Anyone mind telling me what happened to Vorsprung?

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I don't care about the individual, just the sentiment.

Case in point: Will's my bro, but I despise the fact he brought ponies to the community.

It was bound to happen anyway, this is the Internet after all.

Edit: Although the ponies may have helped with the ban a bit, what did you expect the communities response to said picture....of genitalia...or at least a look alike..
I have to agree with Vorsprung on this one, there would have never been such fuss over all this if it wasn't pony related, also the whole idea of people going as far as making pony themed fleshlights is pretty hilarious, real or not ;D
I have to agree with Vorsprung on this one, there would have never been such fuss over all this if it wasn't pony related, also the whole idea of people going as far as making pony themed fleshlights is pretty hilarious, real or not ;D
What I don't understand is that, rather than just warning me and modsnippin', Woot just bans me.
Banned for what was obviously a joke?
My point still stands?

I actually haven't seen the post but was it initially clarified as a joke, if not that probably is the reason why.

Still though, it's most likely because you were banned before.
Okay that's it.

I don't have a problem with what you posted. I've seen things that would probably disgust most people on this forum, I'll spare you all the details but point-in-case I've seen some severely fucked up shit.
That? That's nothing really. I actually found the image funny, more of a hehe funny because I've seen it before, but meh.

It's all about fucking context, if a brony... let say, myself was to post it as a joke, solely as a joke. I would get shunned for like, a week. The post would be removed and I would get temp-banned. But the person who has clearly stated they have a huge hate ponies, close-to-never posts anything pony related and who has been temp-banned before due to that little fiasco on April fools. Would get that post removed and temp-banned.

Now you say it was to be just a joke but for fucks sake everything tells me it was to both joke and offend, first question. Why did you post it in the image thread instead of the MLP thread, eh? You wanted non-bronies to see it. You weren't aiming it at the fucking bronies, you were aiming it to get a negative response, Maybe get non-bronies to say how fucked up all bronies are. I don't fucking know what you were thinking when you posted that.

Look, even if you posted TF2 Fleshlights you would be temp-banned. Maybe the pony related topic had some sway in it but the rules are rules. Keep it Clean.

Why am I pissed? Because you're fucking pissed. YOU post something that was to offend/joke and get a negative response and when you got that negitive response from a temp-ban from woot you get pissed, of couse you were going too get banned for posting that, you'd get banned for posting anything that isn't clean. What did you expect, Woot to come over and say "Haha, good one Vorspung!" Or rsmv to pat you on the back and say "Classic Vorspung..." Whilst wiping a tear of laugher out of his eye? Maybe Mcfar will come over at give you a high-five and give you a congratulatory muffin.

You posted that for a negative response, and you got it. You nut up and shut up. You bitching wont get you further unbanned.

I don't care about the individual, just the sentiment.

Case in point: Will's my bro, but I despise the fact he brought ponies to the community.
heyheyheyhey, wanna know something bud, Wanna know why I stayed on Team9000?
It's because of ponies, if I didn't see a pony in the banner. I probably wouldn't be here talking with you guys.

Also, one. Small FINAL thing

IF you're going to post something that you know was going to get deleted, THEN WHY THE FUCK POST IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, You should post things so that they can get deleted by mods. That's just retarded ass thinking.

FUCK, dude. I still love you man, I really do. But get your FUCKING priories straight.

Oh yes, might I add those fleshlights are actually real, not branded as MLP, of course. But you can still buy them none-the-less. I've seen where you can buy them.

Oh, and another thing. License to comedy doesn't give you license to post what ever the fuck you want. Anyone can claim anything and if anyone can post anything, that would result in anarchy. Mods have the draw the line somewhere, if you step over the line they'll make an example of you.
I sincerely doubt it was because it was pony related.

I think its more the fact that it was extremely NSFW. While not -actual- genitalia it still very much resembled it, and to top if off, it wasn't even in a spoiler.
I posted NSFW ponies, but it was a link, so you could only see it if you wanted to. So I don't think it's quite that.

I'm not going to deal with your shit anymore. If you bash any community on the site again, before web.rebuild is done, you will be permanently banned.
Well then, make an example of me.

Either ban me outright, or don't beat around the bush and just move on.

Don't sit on the line. Crucify me, let it be. Don't just piss around, fobbing me off fer a few days, then letting my arse sidle back.

I say ban me outright.
Tbh by Vorsprung saying "you people" I am assuming that that he referring to the brony community. I, and many others, find it somewhat offensive to say that if you like MLP then you must have some sort of sexual attraction to ponies. This issue is something that has been dealt with before and to see it happening again, even as a joke, is just downright stupid and trolly and very very wrong.
Tbh by Vorsprung saying "you people" I am assuming that that he referring to the brony community. I, and many others, find it somewhat offensive to say that if you like MLP then you must have some sort of sexual attraction to ponies. This issue is something that has been dealt with before and to see it happening again, even as a joke, is just downright stupid and trolly and very very wrong.
Well then, make an example of me.

Either ban me outright, or don't beat around the bush and just move on.

Don't sit on the line. Crucify me, let it be. Don't just piss around, fobbing me off fer a few days, then letting my arse sidle back.

I say ban me outright.
Where ever have you seen anything anywhere on this site that would even remotely seem like it would condone the posting of pics of such a lewd nature? Use common sense and quit whining about your ban because you lack enough fore-thought to reconsider posting comments or photos that are offensive and inappropriate. Hate speech is hate speech. After now seeing your post, I can totally understand the ban and fail to see where you even remotely have a leg to stand on. Had you just posted the photo, that may have been one thing, but to then write what you had puts a totally different context on the photo as a whole. MLP fans are here and if it is something that disturbs you to this much of an extent, then perhaps your departure is necessary.
Where ever have you seen anything anywhere on this site that would even remotely seem like it would condone the posting of pics of such a lewd nature? Use common sense and quit whining about your ban because you lack enough fore-thought to reconsider posting comments or photos that are offensive and inappropriate. Hate speech is hate speech. After now seeing your post, I can totally understand the ban and fail to see where you even remotely have a leg to stand on. Had you just posted the photo, that may have been one thing, but to then write what you had puts a totally different context on the photo as a whole. MLP fans are here and if it is something that disturbs you to this much of an extent, then perhaps your departure is necessary.
That's what I'm saying.
(I did provide an example, but it's a moot point, and regardless, I don't give a fuck.)

I'm not apologizing - if you want me gone; ban me.

If you give a fuck, back off or do something of consequence.

I don't care any more.
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