I am retirering from T9K...

Nuuuu not you!!!
Plz don't go!!!
This server(s) are dying, Wooty doesn't really seem to care and there are even rumours that he wants to quit because he doesn't like minecraft anymore, but he can't because there are so many people on T9K.
Dude. Woot pays a ton of attention to both the Classic and Beta servers. Of course he cares, this is his community. And there arn't that many people on T9k, its just that a lot of people play on our servers.
Dude. Woot pays a ton of attention to both the Classic and Beta servers. Of course he cares, this is his community. And there arn't that many people on T9k, its just that a lot of people play on our servers.
We had that with the people already.... Yeah, lots of 10 year old boys that play 3 weeks, eventually get builder on classic, if they have beta survive the first night on beta and go away. Not that type of people that I like to be with.

No offense, but I actually don't think he cares that much. That's maybe just my feeling/opinion, but I felt and still feel this way.
omfgAlol said:
I know, but a. e. I got TF2 while it was free to play it online with Pasaria & Vorsprung, and now I can't join because the server is outdated. And your interesting convo's on mumble may be, but I can't take part because I am under 18 and thus I can't join the game rooms. So there's really no point in staying here. And I agree with riein, the server is growing, but the average age of the beta and the classic server is under my age, which is pretty bad. All of those 10 year olds just stay 3 weeks, get builder on classic, join a city on beta, and go away. Maybe even stop playing Minecraft. The server is dying because there are not that many serious players left, the hard center that stays get's smaller and smaller, more and more well-known members retire. This thread is not only about me retirering, I also opened this thread because I wanted to criticism the server politics, and as I wrote, Wooty doesn't really seem to care what happens. Thanks for reading this.

Before you go... I want to tell you that you were a really good friend and if you would like to play something, you know where to contact me. I will ALWAYS be a member of team9000. It is just such a great community.

Well I guess I'll see you :/
Sad when someone leaves. As wooty said, everyone leaves everything at some point. You just don't leave T9K however... T9K will be a part of you for a long time. The longer your here, the longer you will remember us and not be able to stay away. You will come visit, almost a guarantee. Hope you have fun wherever you go.

Best wishes from all of us,
Sad when someone leaves. As wooty said, everyone leaves everything at some point. You just don't leave T9K however... T9K will be a part of you for a long time. The longer your here, the longer you will remember us and not be able to stay away. You will come visit, almost a guarantee. Hope you have fun wherever you go.

Best wishes from all of us,
I still do :P yeah, T9K was really great... (Reply to my message :fuuu: )