DotA 2 General

To be honest, I used to think that PL was over powered. But now, after seeing him less and less in the pro scene, as well as the resent nerf to his illusion damage, I feel that he is simply a strong hero. I don't think that he is over powered or un-beatable. His ability to come back from a poor start is still impressive though.

4.2 AGI gain

it was lina weaver sd top with alch solo bot and qop solo mid radiant/ clock ds bot with doom mid and silencer gyro top dire
I missed a total of 5 hooks that game, not including where a teammate would walk in front of me, while I was asking to clear the way.

I'd mostly just wait for sd or Lina to go off alone, and cross map hook and finish with cogs/assault/autoattacks. Clock is an amazing hero for shutting down squishy supports who have 0 farm. And with the aggressive trilane top, which they didn't get any kills in, screwed them over with farm/xp. Not hard for a level 7 clock to murder a level 4 lina/sd. Midgame the alch and weaver were able to just suicide push, and beat the crap out of our base. It ended with us have two rax down, and us using the gyro rapier and my hook to stun the bkb's, and murder. Enjoyable game, commends all around, but boy was it long.
This game is honestly the craziest, most chaotic, hilarious, and entertaining professional game I have ever watched in my entire life.

How to be annoying as disruptor! Played this game 2 days ago.
Match id: 255581553
I tell you, the enemy all hates me. Especially queen of pain.
230 hours of playing dota 2 later... I still have no idea what I'm doing.

Coming from someone with 600+ hours of dota 2... That feeling doesn't change much. It just changes from "I have no idea what I'm doing" to "I know what I should be doing but I can't do it."

[collapse=Unrelated funny dota 2 videos]

Coming from someone with 600+ hours of dota 2... That feeling doesn't change much. It just changes to "I have no idea what I'm doing" to "I know what I should be doing but I can't do it."

[collapse=Unrelated funny dota 2 videos]

I have frequent cases of "I know what I should have done but my reflexes weren't fast enough" and "I know what I should be doing but I just can't be bothered" (in the case of warding and rune control).