I am retirering from T9K...

Pyrofiredelta said:
srry, that last one left me vague, so are you leaving or staying (please tell me you staying)

I... I don't know yet. Most likely I'll stay, but i am not entirely sure yet.
ConroD I don't want this thread to become another troll-thread, could you please close it? Or any other admin? Thanks :)
I love the community, I think I will never leave T9K completely, I am back right now because of twisted and thepunkass who forced me to stay with their niceness to me. The server I intendet to go to, the oldest ones are 10, and thats the limit. They haven't got anything like this. I won't stay there, so there is a great chance I will come back to T9K. After I went away, I just learned how amazing this community is. I always thought this was only for gaming. But it isn't. And I want to thank everybody here for trying to make me stay, I would've never thought that there are so much peeps I know through T9K. Thanks y'all.

Shame on you for thinking otherwise about T9K. IMO, anyone who "retires" from T9K came here for the wrong reasons in the first place, and found that we aren't going to conform to their expectations. Like any community, you have to find your place before you feel comfortable. It would seem others know where you belong, you just haven't figured it out, yet.