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A home in the hills

I wish to apply for this town. I'm sort of a newb still, and die alot, but i would love toy join you guys.
yeah forgot to mention that our beta server is currently down, will be up in a couple of days i think
"Uh..Bartender?....Hi...yea....um...I'll have whatever HE'S havin'!"

Whoa Fulg: D'you happen to see any other apparitions while on your Vision Quest? Did you see my grandma? Tell 'Nana I said HII!!!!

Haha I kid, I kid. Looks like fun- I hate towns that make me wanna leave mine before its finished ;)
Ok so i came up with some names, lemme know which one you prefer.

  • Silvermoon
  • Cloud Top
  • Wolfdale
  • Skybridge

Any other suggestion is appreciated

Just wingin' it here, you said you appreciate suggestion's: The town is high mountains right? Upper Elevation-ish? How bout "Heaven's Floor"?

I was gonna suggest "Heaven's Gate", but thats the name of that cult that off-ed themselves when Hale Bopp passed by in the late '90's.

Fulgenzio can you post some screenshots of the town? Also I suggest the town's name be: Garden of Eden
I'd like to be a citizen of Skybridge! Protoslash showed me the way and I am currently at Skybridge.