Halo 4

I seriously got goosebumps watching this.

I know what changes I would make to the game if I were in charge. It looks like they are right on track to making it an immensely popular and addicting game. I will definitely be on the xbox again when this comes out.
You mean confound? Cofound means something quite different.
Yes, I'm in school and I don't have a Spell Checker, can't even use google for it... it's weird.

Anyway I'm horrible as spelling, I often try to edit my posts before posting.
Yes, I'm in school and I don't have a Spell Checker, can't even use google for it... it's weird.

Anyway I'm horrible as spelling, I often try to edit my posts before posting.
I understand. School can melt your brain sometimes.
I are so excited about this. And the best thing? I will be done with freaking physics then and can finally go back to playing video juegos again!
1: The correct term is 'rustle your jimmies'.
2: I'm better than him in every way, because I'm the best.
3: I'm a much better Pyro than him. Beeeyatch.
4: Unrelated much?

Vorsprung: 5
Rsmv: 0

Related note:
343, your doing it right.
Yeah I saw it a bit ago. I'm... Interested. I have played every Halo (besides Halo Wars and the Anniversary Edition) and I am curious about how 343 will continue the story.
1: The correct term is 'rustle your jimmies'.
2: I'm better than him in every way, because I'm the best.
3: I'm a much better Pyro than him. Beeeyatch.
4: Unrelated much?

1. sí
2. nope
3. proof or it didn't happen. And why else does everyone call me pyro wherever i go?
4. very

Halo was actually the 1 reason i got an xbox
1. sí
2. nope
3. proof or it didn't happen. And why else does everyone call me pyro wherever i go?
4. very

Halo was actually the 1 reason i got an xbox
1: Thought so.
2: I am the best, so bite me.
3: Proof? TF2, there's proof. And because it's your name. I mean D0g is called 'dog' but he isn't a dog. So bit me squared.
4: Thought so.
1: Thought so.
2: I am the best, so bite me.
3: Proof? TF2, there's proof. And because it's your name. I mean D0g is called 'dog' but he isn't a dog. So bit me squared.
4: Thought so.
2. why would i want to bite you?
3. TF2 isn't that big of a thing. Besides, i didn't call my self Pyro for nothing
4. yes, it's extremely unrelated.