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  1. Rubix

    Hi there!

    I'll add in my two-cents worth of a welcome by saying... er... well... welcome.
  2. Rubix

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    O.o I have those shades. Oakely is the best.
  3. Rubix

    Problem WIth Minecraft for Mac

    I, too, have a Macbook pro, and while i was first setting up minecraft I had some problems with it. Once I figured it out, though, I never had another problem. Try running a virtual machine if all else fails.
  4. Rubix

    MetaPuzzle Challenge -MetaClue #1

    So far: 1. Solved 2. Solved Everything else......... Not so much
  5. Rubix

    MetaPuzzle Challenge -MetaClue #1

    I figured out subclue #2???!?!?!?!? *Le gasp
  6. Rubix

    MetaPuzzle Challenge - MetaClue #2

    aaaand i give up.
  7. Rubix

    The Official Team9000 Holiday MetaPuzzle!

    It's understandable.
  8. Rubix

    The Official Team9000 Holiday MetaPuzzle!

    Found them thanks!!
  9. Rubix

    The Official Team9000 Holiday MetaPuzzle!

    Wait i cannot find said clues...
  10. Rubix


    I would also enjoy membership to Cydonia, as my solo gameplay has led to nothing but the loss of a stack of diamonds. (If you'll have me that is.) Oh, and i also will send all diamond proceeds to the town, as I have no use for petty things such as money. Ask Fox_News.
  11. Rubix

    64 Diamonds were stole from me.

    This^^ (plus i was making a path to the spawn all the way from the east end of the map, so i had 2 stacks of diamonds, like 13 stacks of iron, and 5 stacks of gold)
  12. Rubix

    Well here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.

    *Attempts to derail the thread, just because I'm a jerk like that, and I have nothing better to do.* (Also, the game.)
  13. Rubix

    64 Diamonds were stole from me.

    No, no lies here, only lack of a hard two-three day's work.
  14. Rubix

    64 Diamonds were stole from me.

    Ohh my bad i took a couple things out of it since then (as to not get anything else stolen), but the chest is still there.
  15. Rubix

    64 Diamonds were stole from me.

    I have no knowledge of who did it, but is there ANYTHING that can be done? It's weird because that's all they took. I had a whole other stack right next to it. Just want my diamondsss!
  16. Rubix

    Oh my god guess what guys

    Yea I'm up here in Minnesota don'tcha know, and we have about 3-4 inches. ITS TOO COLD.
  17. Rubix

    Inventory Swap Nonsense

    It's about 7000 blocks away on the x axis, 4000 blocks away on the z axis. It takes about 30 mins because it's a boat ride
  18. Rubix

    Inventory Swap Nonsense

    That totally sucks. The downside to all of this, is that my base is super far away, and I don't have the patience to go all the way back.
  19. Rubix

    Inventory Swap Nonsense

    Haha actually the guy who swapped places with me was nice enough to leave my stuff at my base so it all worked out. :)
  20. Rubix

    Inventory Swap Nonsense

    Nope. Perfectly reasonable. All i lost was a full stack of diamonds .... 0.o