Hated her

I totally forgot about this thread,

And I must have been on some serious crack when this happened.

I totally forgot about this thread,

And I must have been on some serious crack when this happened.

lol i remember the days of the poetic vorsprung, many lols and tl:dr's had ^.^
but now i think we should let this thing die, as it was a confusing mess back then, and it still is :)
Now her story reminds mine too, only that i ended getting nearly killed. So i was like 18 on my senior year and i had a girlfriend like for 2 years and I thought we would be high school sweethearts, then this Jerk friend of mind thought he was manly to take my chick away at the prom. So as always, someone puts liquor in the fruit punch, fights the whole 9 yards. And just to make the story short I'm walking out the school with her, my friend nearly hits me with his sport bike, my girlfriend falls on the ground. He gets up and say: Oh did i hit you bro? helps her get up i punch him and the next thing happens my girlfriend is gone. I'm like looking for her no where to be found. i text her and shes home already. I'm like why she never said anything and she like: Oh I left you two had fun, I'm not up for drama. She though it was all play. then i found out that she was with a other douch and we split up -the end-

its more like I hate him but oh well, she wasn't for me at the end.

I've got my own slice of paradise now. Happy marry dude :P