Good computer or bad computer?

it is decent. Personally I would shell out the money now for the up-to-date i7 processor just because the i3 will fall very quickly behind the curve.

I don`t wanna spend an extra $300 for another proccessor just to throw out a brand new i3... :p

The real answer is it depends on what you are going to be doing with it. If you are gaming, that video card and processor will rip through most anything you put in front of it. BUT and ssd will make a noticeable difference if you are going to be using it as a gaming rig. You can get an 80 GB SSD for around 100 dollars. Put your OS and games on it and it'll be worth it.

I`ll be using it to play LoL, Minecraft, and the odd game of mw2. Won`t be gaming all that often.
i7 is overkill in a lot of situations. He is only running one video card so the price for an upgrade to an i7 will not be proportional to the increase in performance. The great thing about desktop computers is if you need more juice and you have the money to shell out, everything is totally upgradable.

Out of curiosity, what games are you trying to play?

But what happens when it does come time to upgrade the memory and processor, then he still has the shell out the money to buy it. In the long run, it is less expensive to go with the i7 now if you are planning to upgrade in the future. the i3 he is buying is not going for under $100. And I don't think that the i7 will drop enough in price by the time an upgrade is needed for him to save money this way.
Also, a my friend suggests that you get the upgraded video card, because they'll give you the better power supply, so if you want to upgrade later you can't.
But what happens when it does come time to upgrade the memory and processor, then he still has the shell out the money to buy it. In the long run, it is less expensive to go with the i7 now if you are planning to upgrade in the future. the i3 he is buying is not going for under $100. And I don't think that the i7 will drop enough in price by the time an upgrade is needed for him to save money this way.

For what hes playing? Who cares. The hard drive is the bottleneck in this situation. Remember that he is buying a pre-built rig. To get an i7 alienware is pretty much double the price.
For what hes playing? Who cares. The hard drive is the bottleneck in this situation. Remember that he is buying a pre-built rig. To get an i7 alienware is pretty much double the price.

IKR? there gonna jack the price up of the X51, so gonna buy it while it`s cheap. Plus it looks sexy enough to fap too...

Wait, what?
Upgraded from 4 to 6 gb`s of ram.
Don't need more than 4Gb of RAM for most games or applications. Save that cash for the best vid card you can get there, or take that one out and put a nice one in. But with the games you are said to be playing, it will work perfectly.
I am a big fan of memory upgrades because of how cheap they are. I am too lazy to research the motherboard but it sounds to me like if you were to get 4 gigs of RAM you can very easily and inexpensively upgrade in the future. If you can get a better video card for a few bucks, go for it.
I am a big fan of memory upgrades because of how cheap they are. I am too lazy to research the motherboard but it sounds to me like if you were to get 4 gigs of RAM you can very easily and inexpensively upgrade in the future. If you can get a better video card for a few bucks, go for it.
Upgrading RAM on alienware customization is like paying for another whole computer.
That is a remarkably cheap Alienware. Mind you, I know diddly-squat about hardware (in fact, about computing in general), so I'm easily impressed.

I can say (with some authority, too), however, that if you are on a budget, and want to game, I recommend you do your research.

You're probably in the same situation I'm in: you are strapped for cash, and your current computer is shitty as f**k. You want to game on it.
You can either:
1: Buy something pretty good off the rack, or
2: Build a sweet-ass one yourself.

But if you are also like me, you don't have the expertise / time / knowledge (and in your case, permission) to build your own.

If you are looking for one off the rack, and not making it yourself, it pays to research.

Alienwares are O.K. At best. What they succeed in is giving the average pleb decent gear, and plonking a flashy case on it. I wouldn't go for one straight off the bat, as they can be surprisingly weak, and not-very-surprisingly, expensive. (The one you've got there is enormously cheap, though.)

In a lot of situations, it's better just to get a high-end computer and use it for gaming, then buy a straight-up gaming computer. The neon on the Alienwares is pretty, yeah, but it costs about another $1500.
If you want that - if the style is what you want - then cool. But, if you are low on funds (or you're getting someone to buy it for you), I'd be a bit more frugal and not get something completely left-wing.
Comic Sans is now the official Sarcasm font of Team9000. Spread the word.

EDIT: or should we go with Courier New to make it easier to distinguish from Georgia?
Comic Sans is now the official Sarcasm font of Team9000. Spread the word.

EDIT: or should we go with Courier New to make it easier to distinguish from Georgia?

I liek comic sans...

That is a remarkably cheap Alienware. Mind you, I know diddly-squat about hardware (in fact, about computing in general), so I'm easily impressed.

I can say (with some authority, too), however, that if you are on a budget, and want to game, I recommend you do your research.

You're probably in the same situation I'm in: you are strapped for cash, and your current computer is shitty as f**k. You want to game on it.
You can either:
1: Buy something pretty good off the rack, or
2: Build a sweet-ass one yourself.

But if you are also like me, you don't have the expertise / time / knowledge (and in your case, permission) to build your own.

If you are looking for one off the rack, and not making it yourself, it pays to research.

Alienwares are O.K. At best. What they succeed in is giving the average pleb decent gear, and plonking a flashy case on it. I wouldn't go for one straight off the bat, as they can be surprisingly weak, and not-very-surprisingly, expensive. (The one you've got there is enormously cheap, though.)

In a lot of situations, it's better just to get a high-end computer and use it for gaming, then buy a straight-up gaming computer. The neon on the Alienwares is pretty, yeah, but it costs about another $1500.
If you want that - if the style is what you want - then cool. But, if you are low on funds (or you're getting someone to buy it for you), I'd be a bit more frugal and not get something completely left-wing.

You are right about alienware. I bet the reason this particular machine is so inexpensive is because all the alienware fanboys will shell out the cash to get the i7. On a different note I see less dell desktop computers come in for post warranty repairs than anything else. The drivers and periferals seem to be better than most.

For a thousand bucks? Fuck it! You are young, you like the alienware... Get it. you can always upgrade the processor and video card if you need to. Progression is slowing down on gaming setups. This rig will last you for a good long while.
Comic Sans is now the official Sarcasm font of Team9000. Spread the word.

EDIT: or should we go with Courier New to make it easier to distinguish from Georgia?

I think either would work as long as it is in italics.

I think either would work as long as it is in italics.