Guns and gun hobbiest thread...

although I agree with you somewhat, the ammount of weaponry that I have already is not all mine, that is just what my family has currently. The bigger reason is that they are fun to shoot and it is always fun toget your hands on a weapon that you have never shot before just to see how well it shoots. Having the firearms does not mean that if a disaster were to take place that I would take all of them with me. Currently the sole purpose of the many we own is for home protection and because target shooting is a lot of fun. We have had several come into our hands and we have also sold several of them and got new ones to replace those we sold, and the cycle continues like that. Right now its more for recreation and home protection than anything. With the wide varriety of firearms out there, it never hurts to buy and try and if you dont like it, sell it. The glock 17, uses the 9mm round, and holds 17 shots. It can be concealed, and those are very low maintenance firearms.....and they are very fun and easy to shoot. If there were a disaster, you really would not need a whole lot more than this or something like this and a few hundred rounds for personal protection.

Also, I have fired a S&W .500 and I would never ever carry that with me anywhere, strictly because it would be hard to conceal, hard to draw if necessary, its a freeking wristbreaker, and it only has 6 shots. Yes it is sexy, but no it is not very any scenario.....unless your Clint Eastwood.
Depends on your wrist strength. I choose the S&W Model 500 cause it is such a sexy gun, and it was designed for large-game hunting (legendary as the handgun that brought down the Monster Pig). Meaning if the zombies ever do rise, the pistol will blow a disabling hole out of them, no matter where I actually hit (equivalent to a 12-gauge shotgun slug), and throw them back to boot. If I need more than ten shots (I have two, and they're actually five-round handguns), then it's probably not going to be such a small space that I can't bring out a C7 or C8.

I have lived around firearms my entire life, despite my parents' attempts to prevent us kids from coming into contact with them. My wrists are practically recoil-proof at this point, after spending as much time on the range as I have. I also don't live in an area where I need that much protection from humans. I mean, honestly, bringing out a gun usually doesn't help the situation any. Although, in the case of the home-intrusion, I have a couple smaller sidearms that are always kept at the ready.

And while I agree that it's useful to own a lot of various firearms to see if you like them, being part of a gun club gives me access to a whole range of friends with various firearms. Plus there's a commercial range inside West Edmonton Mall with a fairly decent selection. That's how I decided I like the C-15, one of my friends is in the military and he brought it out to the range one day. It's honestly one of the lightest and smoothest snipers I've ever handled. I purchased one as soon as I could get my hands on it.

Plus here in Canada, conceal and carry laws are a lot stricter (as in, the answer is NO, and that's final). I find it easier just to carry a set of my favourite knives.
Well I live in the murder capitol as my city has lovingly been named, so having a firearm for personal protection is something I strongly belive in. Also our conceal carry laws are nowhere close to as strict, and florida concealed weapons licence all you need is to take a firearms safety course and pay the $127 for the licence, and pass a background check, and then you are good to go.

I am not part of a gun club, although there are several in town, so I dont have the access to firearms other than what we own and a few friends of the family who own guns.

To each their own in regards to the S&W, and the fact that you cant conceal and carry anyway, looking like clint eastwood will be a far better option. (my mistake about the .500 having 6 rounds also)
It's a common misconception, no worries. I do envy you the relaxed laws, but I don't the high crime rate. I do recommend joining a club, like I said, it really opens up your options for pre-testing firearms before purchase.
Depends on your wrist strength. I choose the S&W Model 500 cause it is such a sexy gun, and it was designed for large-game hunting (legendary as the handgun that brought down the Monster Pig). Meaning if the zombies ever do rise, the pistol will blow a disabling hole out of them, no matter where I actually hit (equivalent to a 12-gauge shotgun slug), and throw them back to boot. If I need more than ten shots (I have two, and they're actually five-round handguns), then it's probably not going to be such a small space that I can't bring out a C7 or C8.

I have lived around firearms my entire life, despite my parents' attempts to prevent us kids from coming into contact with them. My wrists are practically recoil-proof at this point, after spending as much time on the range as I have. I also don't live in an area where I need that much protection from humans. I mean, honestly, bringing out a gun usually doesn't help the situation any. Although, in the case of the home-intrusion, I have a couple smaller sidearms that are always kept at the ready.

And while I agree that it's useful to own a lot of various firearms to see if you like them, being part of a gun club gives me access to a whole range of friends with various firearms. Plus there's a commercial range inside West Edmonton Mall with a fairly decent selection. That's how I decided I like the C-15, one of my friends is in the military and he brought it out to the range one day. It's honestly one of the lightest and smoothest snipers I've ever handled. I purchased one as soon as I could get my hands on it.

Plus here in Canada, conceal and carry laws are a lot stricter (as in, the answer is NO, and that's final). I find it easier just to carry a set of my favourite knives.
So you are one of those nuts who think there will be a zombie out break?
It will happen. Being unprepared will not stop them from eating you.

Call me a nut all you want, but being prepared for something massively disastrous is never a bad thing.
No it won't happen.

its cool gurw I got this one,

being prepared is never about zombies....In the event of a disaster, Much like the one that litteraly happened a couple days ago in japan, having a bug out bag and firearms will be a thing of necessity that can help gurantee your survival in the event of a widespread disaster, the aboloshment of a local or federal government, an invasion of another country into your country......and even the tinfoil hat crap as well, like the new world order taking over the world, and even zombies. Being prepared for the worst of any situation will always benefit you in the end.
My dad has alot of guns to hunt deer or just shoot targets but he keeps his safe locked....

P.S. My granny have some kind of WW2 rifle at her house


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