Facebook Stupidity Thread

I cried with laughter when I saw a photo that said "share for god and ignore for satan".....I had laughter because the so called picture of god was one of Zeus
I only add people im related to or that i'm actually friends with. That way, i almost never get stupid pictures/feeds. Facebook is the only way i can talk to my cousins since they live far away and we all hate using phones....

I have a big story to post. That just happened. T___T this is why I hate my boyfriend's little brother. And more importantly, stupid people that just want to piss off the world so more people can hate them.
I hate the posts where it's like, a cancer patient, such as the little girl above, and it's like "like if you think she's beautiful"

No. No. No. No. NO. You wouldn't give a damn care about this girl if she wasn't going through an extremely fatal sickness. Quit fucking exploiting people with disablilities just for a damn like! And, also, you wouldn't be calling her beautiful if she was just another little girl, yes she is adorable, but that's because she's a child. A child that doesn't get any help from a billion fucking likes. Fuck. You.

I swear, life would be awesome without seeing
omg summer!
guys look at me! beer bottles in my hands at 14!
lol im so ugly
Fuckingdumbassgirl is now in a relationship with retardedjohn
guys im taking a shit look at this picture, like if you take a shit everyday
Guys like if you love god. (what does that prove? nothing.)

gosh and whenever I say something positive, people are like why do you post this?
It's fucking true jackass.
I post a picture saying
"Yolo is Carpe Diem for stupid people."
>dude wtf yolo is cool
>^Fuck you you stupid ass retard.

I only add people im related to or that i'm actually friends with. That way, i almost never get stupid pictures/feeds. Facebook is the only way i can talk to my cousins since they live far away and we all hate using phones....

I tried to do that. But my friends go and "like" the stupid pictures. So they still clutter my newsfeed T^T