Creating A 64 bit RPG. Possible Giveaway to Team9000?

Tomorrow I'll give a basic outline of my RPG. This way, people from Team9000 can give me their opinions as to how good it is.
The Team9000 collaborative project, Patch's rpg and your one are things I'm all looking forward to and I'd be happy to give any input on your project.

If I may ask what is the theme for the game itself? Fantasy, Steampunk, Futuristic, etc?
I am trying to mix Fantasy and Sci-Fi together. I also mention a "Great Disaster" That happened many years ago, hinting that a nuclear crisis hit and caused most of the world to fall apart, but a few survivors recreated the world. (Might make a prequel based off of this.)

I'll explain more tomorrow, but I gotta go clean then head to bed in a bit.
I am trying to mix Fantasy and Sci-Fi together. I also mention a "Great Disaster" That happened many years ago, hinting that a nuclear crisis hit and caused most of the world to fall apart, but a few survivors recreated the world. (Might make a prequel based off of this.)

I'll explain more tomorrow, but I gotta go clean then head to bed in a bit.

Mkay, I'll reserve any further comments until tomorrow.
As Thee said, I'm totally happy to proof-read any scripts or anything if you run it past me,
Or even give creative input if you like.

I know how to speak words yo
I'm heaps learnèd
Not sure...I'm thinking more of a sword called The Wooty. Still not sure what it'll do or what it'll look like, but it'll be pretty decent.

Also, This isn't the best RPG engine, I know, but it's a start.
Obviously it will be a sword that will break anything it touches :P
And then it turns those items into gold.
Good morning all! As promised, I will try to cover a lot of the important details about my RPG, as well as answer questions about it.

*NOTE* Most names are subject to change.

Prequel-Many years before The Great Crisis (Skip this if you aren't interested in the backstory behind the villain.)

There was a kingdom somewhere in a land that was once known as Europe. The kingdom was very prosperous, and the people were happy. It was because of their King, _________, who many times prevented catastrophe.
This kind had two sons, Drake and Aaron. Both sons were gentle, kind, and loved to help others. Drake, the eldest and rightful heir to the throne, would spend his free time hunting outside the gates of the castle, which gave him an extensive knowledge of the local wildlife. He also loved to read Arcane books. Aaron, on the other hand, spent his time training on dummies, but he liked to walk around town and help others more.
Over the years, the King grew old, and he was going to appoint one of his sons to be crowned King of _______. So Drake walks up, filled with excitement for the opportunity to wear the crown. But his father had visited an oracle a couple nights before. The oracle predicted that Drake had evil in him, and he shouldn't be crowned king. So he chose Aaron to be crowned instead.
Drake was outraged. He was the heir to the throne and he knew it. His father told him from a young age he was going to be King. So he stormed off into his room. He was weak, when a shady figure, an old and dying man with extremely pale skin and wearing a cloak appears. He walks straight up to Drake, and he gives him an Evil tome, filled with forbidden and forgotten magics. Then...Poof! He was gone. Once Drake opened the book, he knew what he had to do.
In the silence of the night, Drake sneaked into his father's room and killed him by stopping his heart. He then went out to the gates and blasted them open, allowing all of the feral creatures to enter. With his magic, he turned the creatures into an army. He marched through the castle gate, up to the throne room, and he attacked his brother. Aaron was strong though, as he sliced through Drake's army, he had gotten Drake through the heart.
When Aaron noticed that his brother was still breathing, he had Drake executed by being thrown in a pit of fire (The only way to easily kill an arcane criminal, because no magic can save you from fire. Not like you can make water out of thin air). Once Drake was thrown in the fire he had experienced death. But when a Shinigami came to collect him, He had used a dark magic, and destroyed the Shinigami. He then returned to the Human world, his skin twisted and scorched black, and killed all who were at the execution chamber. But he was stopped by his brother once more, who banished him into a new realm for all eternity. Drake was thought to be gone forever.

Present day-The year is ____ (Sometime in the future many years after The Great Crisis, which takes place in the 2010's)

You play as Leon, a young prince who was a descendant of Aaron. After a disaster forces him to leave his kingdom, he must go out to find his father, King Elric. who was taken prisoner by an unknown group. But Leon soon learns that much more is going on than just his father's disappearance, from a war between two of the Advanced Nations (Nations who moved away from Arcane arts and decided to take the path of Science), to the reawakening of a great evil, a man who in ancient folklore was banished into another realm. Leon finds help along the way, as he faces all of the dangers the land of _________ beholds!

(Sorry for the long prelude. I had it stuck in my head about 2 years ago).
I realized that I need someone who is good at making music. I'm not sure what all types of music will be needed, so if you want to be my musician, just send me some of your work.
I'm going to go ahead and continue on without my graphics guy for a while, but if you want to try for it, just show me how good you are at it.
I'll give the art a shot while I'm home. Work on your backstory more, is my advice. I got lost halfway through due to ADD-style writing and boring.
Me and my brother just thought of a new idea:

The afterlife in this game during this time frame is being siphoned by a soul trap. The being behind this is a grand shapeshifter who plans on using the souls he siphons to kill the deities of the afterlife and replace them. So that souls won't attempt to leave the soul trap, the shapeshifter made it look like it was heaven. At one point in the game, you must defeat this false deity. He constantly changes forms from a Golem, to a Dragon, to a Phoenix, to many more. Once you defeat him, he "overloads", transforming into a monstrosity of a fusion of many creatures. Worse, he can't change back. You must fight him again later in this form.
Me and my brother just thought of a new idea:

The afterlife in this game during this time frame is being siphoned by a soul trap. The being behind this is a grand shapeshifter who plans on using the souls he siphons to kill the deities of the afterlife and replace them. So that souls won't attempt to leave the soul trap, the shapeshifter made it look like it was heaven. At one point in the game, you must defeat this false deity. He constantly changes forms from a Golem, to a Dragon, to a Phoenix, to many more. Once you defeat him, he "overloads", transforming into a monstrosity of a fusion of many creatures. Worse, he can't change back. You must fight him again later in this form.
So he turns into a Chimera?
not bad, not bad
Present day-The year is ____ (Sometime in the future many years after The Great Crisis, which takes place in the 2010's)

But seriously,
copying an idea from a pretty mediocre manga is pretty eh,

And the whole "flash-forward-to-present-day-because-modern-context-so-edgy" just doesn't work too well.

Like, I'unno.
Proofreading wise it's pretty good but if you want me to go over it in detail give me a ring
ok after reading the major plot idea's you had it honestly reminded me of a FPG game that's out there. Just a little know game series called Fallout.
Tried to make concept art for a boss today.
Failed :P so I'll just explain the boss. (Not his story yet though.)

He is the commander (later general) of the military group PHOENIX. He attacks you with a sword and a specially crafted Desert Eagle. He uses artificial mana to debuff you and your team. Defeating him drops his Desert Eagle, which has an extremely high critical hit chance and allows the user to use a skill which makes your shot stronger but lowers your speed.

The second or third (depending if you fight him once as a commander and once as a general), you find out that he is now a creature called a Demi (which is half-human, half-crystalline creature I formerly named Shamblers). During this battle, he has crystal wings and armor around most of his body. He will attack you with a sword and a claw made out of crystal, as well as cast very strong magic moves at you. Once defeated, he drops a key item, Crystal Gauntlet, which allows you to open doors that are covered in crystal.

NOTE* The Gauntlet may be an equippable armour, but not sure yet.