I am retirering from T9K...

Everyone may be bored out of their lives with minecraft beta right now, but just wait until 1.8 comes out =P

Too bad you wish to leave, omfgAlol.. you seemed like a pretty cool cat
Everyone may be bored out of their lives with minecraft beta right now, but just wait until 1.8 comes out =P

Too bad you wish to leave, omfgAlol.. you seemed like a pretty cool cat
Um.. Thanks?

As to 1.8:
I hate that update how it is told it will be. I like some things, but I hate 1. The Hunger System. I play Minecraft not Sims. 2. The new mob. That will scare tha shit out of me, totally. 3. The new leveling system: I don't want to play Pokemon. Like, 'Yay, let's go out to kill some wild Pokem.. Ah Zombies! YAY Level up!' :megusta:
Um.. Thanks?

As to 1.8:
I hate that update how it is told it will be. I like some things, but I hate 1. The Hunger System. I play Minecraft not Sims. 2. The new mob. That will scare tha shit out of me, totally. 3. The new leveling system: I don't want to play Pokemon. Like, 'Yay, let's go out to kill some wild Pokem.. Ah Zombies! YAY Level up!' :megusta:
im pretty sure you can turn hunger off/on but not sure about the level... i hope you can toggle it because it sounds horrible!
OMFG! y u leave! u makez me sad :(
they're right, all servers/communities hit a dull spot right before an update. its because the game hasnt changed, when a release happenes. servers flood from ppl testin new features.

(srry for all the o's)
but seriously, if you have made up your mind, obviously nothing any of us will say will mean anything, but team9000 has never and will never be all about minecraft. Woot is 100% dedicated to the community and some of the most memorable moments that I have had, have been with team9000, stay if you will, go if you will, but t9k will always be here when you get back.
but seriously, if you have made up your mind, obviously nothing any of us will say will mean anything, but team9000 has never and will never be all about minecraft. Woot is 100% dedicated to the community and some of the most memorable moments that I have had, have been with team9000, stay if you will, go if you will, but t9k will always be here when you get back.
Crying Baby.jpeg

That was beautiful...

(btw, did you and sqeebz meet through T9K, or through games, or did you just met in rl and then decided to play, or even another way? I always wanted to know that, and I think this is one of the last chances i get to ask you.)
View attachment 57703
That was beautiful...

(btw, did you and sqeebz meet through T9K, or through games, or did you just met in rl and then decided to play, or even another way? I always wanted to know that, and I think this is one of the last chances i get to ask you.)

actually we met a while ago and if you go back to the "get to know a gamer :squeebz" in the comment section she wrote up how we met,

but, for your benefit. we met online through one of her friends, we talked for about 6 months decided that there was something there and I took the 3 hour road trip to meet her, we had a long distance relationship for about 4 months where I would get to visit her once every 2-3 weeks and I decided I wanted the relationship to work so I packed up and moved in with her, and we have not spent more than a night apart in close to 8 years., and come October, it will be our 3 year wedding aniversary. Team9000 definately came later on and I strted playing while she was deep into WoW and I ended up showing her T9K and she got curious and this place has held a place in our hearts ever since. Met a lot of great people here and have seen a few good people leave for their own reasons. This place has never been about the games we play for us, it has always been about this amazing community, and having lots of fun playing all sorts of games. that is the reason we were drawn in, and that is the reason we will not be leaving any time soon.
Dude. Get killing floor and kill thread.
If I could, I would of course. I would've bought all the games we have a server of :3 but unfortunitely, I am under 18, have neither a credit card nor any money, and my parents are against my gaming, so theres no chance of them buying me anything. This is an account of a friend of mine (in rl) who got bored of minecraft. I more or less 'stole' him the account, and it was one of the best evil things I ever did, without him I wouldn't be here.

actually we met a while ago and if you go back to the "get to know a gamer :squeebz" in the comment section she wrote up how we met,

but, for your benefit. we met online through one of her friends, we talked for about 6 months decided that there was something there and I took the 3 hour road trip to meet her, we had a long distance relationship for about 4 months where I would get to visit her once every 2-3 weeks and I decided I wanted the relationship to work so I packed up and moved in with her, and we have not spent more than a night apart in close to 8 years., and come October, it will be our 3 year wedding aniversary. Team9000 definately came later on and I strted playing while she was deep into WoW and I ended up showing her T9K and she got curious and this place has held a place in our hearts ever since. Met a lot of great people here and have seen a few good people leave for their own reasons. This place has never been about the games we play for us, it has always been about this amazing community, and having lots of fun playing all sorts of games. that is the reason we were drawn in, and that is the reason we will not be leaving any time soon.
Congrats on that! : ) That's a nice story to tell your kids.. ; )
I love the community, I think I will never leave T9K completely, I am back right now because of twisted and thepunkass who forced me to stay with their niceness to me. The server I intendet to go to, the oldest ones are 10, and thats the limit. They haven't got anything like this. I won't stay there, so there is a great chance I will come back to T9K. After I went away, I just learned how amazing this community is. I always thought this was only for gaming. But it isn't. And I want to thank everybody here for trying to make me stay, I would've never thought that there are so much peeps I know through T9K. Thanks y'all.
If I could, I would of course. I would've bought all the games we have a server of :3 but unfortunitely, I am under 18, have neither a credit card nor any money, and my parents are against my gaming, so theres no chance of them buying me anything. This is an account of a friend of mine (in rl) who got bored of minecraft. I more or less 'stole' him the account, and it was one of the best evil things I ever did, without him I wouldn't be here.

Congrats on that! : ) That's a nice story to tell your kids.. ; )
I love the community, I think I will never leave T9K completely, I am back right now because of twisted and thepunkass who forced me to stay with their niceness to me. The server I intendet to go to, the oldest ones are 10, and thats the limit. They haven't got anything like this. I won't stay there, so there is a great chance I will come back to T9K. After I went away, I just learned how amazing this community is. I always thought this was only for gaming. But it isn't. And I want to thank everybody here for trying to make me stay, I would've never thought that there are so much peeps I know through T9K. Thanks y'all.
srry, that last one left me vague, so are you leaving or staying (please tell me you staying)