Boston Marathon Explosion

... I'm just going to leave this blog post here. It brings up a very interesting point concerning the double amputee. Any Med student or EMT specialist confirm what this blog post is arguing?
"These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston."

Yeah, fuck this guy. Conspirtards will go to insane lengths to stretch every single thing out of everything and think just cause they have a theory means it is the only theory. This guy is taking a FUCKING 5 FRAMES FROM A EXPLOSION AND IS SAYING THEY ARE USING HAND SIGNALS FROM A EXPLOSION TO COMMUNICATE CAUSE THEY ARE ACTING. HOLY FUCKING SHIT ARE THE 3 DEAD PEOPLE ACTING TOO? Did blood fall from the sky and all the people who went to a marathon suddenly payed shills? AND ARE ALL THE FUCKING PEOPLE WITH SHRAPNEL IN THEIR BODYS ACTING?!

Fuck this guy. If a conspirtard has a agenda and does this OF FUCKING COURSE he is gonna pull every living bullshit theory out of his ass and critique every body movement of everything he can find to prove his confirmation bias opinion and go as anti goverment as he can and pull some bullshit theory then pin it on the goverment. Also, are the 2 guys who have had past ties to al qaeda actors too? Did they run from the police and kill a officer cause they were set up too? His honest to god statement is cause 2 people went over to a guy who just lost both his legs and isnt immediately bleeding from a angle behind him, which instantly makes it all fake. No lets not acknowledge anything else, lets focus on 5 frames from armature video of events and ignore any other facts to disprove it.

I dont get how these conspiritards will go through so much to find something wrong with 1 event and instantly claim all other events preceding it or before are automatically denounced false because of his crackpot theory.

I hate conspiritards like this guy cause they disregard a tragedy and play it all off as some sort of game. Fuck this guy.
A cover-up that large would be impossible. Regardless of the oddities explained in the article having to do with the man in the wheelchair, you have to consider the bigger picture. When you do that, it is quite easy to see how utterly absurd his claim is, and how disrespectful it is to the victims.

Anyone is allowed to stand in the places where the two bombs went off. It would not be possible to only have trained actors standing there at the correct time with tens of thousands of people milling about Boston watching the marathon. The number of people involved would be hundreds, if not thousands. The civilian responders, the ambulance drivers, the EMTs, the police officers, almost every single person at the finish line would have had to have been in on it, and to have not a single leak with that many people involved would be astounding. I have a friend in one of my classes this semester who was injured by the explosion. She was there with a friend and her parents. I visited them in the hospital. She had shards of glass taken out of her leg. Her father lost his right leg. Their injuries were very real.

Although I am no EMT or medical professional and can not disprove or invalidate what the author wrote about their injuries, the lack of blood, etc, what I do have is an extremely critical mind, and everything I witnessed is telling me that this was not staged. The police scanner was very real. That also would have had to have been staged. The magnitude of it all is just not plausible.

These types of theories always pop up. I would ignore them and not give them any thought. The people who write them are just desperate for attention, and this is an easy way to get it and spark controversy.

Finally, the one huge thing missing from his analysis is motive. What motive would the government have for staging this bombing? The brothers are being tried in a federal court, and are not being tried as terrorists. That being said, this can't be a backdrop for an excuse to crack down on terrorism and send more armed forces to other countries. The only explanation I can think of for a motive is to pressure politicians to allow more gun regulation and federal control over bomb-making materials. As we can see from the Aurora Massacre and the recently failed bill to increase background checks, this stunt would have been ultimately unproductive and a huge waste of resources.

rsmv also brought up a good point by mentioning the 3 victims. People knew the victims. They had lives, friends, family, relatives, etc. They would have had to stage their deaths and then go live in foreign countries for the rest of their lives, completely abandoning everything. They would also have to stage their bodies for funerals, and so much more. How do they make an 8 year old disappear? Would a family give up their child like that? obviously not.
"These are actors. This is staged. It was flash powder. There was no crock pot nail bomb. There are no bombers, only patsy. If your looking for a gunman look at the Army in the streets of Boston."

Yeah, fuck this guy. Conspirtards will go to insane lengths to stretch every single thing out of everything and think just cause they have a theory means it is the only theory. This guy is taking a FUCKING 5 FRAMES FROM A EXPLOSION AND IS SAYING THEY ARE USING HAND SIGNALS FROM A EXPLOSION TO COMMUNICATE CAUSE THEY ARE ACTING. HOLY FUCKING SHIT ARE THE 3 DEAD PEOPLE ACTING TOO? Did blood fall from the sky and all the people who went to a marathon suddenly payed shills? AND ALL THE FUCKING PEOPLE WITH SHRAPNEL IN THEIR BODYS ACTING?!

Fuck this guy. If a conspirtard has a agenda and does this OF FUCKING COURSE he is gonna pull every living bullshit theory out of his ass and critique every body movement of everything he can find to prove his confirmation bias opinion. And holy fuck if I see a guy with both his legs blown off Im gonna go help the bastard. I hate conspiritards like this guy cause they disregard a tragedy and play it all off as some sort of game. Fuck this guy.
To be honest, I'm not as interested in the claims he's making with the frames of people "communicating via hand signals" as much as the sheer fact that a double-amputation via torn tissue and ligament, the type that blunt-force trauma from ball bearings and shrapnel would cause, would severely bleed, so much that the chances of his survival medically speaking should not have existed. Miracles do happen, but the author of that blog brings a valid point based upon his EMT experience. He's merely explaining what could have happened IF that injury was fabricated. Yes, it falls under a Conspiracy, and will stay that way until all evidence is ruled out for either side, regardless what the mainstream media portrays.
To be honest, I'm not as interested in the claims he's making with the frames of people "communicating via hand signals" as much as the sheer fact that a double-amputation via torn tissue and ligament, the type that blunt-force trauma from ball bearings and shrapnel would cause, would severely bleed, so much that the chances of his survival medically speaking should not have existed. Miracles do happen, but the author of that blog brings a valid point based upon his EMT experience. He's merely explaining what could have happened IF that injury was fabricated. Yes, it falls under a Conspiracy, and will stay that way until all evidence is ruled out for either side, regardless what the mainstream media portrays.

How does any double amputee victim survive, such as the army man in the photo? We live in a profoundly advanced world where scientists can fabricate human tissue and flesh from a single cell. Surgeons can even reconnect nerves when reattaching fingers to people who cut them off. I would not rule out the ability of the wheelchair man to have survived. By disproving the conspiracy theory as a whole, we can prove the reality of this man's wounds, and the fact that he survived and is alive is a testament to how far humanity has come. Unless you want to argue that the conspiracy theory only concerns this man...I fail to see how that would accomplish anything.
After reviewing everything in the article, I can concur a lot with what Stratadon has said. I have a year of EMT training, I can't say I'm an expert but from what all I learned and still retain. That all looks quite real and authentic to me. One of the major things that is pointed out is the "tourniquet" which i find fault with.

If you pay attention, and I've seen numerous shots of it and am drawing this from that. The tourniquet is done with some sort of cloth/bandage, then there is a smaller cord wrapped for the pressure. That is what I'm seeing. I'm a big fan and believer in paracord and if you take even a white tube sock, and a length of paracord, or a shoe lace which will give the same result, and wrap them with the tube sock first as though it's a bandage, then a cord to hold it in place and cut off blood flow you'll see what I'm talking about.

DO an experiment here... Take a shoe lace, a length of paracord, some twine, really any cordage and wrap it around you leg, then pull it tight, you'll see and feel the blood flow cut off just from that. It takes me a matter of seconds to tie a slip knot and apply it to stop blood flow, and it works almost like the rubber band when they take your blood. It's a trick of the trade and is just one of the reasons I carry a paracord bracelet with me almost all the time. Along with a few other EDC things, I can help to save a life with minimal training even though I'm not licensed. I'm one of those people that runs to an accident instead of gawking because I try to help.

As for the article... It's like almost anything of note in history. There's is and will always be some sort of conspiracy theory so keep that in mind!

Also on a side note. If the double amputee couldn't have survived, then how about people that survival other forms of trauma? Gunshot wounds, explosions and the like. One major example 20,000 foot fall and there's quite a few others.
To be honest, I'm not as interested in the claims he's making with the frames of people "communicating via hand signals" as much as the sheer fact that a double-amputation via torn tissue and ligament, the type that blunt-force trauma from ball bearings and shrapnel would cause, would severely bleed, so much that the chances of his survival medically speaking should not have existed. Miracles do happen, but the author of that blog brings a valid point based upon his EMT experience. He's merely explaining what could have happened IF that injury was fabricated. Yes, it falls under a Conspiracy, and will stay that way until all evidence is ruled out for either side, regardless what the mainstream media portrays.
If you look at the comments of that, there are people who explain how it could have had very little bleeding, from hot shrapnel cauterizing the wounds, to the arteries closing themselves off from the tearing (Supposedly, according to some other medical person, there would be more blood if a leg was cleanly cut off than if an explosion ripped it off)
To be honest, I'm not as interested in the claims he's making with the frames of people "communicating via hand signals" as much as the sheer fact that a double-amputation via torn tissue and ligament, the type that blunt-force trauma from ball bearings and shrapnel would cause, would severely bleed, so much that the chances of his survival medically speaking should not have existed. Miracles do happen, but the author of that blog brings a valid point based upon his EMT experience. He's merely explaining what could have happened IF that injury was fabricated. Yes, it falls under a Conspiracy, and will stay that way until all evidence is ruled out for either side, regardless what the mainstream media portrays.
Ahaha, nope. Funnily enough, I looked at his page and holy fucking shit.

"Secondly, for the accusers that suggest I know nothing about trauma (not being a doctor, EMT or trauma nurse) this is true"

"and I tried to make that clear from the outset"
Uuhh... no you didn't...

"I’ve studied and graduated EMT-B certification with the state of Oregon. I’ve been on calls with heavy arterial bleeds, internal bleeding, fatalities, doa’s. I am speaking from direct personal experience with severe trauma."

"The truth is that I don’t really know. "
No shit.

And now after everyone has disproved his claims all he has left to argue about is how the 2 people dont look the same. WELL NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK, ONE PHOTO IS TAKEN RIGHT AFTER THE GUY WAS STANDING NEXT TO A BOMB AND HAS SEVERE BLOOD LOSS. THE OTHER IS 2 DAYS LATER AFTER RECOVERING IN A HOSPITAL. And the rest of his post is conspiracy ranting and false flag bullshit. Even after he cant disprove the amputee he targets the other people who were injured too.

This guy is full of it.
Patchouli, I can agree with the shunting of vessels. Think about when you cut your finger with something blunt, like a stick, versus something like a papercut... A papercut is a clean, shallow cut but always bleeds like hell.
How does any double amputee victim survive, such as the army man in the photo? We live in a profoundly advanced world where scientists can fabricate human tissue and flesh from a single cell. Surgeons can even reconnect nerves when reattaching fingers to people who cut them off. I would not rule out the ability of the wheelchair man to have survived. By disproving the conspiracy theory as a whole, we can prove the reality of this man's wounds, and the fact that he survived and is alive is a testament to how far humanity has come. Unless you want to argue that the conspiracy theory only concerns this man...I fail to see how that would accomplish anything.
refer to the original post I made, where a request for extra information from a Med student or EMT Specialist is made relating to the claim the blog author made.

After reviewing everything in the article, I can concur a lot with what Stratadon has said. I have a year of EMT training, I can't say I'm an expert but from what all I learned and still retain. That all looks quite real and authentic to me. One of the major things that is pointed out is the "tourniquet" which i find fault with.

If you pay attention, and I've seen numerous shots of it and am drawing this from that. The tourniquet is done with some sort of cloth/bandage, then there is a smaller cord wrapped for the pressure. That is what I'm seeing. I'm a big fan and believer in paracord and if you take even a white tube sock, and a length of paracord, or a shoe lace which will give the same result, and wrap them with the tube sock first as though it's a bandage, then a cord to hold it in place and cut off blood flow you'll see what I'm talking about.

DO an experiment here... Take a shoe lace, a length of paracord, some twine, really any cordage and wrap it around you leg, then pull it tight, you'll see and feel the blood flow cut off just from that. It takes me a matter of seconds to tie a slip knot and apply it to stop blood flow, and it works almost like the rubber band when they take your blood. It's a trick of the trade and is just one of the reasons I carry a paracord bracelet with me almost all the time. Along with a few other EDC things, I can help to save a life with minimal training even though I'm not licensed. I'm one of those people that runs to an accident instead of gawking because I try to help.

As for the article... It's like almost anything of note in history. There's is and will always be some sort of conspiracy theory so keep that in mind!

Also on a side note. If the double amputee couldn't have survived, then how about people that survival other forms of trauma? Gunshot wounds, explosions and the like. One major example 20,000 foot fall and there's quite a few others.
If you look at the comments of that, there are people who explain how it could have had very little bleeding, from hot shrapnel cauterizing the wounds, to the arteries closing themselves off from the tearing (Supposedly, according to some other medical person, there would be more blood if a leg was cleanly cut off than if an explosion ripped it off)
Thank you, THESE were the relevant replies I was looking for.
Wow, this thread has evolved from Shocking story, to sad story, to a debate for/against the death penalty and now an online detective discussion. I wonder what will happen next.
Im in the mood for WBC hate, anyone else?

Speaking of which, Patriot Guard blocking the WBC from getting to the funeral of the bombing victims.

(Apparently the WBC didn't even show up. Guess they are smarter then to show up to a city full of people wanting to rip their hearts out)
Im in the mood for WBT hate, anyone else?

Speaking of which, Patriot Guard blocking the WBT from getting to the funeral of the bombing victims.

(Apparently the WBT didn't even show up. Guess they are smarter then to show up to a city full of people wanting to rip their hearts out)

WBT? I understand you're referring to the Westboro Baptist Church, typically referred to as WBC for shorthand... Just though I'd mention it mate. BUT I did like your post... :-D
WBT? I understand you're referring to the Westboro Baptist Church, typically referred to as WBC for shorthand... Just though I'd mention it mate. BUT I did like your post... :-D
Hehe, sorry. It was like 3 am when I made that, not the most aware at that time. :P
After reviewing everything in the article, I can concur a lot with what Stratadon has said. I have a year of EMT training, I can't say I'm an expert but from what all I learned and still retain. That all looks quite real and authentic to me. One of the major things that is pointed out is the "tourniquet" which i find fault with.

If you pay attention, and I've seen numerous shots of it and am drawing this from that. The tourniquet is done with some sort of cloth/bandage, then there is a smaller cord wrapped for the pressure. That is what I'm seeing. I'm a big fan and believer in paracord and if you take even a white tube sock, and a length of paracord, or a shoe lace which will give the same result, and wrap them with the tube sock first as though it's a bandage, then a cord to hold it in place and cut off blood flow you'll see what I'm talking about.

DO an experiment here... Take a shoe lace, a length of paracord, some twine, really any cordage and wrap it around you leg, then pull it tight, you'll see and feel the blood flow cut off just from that. It takes me a matter of seconds to tie a slip knot and apply it to stop blood flow, and it works almost like the rubber band when they take your blood. It's a trick of the trade and is just one of the reasons I carry a paracord bracelet with me almost all the time. Along with a few other EDC things, I can help to save a life with minimal training even though I'm not licensed. I'm one of those people that runs to an accident instead of gawking because I try to help.

As for the article... It's like almost anything of note in history. There's is and will always be some sort of conspiracy theory so keep that in mind!

Also on a side note. If the double amputee couldn't have survived, then how about people that survival other forms of trauma? Gunshot wounds, explosions and the like. One major example 20,000 foot fall and there's quite a few others.

I've also had EMT training, and to add onto what JMAL has said, the amputee had his legs raised in shock position on the scene, which would pool the blood toward his upper body, slowing down exsanguination.

Furthermore, while a severed femoral artery could drain your entire blood supply within minutes, this does not appear to be the case in the pictures. The femoral artery the conspiracy guy is probably thinking of branches into smaller arteries somewhere in the upper thigh. In the pictures, the amputee appears to have lost his legs slightly above the knee, where much smaller arteries would run. The body's natural vasoconstriction response would have an easier time closing off these arteries.

And if you think about it, there are many cases of similar amputations where the patient survived despite not being able to be rushed into an operating room within 10 minutes.

Like shark attacks.

By that EMT's logic, every shark attack victim who had their legs severed above the knee would bleed to death before they ever got to a hospital onshore.

Yet somehow, many survive.
It's a bizarre phenomenom, the number of conspiracy theories that have sprung up in the last week, spanning the entire spectrum from crackpot lunacy to somewhat plausible (if not extremely unlikely). Not just for the bombing, but also the Texas fertilizer plant explosion. There are even people who seriously believe the Chinese Earthquake was deliberately caused by US Military technology.

The people who think it was staged with actors are completely out of their minds. If one believes a government is capable of stooping so low to manipulate people why not believe they're capable of planting real bombs and harming real people? We're all pawns in someone elses game etc etc. But I digress. There's no correlation between a conspiracy theory's plausibility and its likelihood, no matter how much people like to speculate.

Is it plausible that it was an inside job, a false flag? Well, perhaps it's plausible.
Is it likely though? I think not. We're fortunate enough in Western countries to have governments that we can trust enough to be fairly certain they wouldn't attack their own citizens in such a manner.

We should just be thankful this sort of thing happens so rarely in the Western world. In some parts of the world attacks like this are almost a daily occurance.
Keyword here: "reportedly". He was also reportedly armed. He was also reportedly shot back. He was also reportedly didn't shoot back. Im not jumping on any train to follow to the station till after trial. Even then it was already known as it was happening that dozens of shots were fired before he was apprehend, and the only proof is 2 anonymous men saying he did. Ill wait for the police report and evidence after trial thanks cause any word said before hand is about as reliable as a anon on 4chan smoking pot posting his whack ass conspiracy. (And what coincidence all the claims in those articles are all worded to stroke the egos of every conspiracy theorist)

And even then I really couldn't give a fuck about these bastards. Ones dead, ones in custody. Let him rot in jail for his bullshit and focus on the victims.