I'm in school.

Not the highschool, I've been there and also people who go there told me that it's almost impossible to get in trouble for stuff you didn't do.

I also mean suspension from school, since I got suspended for a day because I was sitting next to these morons on the bus who thought it would be funny to draw swastikas on the window with their fingers on the dew. It was stupid
At my school, you get five days of lunch detention for sitting at the wrong table at lunch!

I sat ONE TABLE off of the table I was supposed to so I could talk to some friends, and I got hammered with the five days.
I think it's funny that Shadow's trying to sound like he's such a thuglife iller when, in reality...
He ain't.
Vorsprung said:
I think it's funny that Shadow's trying to sound like he's such a thuglife iller when, in reality...
He ain't.

You can't prove that.

My middle school is the most ghetto place in the city. So many people get in trouble for pot and so many people smoke pot at my school. The high school is MUCH nicer the middle school. Good thing those people don't go to high school because of grades. There's always a fight or someone getting in trouble, and all the girls dress like tramps. If you want to play the pics or it didn't happen game, I will provide those for you. I told you I wasn't joking
I think it's funny that Shadow's trying to sound like he's such a thuglife iller when, in reality...
He ain't.
You also won't believe that everyone in my school tries to "be" a black person. They really look stupid.
Welcome to every middle school. Once you reach High school it becomes everyone try's to get a girlfriend/boyfriend then everyone complains about why they have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
rsmv2you said:
Welcome to every middle school. Once you reach High school it becomes everyone try's to get a girlfriend/boyfriend then everyone complains about why they have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

Hahahahahaha. Can't wait