept at it.
  18. jrl51592

    Possible Calendar...

    I got to thinking about birthdays and such and I was wondering if it has been suggested before about maybe having a calendar somewhere on the front page. Like it will lets us know of a upcoming birthday or maybe some banner that scrolls near the top of the front page that announces birthdays...
  19. jrl51592

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    Here is some photos I got off the internet to share. Enjoy and I hope you all have a happy easter!
  20. jrl51592


    Since I never posted a thread in the "Introduce Yourself" page, I'm gonna go ahead and post one. Hi, my name is Jonathan, or as yall know me as, jrl51592. I live in the U.S.A. I have been playing minecraft for almost a year now. Before I started to play Minecraft, I use to play Roblox. I grew...