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Free skins for everyone!


I'm creating this thread for anyone who would like to have an amazing Minecraft skin without having to search for it.

I'm actually creating some of those and I'm offering my little talent in Pixel art to all of you. I can do whatever you want (except some little things). The only thing I'm asking is a brief description of what you want. It shouldn't be really long... I'm actually quite fast at it.

This is a little something that you might complete if you want a new skin :
Minecraft Username :

Short Description of the skin:

Colors Used :

Related Pictures (if possible) :

For some of my creations : http://www.minershoes.com/browse/author/141377
Minecraft Username : Miyyu
Short Description of the skin: Female Jedi, long pink hair. I want the skin to be textured as compared to a flat color. For the eyes, can you not have it be the stereotypical eyes female skins have these days?
Colors Used : Darker color for the robes. I want the full robes, not just the undertunic. :)
Related Pictures (if possible) :

Roughly the same length as the hair in here. (Yes, I brought up this thread XD).
ParcelFace (Classic) and Jantey (Beta)
I'd like a skin of a Windhelm Guard from Skyrim, if possible
The colours are kind of silverish and brownish.
A couple of pictures;
