Feed The Beast Ultimate Server

Server has been transferred and is now running on the IP and port given in the conversation. Have fun guys!
If the waypoints work the same way they did for rei's minimap, you can find the waypoints file and rename it for the current ip.
Its working for me but i will tell you this. There are times when ftb does not load the mods. The easy way around it is to delete the ultimate files or force an update
Your in-game name: Kris19642
Have you been banned from Team9000 before?: Once, from Classic accidentaly
Were you a member of my tekkit server?: I was not.
Any suggestions you have for items to be disabled?: None.
Server Host said:
A DDoS attack against a customer in Dallas exceeded our 10 Gbps of capacity with InterNAP and caused a brief period of packet loss between approximately 11:05am CDT and 11:09am CDT. We are working with InterNAP to apply filters to prevent further attacks against this customer from causing collateral damage.