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A home in the hills


Well-Known Member
Ohai gentlemen, I've decided to come back to beta and then lightning struck me; I died a horrible and painful death but my rebirth came along with a revelation: Notch appeared to me and entrusted me with a task. "Build a new city" he said, "do it in my image..." then he spawned some creepers and spiders and vanished. I ran for my life and when i stopped i found myself in the perfect place, so i set up camp there.
The stories and information posted above are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anyway I've decided to make a new city and i'm looking for citizens (whats a city without them?) so if you want to apply just post here. Below you'll find some of the basic rules and style guidelines. More stuff is to come, just give the town some time to grow and we'll sort out everything

  1. Respect your fellow citizens, that includes but its not limited to: griefing, insulting, theft and murder
  2. Keep the town buildings' style to alpine village: that means mostly log, wood, white wool and cobblestone (though you still can use other matierials)
  3. Respect the wilderness:
    • If you cut down a tree, replant two
    • Don't go around digging unless you're flattening the land for a building
    • Mining will be subject to regulation, meaning that there will be a certain number of mine entries and some other feautures, though mining distance won't be limited (that means you can go mining from the town till the spawn as long as you follow the guidelines
  4. Help in any way your fellow citizens, be that sharing resources, fighting or whatever
  5. Farming will be subject to regulation too

Right, here i'll explain in detail mining, farming and building and will provide screenshots of the area.

BUILDING: as you can see from the screenshots the area is a group of mountains connected with each other. What i have in mind is that every citizen builds on a hilltop, with bridges connecting to each other and to public areas. Also i'd like to clarify the alpine village issue: if you google image "alpine village" you'll see what i mean with the choice of materials and style. If you've played TES IV Oblivion, think of Bruma, or Cheydinhal. Also, buildings shouldn't be higher than 2 stocks and a mansard. I'm giving you no bounds on the size, but keep it to a realistic proportion (let's say 35x25 max to give some numbers) That should be all for the building part.

Onward with FARMING: well, we build on hilltops, so there's little space for farming up there. Instead of raping the mountains digging, i say we take the plains and valleys surrounding the area (thre's plenty of space) and farm there. However you will still be allowed to have a small farm near your house with a 5x5 block limit to it.

Now with the fun stuff: MINING: we don't need 20 mine entrances for just one mine, do we? No, infact we'll just make a mine entrance (maybe more in the future depending on how many people will join) to a shared mine. Tunnels in the mine need to be at least 3 blocks wide and 2 tall (3 tall would be better), any tunnel juncion will be marked and there'll be signs indicating the way back to the surface. Forward bases in the mine will be made, i'll have to figure out where. Given these few regulations on mining, the rest is 100% free, that means that, once underground, you can mine to wherever the heck you want.

2011-06-29_06.33.59.png 2011-06-29_06.34.14.png 2011-06-29_06.34.59.png

Current population:14 Updated july 8th
  • Fulgenzio [Major/Founder]
  • BoyHimas [Founder]
  • Charliesis [Founder]
  • tantilla [Founder]
  • Kc006
  • t7seven7t
  • TwistedWicked
  • xXProtoSlash
  • Vorsprung
  • Snowww
  • Koingall
  • TheMoriaMiner
  • Skryter
  • Scotland (if he ever manages to get on)
  • Pasaria
  • Tacodude99
  • Omfgalol

Yay! We're growing up quite fast. if I've missed oout someone tell me :3
oh. nOtch appeared to me last night and he exploded. anyways I apply!! Yayayayaya! Build in the unexplored regions. No grief there. BTW i apply for baker.
Ok so i came up with some names, lemme know which one you prefer.

  • Silvermoon
  • Cloud Top
  • Wolfdale
  • Skybridge

Any other suggestion is appreciated
Skybridge sounds nice. It seems like it is in a nice location. I'd be happy to turn up and help... The Blue Cross is all for expanding further afield.
So after creating a longtunnel and naming the city Skybridge, we're finally open for new citizens! Sign up and get your mountain top to build on!

The Blue Cross is all for expanding further afield.

Can you please translate it to simpleton language? :dynamite:
I would love to join, but I will need to discuss this matter with the founders of the town that I am currently in right now. If all goes well, I would be more then happy to be a citizen in your new, and hopefully, successful new town.

I'll just say again - if you need any help at all, come call me. I'm willing and able.
I'll play :D im dedicated and will keep helping to the end, i have beta but never gone online with it before, any instructions for me?
Just insert mcs.team9000.net as the multiplayer ip. If you're on look for any of the members, they'll guide you to the town