Feed The Beast Ultimate Server


The new IPs have been assigned to my server, and I have adjusted the IP address for the UFTB gameserver. You will now need to use the following IP to connect:

No port is necessary, but if you're slightly OCD, just use 25565.

Until tshin aims his DNS at that IP, the numerical IP will have to do.

That is all.

The new IPs have been assigned to my server, and I have adjusted the IP address for the UFTB gameserver. You will now need to use the following IP to connect:


No port is necessary, but if you're slightly OCD, just use 25565.

Until tshin aims his DNS at that IP, the numerical IP will have to do.

That is all.

I think you might want to remove the IP from your post unless you have a whitelist in the server.
To apply for the whitelist, please fill out the following form:
Your in-game name:
Have you been banned from Team9000 before?
Were you a member of my tekkit server?
Any suggestions you have for items to be disabled?

Basic Rules of Team9000 apply to this server

I will send those that apply the IP via a converstation.

I wouldn't put it past tshin to just keep the IP private for the whitelist like he did for FTB Beta and Tekkit. It can end badly if the whitelist is violated.
I wouldn't put it past tshin to just keep the IP private for the whitelist like he did for FTB Beta and Tekkit. It can end badly if the whitelist is violated.

I am wondering if you could add support for Damage Indicators on the Feed the beast server. To support this on the server you need to install the bukkit or forge plugin available on the download page. The page says "Server no longer needs to have to mod installed." but that only applies to Mincecraft 1.6.2.


To install this mod for your client, in the launcher click "Edit Modpack" with Feed the Beast Ultimate selected. Then add the zip file for 1.4.7 and then launch the game.
I'll look into installing that. As of right now the IP is on the first page, but you still need to apply to the whitelist.
Your in-game name: ganglyalexander
Have you been banned from Team9000 before?: no
Were you a member of my tekkit server?: no
Any suggestions you have for items to be disabled?: nope
Would anybody be interested in a new world?

There is a command and method for creating a stable mystcraft age like the over-world. I think that is a better option for a new map than wiping the over-world.

EDIT: Just logged in and it looks like you rolled back the server 2 weeks. What happened to cause you to do a 2 week rollback?