Contest Ideas

well as this thread was derailed a while back.....I will post a legitimate suggestion.

I suggest perhaps a large scale scavenger hunt with a long list of ridiculous items and tasks. Players who take part in the hunt, must perform a task on the list and have their picture taken with the object or performing the specific task. There will of course be a time limit and there will have to be a group of non partisan judges who not only make the list, but will judge the contestants on each of the pics taken. the details of scoring can be worked out amongst the judges, but ultimately I think it would be hysterical, a lot of fun, and a way for the community to really participate. this will not negate anyone from playing that wants to play as nobody is forced to participate but if you want to the tasks will be spread out so that anybody can participate.

just a thought.
well as this thread was derailed a while back.....I will post a legitimate suggestion.

I suggest perhaps a large scale scavenger hunt with a long list of ridiculous items and tasks. Players who take part in the hunt, must perform a task on the list and have their picture taken with the object or performing the specific task. There will of course be a time limit and there will have to be a group of non partisan judges who not only make the list, but will judge the contestants on each of the pics taken. the details of scoring can be worked out amongst the judges, but ultimately I think it would be hysterical, a lot of fun, and a way for the community to really participate. this will not negate anyone from playing that wants to play as nobody is forced to participate but if you want to the tasks will be spread out so that anybody can participate.

just a thought.
What should that be? Could you give me an example of such an task, which can be done all over the world? :)
What should that be? Could you give me an example of such an task, which can be done all over the world? :)

well not every task will be for everyone, but there should be a hell of a long list of tasks so it adds difficulty and so everyone can be involved at some point.

for instance

things like but not at all limited to:

Ride a child's tricycle through a construction site wearing a cowboy hat
Find a U.S. Penny minted in 1999
Take a picture with at least 4 friends in zombie makeup
Take a picture of yourself on a roller-coaster
Find a chrome manikin
Take a picture of yourself holding as many electronics as possible
Create a suit of armor out of household objects

I could seriously keep going for hours....not everyone will be able to do all of them easily, but everyone can be included.
I was about to come in here pissed at people derailing this thread. Not only was I surprised to find it back on track, but that is the best contest idea I have heard yet. Thank you. I want to start up the contest again after pl4t0s event he is starting, so expect to see them coming along the beginning of next year
your welcome, however I am torn, because I would really really really want to participate in a scavenger hunt, however I would really really really want to be a judge for a scavenger hunt.
I'm really loving the scavenger hunt idea. Lots of lols and fun to be had "riding a child's tricycle through a construction site wearing a cowboy hat" would be one of the things I would love to do!
well not every task will be for everyone, but there should be a hell of a long list of tasks so it adds difficulty and so everyone can be involved at some point.

for instance

things like but not at all limited to:

Ride a child's tricycle through a construction site wearing a cowboy hat
Find a U.S. Penny minted in 1999
Take a picture with at least 4 friends in zombie makeup
Take a picture of yourself on a roller-coaster
Find a chrome manikin
Take a picture of yourself holding as many electronics as possible
Create a suit of armor out of household objects

I could seriously keep going for hours....not everyone will be able to do all of them easily, but everyone can be included.
Sounds like a really great idea... However, I'd be hard-pressed to find a U.S penny of any kind, let alone one from 1999. And I have a coin collection. :D
Vorsprung said:
Sounds like a really great idea... However, I'd be hard-pressed to find a U.S penny of any kind, let alone one from 1999. And I have a coin collection. :D

Yep, me 2. :P
How about a 1908 "S" penny?
Those things are worth a ton, and would spice up the competition! (Joking of course)

Also, would we be able to do these in games? Like a pixel art of yourself on a tricycle, and a minecart roller coaster, and all sorts of fun.
Who says we only have to have one?


Sounds like a really great idea... However, I'd be hard-pressed to find a U.S penny of any kind, let alone one from 1999. And I have a coin collection. :D

That is kinda the point though, to make the list long enough and spread out enough to add a level of difficulty that not everyone will be able to complete everything, but everyone will be able to at least participate.

Also, would we be able to do these in games? Like a pixel art of yourself on a tricycle, and a minecart roller coaster, and all sorts of fun.

well if this actually happens, I would say no, however everything is also open to interpretation. like Vorspring said, it would be hard for him to find an actually penny minted in 1999, but that does not say that it needs to be a real penny, he could make a giant paper mache penny with a mint stamp from 1999, it would be hilarious and unique and if a point system is incorporated it could be fantastic

there will of course be obvious rules put in place though, and probably a few disclaimers as well. If casey decides to go ahead and use this as a contest all the details will of course be hammered out.
I have many many ideas now actually. This might be the first contest I start up, or I might do something else. This will be involved in SOMETHING in the future though, that I promise. For now, that something is a secret. :)

Thanks again godlib, for the awesome idea. You will be hearing from me shortly. I need to iron out a few details and come up with a solid plan before I start involving others :)
Here is an idea for contest.

Firs people apply, blah blah as usual.

Then you post a picture and people have to make that. Which ever it be, a building, a model, what ever. No copying and stuff, if stuff is 90% similar not count. Not same proportions