Doctor Who... The Ongoing Discussion

It was good to see river again, but not so good to see the angles(things gave me nightmares first time I've seen them)
Also, Matt Smith will change his costume but keep the bowtie (cause they are cool) because it reminds him too much of the Ponds (confirmed), get a new companion (confirmed) and he is going to be leaving at the end of Season 8 (not fully confirmed)
I am confuzzled by this:
Oswin Oswald: Girl who gets turned into a Dalek - Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman
Clara/Dana Oswin: Doctor's next companion - Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman

I'm still catching up on Doctor who and am half way through Matt Smith's second season so right now I'm like:
I'm a little behind on the series. No-one spoil it!

Though, so far, absolutely amazing. They really have created an amazing series. Some notes for you guys:
• Second half of the series early next year (April-ish)
• Series 8 later next year, full series with Clara
• Movie next year, completely non-canon. Not 11th doctor, just random other stuff. Should still be good.
I loved how Moffat handled the Daleks. Noting that the Doctor had wiped out the Daleks several times (which got kind of old and repetitive), there's a scene where a Dalek is about to self-destruct, so the Doctor pushes it back to a room with a dozen Daleks, killing them all. Then Rory comes in and asks "who killed all the Daleks?", to which the Doctor replies "Who do you think?". :D To top it all off, the Doctor doesn't wipe out the Daleks for the upteemth time.
After the Angels Take Manhattan, I hate Moffat... Also, never knew there were so many peolpe who watched Doctor Who on T9K :p
I am confuzzled by this:
Oswin Oswald: Girl who gets turned into a Dalek - Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman
Clara/Dana Oswin: Doctor's next companion - Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman


Not the first time something like that has happened. Freema Agyeman played Adeola Oshodi in series 2 before she was cast as Martha Jones (they included a line that linked Adeola and Martha as cousins). Also there was Eve Myles who played Gwyneth in the Unquiet Dead who went on to play Gwen Cooper in Torchwood.