Boston Marathon Explosion

From Chechnya, the 19 year old was 8 years old, and the 26 year old was 15, when the US let the family come live here. That makes me wonder like way more than before what the fuck happened in their heads. At what point in time did the two just snap.. o_O

Anyways, it was cool being able to watch this live on CNN and listen to the inner investigation of the police on their mics, being able to know things before the news and what was actually happening.
From Chechnya, the 19 year old was 8 years old, and the 26 year old was 15, when the US let the family come live here. That makes me wonder like way more than before what the fuck happened in their heads. At what point in time did the two just snap.. o_O

Anyways, it was cool being able to watch this live on CNN and listen to the inner investigation of the police on their mics, being able to know things before the news and what was actually happening.

I was calling out updates to my family a solid 4 minutes before the media was relaying it to them on the tv. As cool as it is to listen in on police scanners, it could actual pose a serious danger to law enforcement in future situations with more suspects who have access to things like that. The FBI have completely secure lines of communication, I think that local law enforcement agencies should move towards that in the future.
Just a head's up. This is a bit of a wall of text and I apologize for that!

First of all wolf, SPELL CHECK and GRAMMAR CHECK! They're two truly important things. Granted I'm not perfect but trying to decipher a post is annoying and often time pisses a lot of people off. So take the few minutes to check it over and make sure it's spelled correctly and is grammatically correct, or at least mostly correct.

Second, your belief of the "Muslim" religion is truly rasicst and if everyone in the world adopted that form of a belief then millions would die. Think of it this way. More innocent people have been killed by "Christian" people than "Muslim" people. Following your thought process then christian's should pay as well right? The original post was just insensitive mate.

Third, and this is for you Strat. If you want to be "technical" the local law enforcement, and public services for that matter, all use encrypted lines of communication when "tactical" communication or sensitive communication is relayed. Typically what happens is someone breaks the encryption and then others gain access to it and post it. I'm not saying this is what happened, but just that it's normally what does happen. The FBI and other higher end agencies/military organizations tend to have multiple forms and layers of encryption and that is what is used to make the communications secure.

The primary issue is that most local agencies cannot afford to spend the money required to get the level of encryption needed for stronger security on the lines of communication used. This is due to budget restraints and so on. Typically the military and higher governmental agencies have a larger budget and there for can and often times do purchase the capabilities to have a secure lines of communication.
To be honest, I am slightly scared to go run in the 5k race and Boston memorial races that will be happening over the next couple weeks/months.
I just think we need to step up security at all public events, I just wish I had a TARDIS and could go back and stop it from happening
Doing that solves nothing. It's been shown time and again that even after all the upgrades, changes in policy, etc. after 9/11, that it is still relatively simple to get things thru security. Where there's a will, there's a way. The problem is that terrorists, whether homegrown or imported, attempt to exploit our basic fears to push us into a position where we're willing to give up certain liberties for the false belief that we'll somehow be safer. Trying to find the end all solution to terrorists, is essentially the same game with hackers. Build a better mousetrap, and they'll just build a better mouse.

The problem is only made exponentially worse in this day and age where information spreads like wildfire, whether true or otherwise. News agencies only serve to incite the issue further. Gone are the days where journalists actually investigate. Instead they bring on any so-called sudden "expert" to give their uninformed, biased opinion on the matter, based solely on whatever rumors are floating around in the media at the time. If you haven't seen John Stewart's clip from yesterday where he grills CNN for their utter bullshit reporting, then you owe yourself a favor to do so. CNN was lambasting themselves in their "exclusive" inside news that a suspect was in custody, only to have to backtrack on themselves and hour later and then blame their "trusted sources" for the misleading information.

Unfortunately when it comes to media outlets, it's purely a numbers game for viewership. Accountability means nothing. Much like the terrorists, they finely craft their language and wording so as to ensure maximum viewership by poking at our fears and insecurities. Notice how quickly the word Muslim came up right after the bombing. Hey, it was on US soil right? What other group is there to easily scapegoat this on? Even though they'll quickly come back with "but that's just speculation, obviously we'll have to wait for the facts to come to light". But the damage is already done at that point. They know full well that those who already operate under the impression that every Muslim is likely the next suicide bomber will take that clip and twist it and spread it on as "it was one of them Muslims, they just said so on the news!". There is no integrity in news any more, but it's kind of hard for there to be when you have individuals such as Rupert Murdoch who control a commanding percentage of all media outlets.

I would say it amazes me how many people automatically assume that just because somebody declares themself as a Muslim that they have immediate suspicions about the individual, but it doesn't. If history has shown us anything, it's that mankind will always ostracize what it either doesn't like/accept or understand. We can condemn groups like the Westboro Baptist Church and the hatred they try to spread, ironic for bunch of supposed God fearing folks, but that mindset will always exist in some portion of society regardless of how many rally against it. All that we can do is keep up the good fight so to speak, and continue to be good to one another. If there is any shining point to be taken from the Boston bombing, it is that regardless of the all the hate and despair you see in the daily news stories, it's that there are still plenty of good people in the world, willing to rush in and help their fellow man in a time of need.
I was calling out updates to my family a solid 4 minutes before the media was relaying it to them on the tv. As cool as it is to listen in on police scanners, it could actual pose a serious danger to law enforcement in future situations with more suspects who have access to things like that. The FBI have completely secure lines of communication, I think that local law enforcement agencies should move towards that in the future.

In Australia the act of using a scanner to listen in to the PD radios is legal, however it is illegal to record or transmit on such frequencies.

A few years back however the Police switched from Analogue to Digital in most states (that being said, most country town police stations still use analogue), encryption was put into effect on those digital broadcasts.

There are of course Digital Scanners, however the encryption algorithm that they're using (DES-OFB) is serious stuff.
As cool as it is to listen in on police scanners, it could actual pose a serious danger to law enforcement in future situations with more suspects who have access to things like that.

When it comes to operational procedures, I believe radio silence or movement to an encrypted channel is observed, so threats to operational security are minimized.

[collapse=This is what I get for going afk while responding, damn you Jmal and your inb4'ness]
Third, and this is for you Strat. If you want to be "technical" the local law enforcement, and public services for that matter, all use encrypted lines of communication when "tactical" communication or sensitive communication is relayed. Typically what happens is someone breaks the encryption and then others gain access to it and post it. I'm not saying this is what happened, but just that it's normally what does happen. The FBI and other higher end agencies/military organizations tend to have multiple forms and layers of encryption and that is what is used to make the communications secure.

The primary issue is that most local agencies cannot afford to spend the money required to get the level of encryption needed for stronger security on the lines of communication used. This is due to budget restraints and so on. Typically the military and higher governmental agencies have a larger budget and there for can and often times do purchase the capabilities to have a secure lines of communication
I was calling out updates to my family a solid 4 minutes before the media was relaying it to them on the tv. As cool as it is to listen in on police scanners, it could actual pose a serious danger to law enforcement in future situations with more suspects who have access to things like that. The FBI have completely secure lines of communication, I think that local law enforcement agencies should move towards that in the future.
Yeah I was wondering that while I was watching and listening to them, I was thinking like that's such an easy thing for the suspects to go in and listen to, making it so much easier to execute their plans further..
Kagato you mention "If history has shown us anything, it's that mankind will always ostracize what it either doesn't like/accept or understand." and I just had to mention something about this. (Quick backstory) While in college I had to do a paper on an uncommon word that we don't really see or use all that often. (End backstory) I ended up with Xenophobia, which kind of fits here. So I thought I'd mention it. Typically mankind tends to ostracize people that are foreign or strange to us. This in a nut shell would be a form of Xenophobia. At least I personally believe it would be.

Cash, mate we're both relevant with our post's and I believe that if you're going to post something you should get it in when you can. As long as it's relevant that's all that really matters. Sorry for the inconvenience of getting my post in before ya lol. I guess in your words I'm damned lol.
Events like this, indiscriminate attacks on ordinary people, are terrible enough and scary enough in their own right. But what truly terrifies me is not that fact that attacks like this have happened and that people have been killed and injured. What truly terrifies me is seeing how a significant number of people react in the wake of such a thing. I've seen and read some things over the last few days, not here but on news sites, in comments, and on social media, etc., that have made me feel sick to my stomach and made me feel deeply uneasy. I worry about the future of humanity. I really do.
I live in massachusetts, 40 minutes from boston to be exact. It actually was extremely hectic until they captured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. All i know of now is that they are deciding on the charges they are putting on the kid, and I believe he still has yet to say a word to authorities. Also questioning should be happening soon as well.
I live in massachusetts, 40 minutes from boston to be exact. It actually was extremely hectic until they captured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. All i know of now is that they are deciding on the charges they are putting on the kid, and I believe he still has yet to say a word to authorities. Also questioning should be happening soon as well.

Apparently doctors don't think he'll ever be able to speak again. Just read that the gunshot wound on his neck was caused by him putting a gun into his own mouth and pulling the trigger.
Apparently doctors don't think he'll ever be able to speak again. Just read that the gunshot wound on his neck was caused by him putting a gun into his own mouth and pulling the trigger.

If that's what the neck wound is from then he's a coward! He needs to deal with what he's done and pay the penalty.

Strap him to a fucking chair and set up a pressure cooker ide fragmentation bomb right in front of him but in a room/building that is metal plated and lined so you get ricochet!

Ok sorry that's just me ranting I don't think they should go to that extreme, but still. He needs to pay the penalty. On another note, the neck wound is typical of a suicide attempt via gun shot through the mouth. This is because the human instinct of survival is to jerk due to preservation of life at the last second and it changes the trajectory... just saying. It's a bit of knowledge I have.
Strap him to a fucking chair and set up a pressure cooker ide fragmentation bomb right in front of him but in a room/building that is metal plated and lined so you get ricochet!
Well, he does think that a pressure cooker bomb represents an acceptable method of communication, so I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with being near one.

I agree, though, they shouldn't do anything that extreme.