Boston Marathon Explosion

He must be punished, in a very... unpleasant way. Not the extreme way, but his punishment must NOT be gentle for this.... unless he has mental issues, that's another story.....
He must be punished, in a very... unpleasant way. Not the extreme way, but his punishment must NOT be gentle for this.... unless he has mental issues, that's another story.....

Yes, because sadistic torture as punishment is so much better than bombing civilian targets.

Even Anders Breivik was given a fair criminal trial and he bombed government buildings and shot dead 69 people in cold blood, most of them teenagers.
Yes, because sadistic torture as punishment is so much better than bombing civilian targets.

Even Anders Breivik was given a fair criminal trial and he bombed government buildings and shot dead 69 people in cold blood, most of them teenagers.

Hey, I'm willing to take one for the team and be labeled a "Monster" by the people who are against slow sadistic torture...Just give me about an hour and a sound proof room and a couple of tools of my choosing.
Hey, I'm willing to take one for the team and be labeled a "Monster" by the people who are against slow sadistic torture...Just give me about an hour and a sound proof room and a couple of tools of my choosing.
Right there is the problem with us human, we think we need to fight violence with violence. There is a known torture far better than any man made tool called time. We think giving this man a "slow sadistic torture" is what he deserves? Yes, he did something horrible but does that mean we have to end his life? Time is the best torture there is, day after day after day, this man will forever by branched he will remember what he did every second of every day. There is no greater torture.
Right there is the problem with us human, we think we need to fight violence with violence. There is a known torture far better than any man made tool called time. We think giving this man a "slow sadistic torture" is what he deserves? Yes, he did something horrible but does that mean we have to end his life? Time is the best torture there is, day after day after day, this man will forever by branched he will remember what he did every second of every day. There is no greater torture.
We won't have to. Given his actions prior, he'll be dead within a few months from his own hands.
Right there is the problem with us human, we think we need to fight violence with violence. There is a known torture far better than any man made tool called time. We think giving this man a "slow sadistic torture" is what he deserves? Yes, he did something horrible but does that mean we have to end his life? Time is the best torture there is, day after day after day, this man will forever by branched he will remember what he did every second of every day. There is no greater torture.

Are you willing to pay for his stay in jail? All we can hope is he commits suicide after the FBI gets as much information as possible out of him.
No fucking hell don't murder him like some ravage beasts, I'm sure us Americans can contain our sadness and frustration and be calm with people that do things like this, WITHOUT BRUTALLY MURDERING THE GUY O_O that makes us look just as bad as he does for doing such things. I mean, sure, he isn't innocent, he did kill innocent people.. but him and his brother most likely have some crazy mental disorder, while whoever deals with him, probably doesn't.. just no one else needs to die..

Edit: Hope he commits suicide?
No fucking hell don't murder him like some ravage beasts, I'm sure us Americans can contain our sadness and frustration and be calm with people that do things like this, WITHOUT BRUTALLY MURDERING THE GUY O_O that makes us look just as bad as he does for doing such things. I mean, sure, he isn't innocent, he did kill innocent people.. but him and his brother most likely have some crazy mental disorder, while whoever deals with him, probably doesn't.. just no one else needs to die..

Edit: Hope he commits suicide?

While I agree that torture and murder are wrong, I don't feel that this was done because of some "crazy mental disorder". This was planned and methodical. It wasn't just some nut who charged in guns blazing one day out of the blue.
I don't think he should get the death penalty, no one should. But a very, very long prison sentence, yes, he deserves that.
While I agree that torture and murder are wrong, I don't feel that this was done because of some "crazy mental disorder". This was planned and methodical. It wasn't just some nut who charged in guns blazing one day out of the blue.
It takes someone seriously fucked up in the head to randomly kill someone, nevermind spending weeks and weeks planning it. That is more than less likely a mental disorder.
It takes someone seriously fucked up in the head to randomly kill someone, nevermind spending weeks and weeks planning it. That is more than less likely a mental disorder.
They were religious terrorists. Tsarnaev was known to the FSB, and later the FBI, as follower of radical Islam, and I'd bet that Dzhokhar was influenced more by his older brother than the radicals of his religion (or influenced enough to become a follower of radical Islam).
They were religious terrorists. Tsarnaev was known to the FSB, and later the FBI, as follower of radical Islam, and I'd bet that Dzhokhar was influenced more by his older brother than the radicals of his religion (or influenced enough to become a follower of radical Islam).
Still fucked up -.-
Long life sentence. That's it. No death, because he wants that. That way, he can live with the horrible crimes he has done.
But the point of a life sentence is that it really only "works" if the person show's remorse and or sorrow for what they're done. If he doesn't have any of that, then it'll just be living with some serious restrictions and hardships... nothing else...
Long life sentence. That's it. No death, because he wants that. That way, he can live with the horrible crimes he has done.
But the point of a life sentence is that it really only "works" if the person show's remorse and or sorrow for what they're done. If he doesn't have any of that, then it'll just be living with some serious restrictions and hardships... nothing else...

This talk seems to be of how best to take revenge on this guy. I don't like it.
Cacti it's my fault I started it because I ranted when I pissed, and then it's just kept going. I was just making the statement though that what one person may see as punishment may not actually be punishment...