Creating A 64 bit RPG. Possible Giveaway to Team9000?

NOTE* The Gauntlet may be an equippable armour, but not sure yet.
Have a separate part of the inventory/bag designated for Key Items, Items that can't be worn or dropped but are needed for important pieces of gameplay or the story. Having a separate section for them to be stored would prevent them from clogging up valuable bag/inventory space. Having to equip that just to pass a door and then re-equip your preferred weapon or armor again is un-necessary.
I would tend to agree with you thee, honestly thinking about it one of the best inventory systems I've seen in a game has to be that of the Zelda series. You are given what you need and that's it. If you need a key for a dungeon, oh hey look you complete task 1 and get key 1 and so on. I'm sure many of you remember it as well. Just thought I'd mention it...
Have a separate part of the inventory/bag designated for Key Items, Items that can't be worn or dropped but are needed for important pieces of gameplay or the story. Having a separate section for them to be stored would prevent them from clogging up valuable bag/inventory space. Having to equip that just to pass a door and then re-equip your preferred weapon or armor again is un-necessary.
I'm still trying to figure things out. I have a basic idea for my RPG, but other than that, it's pretty hollow...

The inventory system I haven't decided on yet. Really wish this system would allow me to make my own battle system from scratch other than use it's battle system.

Also, just to test out a few things with the system, I am working on a project called the Fools Maze. It's a 3 floor maze with one exit, and is endless on all sides. Enemies will approach you, but they shouldn't be too bad as long as you keep Potions on you. The goal is to find the three keys and activate the portal, which will then end the game. No plot, no storyline, just a maze to test my skills and boundaries.
I'm still trying to figure things out. I have a basic idea for my RPG, but other than that, it's pretty hollow...

The inventory system I haven't decided on yet. Really wish this system would allow me to make my own battle system from scratch other than use it's battle system.

Also, just to test out a few things with the system, I am working on a project called the Fools Maze. It's a 3 floor maze with one exit, and is endless on all sides. Enemies will approach you, but they shouldn't be too bad as long as you keep Potions on you. The goal is to find the three keys and activate the portal, which will then end the game. No plot, no storyline, just a maze to test my skills and boundaries.
When you say "endless", I'll assume you mean it will act like Pac-Man where you leave one side and enter the other side.
Sorry for not replying. End of school year's goin on, so I've been too busy to do much. I still need a graphics person, so if you are good at that, message me or reply on here.
I want to know from the people here...Should I continue with the story I have so far, or ditch the ideas and make a game, still RPG, about Team9000? I got the idea from this:
I want to know from the people here...Should I continue with the story I have so far, or ditch the ideas and make a game, still RPG, about Team9000? I got the idea from this:
We are already making a T9K themed game, but sure

We are already making a T9K themed game, but sure

I don't want to be competition, although I may make more than one game sometime in the future...

Anyways, I have found new inspiration, and am going to continue making my game now.

If you want to be of help, contact me. Soon I'll make a conversation for those willing to help and will try to keep you all updated. I will also make a beta version for people who are willing to help.
Trying to revise the story some. I'm trying to use some obviously cliche ideas, as well as use my own. I think years of revising my ideas have crushed it. I'm going to try to revise it for good.

First off, I might make it more like fantasy with guns. I know it's cliche, but I want to make a powerful army that use guns and "false mana" to attack. Only some people are born with the capability of using magic, but there are other ways of obtaining it, such as from a magical being or a mystical object. I was originally going to use the old "farmboy hero" beginning for my hero, but my brother thought a young prince who was separated from his father/his father was killed would be better.

I'm not so sure about my villain's motives anymore. His normal motives was to help the world, but his idea was to erase the world and start over, having no bad intentions. But that's too cliche.

Anyways, I guess I'll need to revise my story, and will be accepting ideas that may be of use.