General Anime Discussion Thread

Never seen Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Should I watch it?
Just do what Skryter said and never forget that Jojo is basically Fist of the North Star's fabulous brother.
The later applies mainly to parts 1-3, which coincidentally are the ones that are out (Parts 1 & 2) and coming out this Friday (Part 3). Also remember to watch the 2012 version of the anime and not the Stardust Crusaders OVA from the 90s, its just not as good and is strictly part 3.

EDIT: BTW Stands in Part 3 onwards are often compared to personas in the Persona series so that may make it more enjoyable for you. In fact your profile pic was directly inspired by a scene in Jojo:
(Skip to 31 seconds if it doesn't auto skip to it, or just watch the whole trailer if you want :D)
I love how mild mannered the creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is.
I just finished Log Horizon and I have to say it is easily one of the most well done, entertaining, and fun new shows I have seen in a long time. The cast is amazing and there's a great balance of the silliness of anime along with a surprisingly deep and at times complex story. If you want to watch a show that continually and cleverly builds in scale and story, along with a fantastic representation of MMO's in general, I would highly suggest this show.
I just finished Log Horizon and I have to say it is easily one of the most well done, entertaining, and fun new shows I have seen in a long time. The cast is amazing and there's a great balance of the silliness of anime along with a surprisingly deep and at times complex story. If you want to watch a show that continually and cleverly builds in scale and story, along with a fantastic representation of MMO's in general, I would highly suggest this show.

Speaking of Log Horizon, I'm on Team Hype for season 2 later this year.

I'm worried though since S1 has covered the first 5 volumes of the Light Novel and there are only 2 other novels released currently. Maybe they'll incorporate the Dragonhowl Mountains side story covering the story of Kanami (Leader of the DBT) in America into the second season or maybe they'll employ a half-season instead.
Speaking of Log Horizon, I'm on Team Hype for season 2 later this year.

I'm worried though since S1 has covered the first 5 volumes of the Light Novel and there are only 2 other novels released currently. Maybe they'll incorporate the Dragonhowl Mountains side story covering the story of Kanami (Leader of the DBT) in America into the second season or maybe they'll employ a half-season instead.

I haven't looked very closely into the light novels, but there is just so much left open to incorporate into new novel releases and the next season. I don't feel like there's any shortage of ideas to incorporate into the story. However, I certainly understand what you mean, and I would hate for the next season to be rushed and not as good as the original. Another thing to consider, is I don't believe we know exactly how long the second season of Log Horizon will be. Do you think it's possible they make it shorter as to accommodate for the fewer light novels they currently have to go off of?
However, I certainly understand what you mean, and I would hate for the next season to be rushed and not as good as the original.
Because we've never seen this before when it comes to anime. I couldn't imagine anyone actually doing this, so it's not really a concern.
With this in mind, I'm actually fairly interested in SAO season 2. I mean if there is a way to make the second season worse than the first that would be a feat in and of itself. :whistle:
What they should do is just play all of the episodes in reverse. I bet it'll be better than the first season.
Been watching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei for the past week and I just love this style of comedy. That and the art style is crazy, and I wonder how the hell they spread their budget. Also, the openings are fucking amazing.
Gokukoku No Brynhildr Is finaly going as a anime, if you like tragedy, drama and Science fiction.
Oh and lets not forget about the crazy scientists/orginization who cantrols the army and that uses "aliens" in the harness on peoples Necks and torture them to obey, then this is you're Cup of Tea.

They can only survive if they take a "drug" if they don't take it or the harness is removed their whole body will melt till you can't see what it was even the bones melt and whats left is a ugly thing with numerous eye's "supposedly the aliens".

Its pretty much superhumens trying to survive from a orginazation who don't care WHO they kill to gain control and order though they might regret it. (Like her that could see 100% in to the future at command and make it happen, at the cost of her life.)
Btw those who have seen Spice and Wolf 2nd season What happend with ep3? I mean 1 and 2 is related to eachother but ep3 is totalt random you meet then at a burning city and talking with Abe (someone you havens seen or been introduced to yet) and no one saying why, where and how they got there?!

The end of ep2 is Lawrence running/storming out from the inn with a "scared" face..?
Btw those who have seen Spice and Wolf 2nd season What happend with ep3? I mean 1 and 2 is related to eachother but ep3 is totalt random you meet then at a burning city and talking with Abe (someone you havens seen or been introduced to yet) and no one saying why, where and how they got there?!

The end of ep2 is Lawrence running/storming out from the inn with a "scared" face..?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but if you are talking about Lawrence storming off and the introduction of Abe, I will say it will be explained later in the arc.