Halo 4

why does it all look like all the other halo games... i mean pretty graphics and new levels sound fun but, i feel like they could have done, or if they did do show me some improvements, something truly epic, not some revamped stuff coated in shiny looks.

I do realise for some of you Die-Hard halo fans this was like the 2nd coming of Jesus, but for me, a person who has played halo once in his life, i feel unimpressed...
why does it all look like all the other halo games... i mean pretty graphics and new levels sound fun but, i feel like they could have done, or if they did do show me some improvements, something truly epic, not some revamped stuff coated in shiny looks.

I do realise for some of you Die-Hard halo fans this was like the 2nd coming of Jesus, but for me, a person who has played halo once in his life, i feel unimpressed...

With that logic all Call of Duty games look the same.
With that logic all Call of Duty games look the same.
yes they most likely do, but that's not the point.
I didn't make that post to seem like i hate halo or something, i just stated that, i felt unimpressed by this trailer, instead of making me throw my money at the screen, all they did was repeat that they remade stuff that was already there, and that just made me feel like "meh"
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Until I see a full 9-10 minute clip of full gameplay I'm not saying it's going to be good or bad, all I can do is speculate on what the trailer is and that looks alright. I think it's going to be a decent game, good one to play when you want to relax and have a bit of fun.
I like the idea of custom loadouts. But weapon progression? Really, 343? You can do better than that.
Halo 4 is going to be awesome.
It's going to be called the last Halo game.
Then they make 4 more.
I have high expectations for this game. At first, my opinion about it was "It'll either be really good or really bad" And now I think It's going to be great.
This game has expectations like no other. I just don't want a level system that's different than the one in Reach. Reach perfected it, IMO.
I don't want to say "tl;dr," but...
Tl;dr (most of it).

On a side note: They say they've used quite the spectrum of media as reference to make this game the way it'll be. Here's my question...
Did they use the Halo Story Bible? (or does it not cover the "halo 4" period of time?)

EDIT: Forgot to add... what about the ranking system in H4, if they'll have one? Will it be based on playtime or skill?
I just hope they bring something in that's gonna change the storyline completely like a whole new civilization (I've been waiting for the forerunners to somehow appear since Halo 2). Halo has had such an interesting storyline to me that I wish they would expand more on it just to make it even more immense.
I don't want to say "tl;dr," but...
Tl;dr (most of it).

On a side note: They say they've used quite the spectrum of media as reference to make this game the way it'll be. Here's my question...
Did they use the Halo Story Bible? (or does it not cover the "halo 4" period of time?)

EDIT: Forgot to add... what about the ranking system in H4, if they'll have one? Will it be based on playtime or skill?
The Halo Story Bible left with Bungie AFAIK, so I'm guessing not.
The Halo Story Bible left with Bungie AFAIK, so I'm guessing not.
Yeah. I know they're supposed to be cut from (what I hear is) the same cloth as Bungie, but from most speculation I've gathered, and (supposedly) without the Story Bible to guide their path...

They better have this nuder control.
NUDER CONTROL, 343. :cool:
Yeah. I know they're supposed to be cut from (what I hear is) the same cloth as Bungie, but from most speculation I've gathered, and (supposedly) without the Story Bible to guide their path...

They better have this nuder control.
NUDER CONTROL, 343. :cool:
At the end of the day, I play the Halo series for the story. I feel that I only really need one "up to date" FPS in my collection at a time, which is why I don't own any of the iterations of COD or Battlefield.

Well, except for COD 2, but that was from a garage sale for one dollar. Intense mouse gripping action there in single player.

Anyways, the main reason I have an up to date FPS at all is because the online multiplayer seems to be better in the more recent ones. That is, better features and better support. The second reason is I need to have at least one of the titles that my friends like to play so I can play with them. Fortunately, they're mostly Halo fanboys so my pick of FPS goes. I just wish they'd stop mocking the other versions of FPS out there (Yes, I do think of all FPS's as versions of the same game)

The only way that 343 can really get some nerdrage out of me is if they screw over the storyline and characters. For instance, in the first trailer of Halo 4 that ever came out, Cortana kept calling Spartan 117 "John", even though I doubt she has ever called him by his name before. I'm willing to let that slide because Cortana recently had a serious issue with sanity when she was captured by the Gravemind, but if there's too many of that sort of thing going around, I'll get annoyed into sending a thousand page letter to 343 explaining how they went wrong with the story.

See, 117 is a badass supersoldier who has no face. In the fan fiction, I'm fine with them speculating on lost loves and facial features all they like, but in the games he should be the "Hyper Lethal Vector", same designation as Noble 6.

That leads into the next point nicely. I personally would have preferred Chief to float in space a while. In the meantime, the next generation of Spartans and ODST still have a fight to finish, mostly with the Brute led Covenant remnants and even with the Elites over Forerunner artifacts. In fact, that would be a nice new direction to take us, more spec ops and less 'I'm going to blow up this ring and everything on it'.

I get ranty sometimes. I'll leave you with this

EDIT: One last thing, the DMR was nice for me. It was like having the old pistol back, only it made sense. I have a lot of sympathy for 343, they've got a huge challenge to keep the game awesome and make it awesomer while making enough people feel that they stayed true to Halo. I hope they get it right, and I hope that the flagship game for the Xbox 720 (or whatever silliness they call it) is in the Halo franchise.

Also Assassinations, sprint, skulls (?) and more importantly the covenant are returning.

And in response to a previous post, Cortana has called Jhon "Jhon' on numerous occasions, in the games and books.

The only worry I have is how to campaign is going to turn out.