I'm Krysi. What's up?

That reminds me of Smile Dog. ._.' (I'm going to go hide now...)
lol /protects

Beese is pretty much harmless.. only thing involving Beese and "scary", is rsmv's photoshoped pictures of him...

As for art, we have a thread going called "Drawing Time" where we share our various works of art, be it drawn, painted, or done in gimp, photoshop, or sai :) you may like to check that out

*Edit: A shitstorm is pretty much, just: people bitching someone out over something
That's true,

They still haunt me to this day ._.
Not to be a troll or anything but.....The sky is up......
Anyways I am Camevil and welcome to team900 :)

Hello, i am Rebo, RedBox, Reb, Rebox and many other names. and as you have noticed we are all insane.
most of us anyway.
Welcome, make sure to hop into mumble and say hi to everyone, as there is ALWAYS people on mumble and we usually have something going on. Check out our servers tab to see some of the games we host, and if you don't see a server for a game you want to play, you can probably find a couple of people with the game and go raid other servers together. A lot goes on in this community, so just look around the site, and don't be afraid to talk to people :) If you ever have any questions and someone isn't around, feel free to PM an admin and we will get an answer to you ASAP; most of the time there is an admin on anyways. If you don't feel comfortable hopping in mumble and voice chatting it up, the chat link on the bar floating at the top of this webpage will bring you to our chat room that is actually linked directly to our mumble server, so you can still chat with the people in there.

Finally, welcome to Team9000 and I wish you luck finding a spot in our ever growing community. Have Fun!
Ohai, and welcome to the amazing community that we all love and contribute to known as Team9000!
Have a picture!
Why have the new people made the threads when I'm not around? I can't do my thing if everyone else has pretty much done it all already in little bits and pieces!
But enough about me. Welcome to T9K Krysi. We're all fairly laid back so long as you don't feed us after midnight or get us wet.
Welcome Krysi! Moondoggy is right, you seriously cannot feed them after midnight, it gets quite complicated with the different timezones and what not, one time someone fed Ollee after midnight and then decided to give him a bath.....It was bad. Reaaaalllll bad. XD