Gaming Refreshments?

I actually enjoy Mtn Dew more then Coke but since that isn't available here, Coke will have to suffice :/
I actually enjoy Mtn Dew more then Coke but since that isn't available here, Coke will have to suffice :/
WAITWAIT Mtn Dew isn't available for you too? :O I am from Austria, and I went to Amerika in summer, just to buy 25 liters of Mtn Dew and send them to my home. :D
hahaha xD awesome! Ye everytime I'm there I drink as much as I can and buy some to take back with me but it isn't enough !
hahaha xD awesome! Ye everytime I'm there I drink as much as I can and buy some to take back with me but it isn't enough !
Ya know, I don't know where you live, but I guess it's somewhere outside of america ;) But if you have ANY way to come to vienna, there is ONE FUCKING single shop, somewhere in the nowhere of vienna, where you can buy Mtn Dew, and Vanilla Coke and Cherry Coke and all those crazy things. :O A friend just told me 'bout it, going there tomorrow to buy some Mtn Dew as I only have ~5 cans left. :D
Hahah nah that's a little far x) I'm going to PAX so I'll get a load of them then ! btw I'm from Sweden
Hahah nah that's a little far x) I'm going to PAX so I'll get a load of them then ! btw I'm from Sweden
Oh I hate you, I want to go to PAX as well :(
OH FUU- I love sweden! My mother studied in stockholm for two years, and speaks swedish fluently, so we went there some years ago, and I really love it! Peeps are so friendly, everybody is always happy and has fun, and I never saw any problems. Never heard the police either, and I stayed like in the middle of stockholm. Very nice! :D
i drink ICE COLD Water, Red Bull, and grape fruit juice, my personal favorite. Is very refreshing when ice cold with ice! And also has barely any calories :)
aww you should come anyways! A lot of people are nice but there's always those who gotta be hatin' :/ Our police are super I must say
aww you should come anyways! A lot of people are nice but there's always those who gotta be hatin' :/ Our police are super I must say
I really wish I could go to PAX and Minecon, but unfortunitely I have parents who definitely do not allow me to go :(
Of course, but there were not as many as in Vienna, at least in my feeling..
Well, I did not meet them, but it looked like it ;)
Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Orange pop, mochas....pretty much anything with caffeine.
Food wise, it's doritos, bbq chips, pizza, pizza rolls, mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, ramen noodles, poptarts, ice cream, cookies, the list goes on and on XD
Oh, and I'm 6'1 and 145lbs. High metabolism ftw ;)
Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Orange pop, mochas....pretty much anything with caffeine.
Food wise, it's doritos, bbq chips, pizza, pizza rolls, mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, ramen noodles, poptarts, ice cream, cookies, the list goes on and on XD
Oh, and I'm 6'1 and 145lbs. High metabolism ftw ;)
Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Orange pop, mochas....pretty much anything with caffeine.
Food wise, it's doritos, bbq chips, pizza, pizza rolls, mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, ramen noodles, poptarts, ice cream, cookies, the list goes on and on XD
Oh, and I'm 6'1 and 145lbs. High metabolism ftw ;)
Same here. I;m short though, 5'2, 83 pounds. I have to eat six meals a day.