Joke thread


Well-Known Member
This thread is for jokes and jokes only.

1. They have to be funny (Lame puns are funny. Anti-joke has to be labelled as an anti-joke or used with the anti-joke chicken)
2. You tell everyone about Joke Thread [/cameo]

I'll start:
No more vagina jokes. Period.
I was going to tell a gay joke, butt fuck it.
I don't like computer jokes. Not one bit.
And jokes about german sausages are the wurst.

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
In soviet Russia,
Poem writes you!
Stiffen Up, those vagina jokes are unoriginal and used constantly, try moving onto penis jokes.

Also this should be in Random.
Best screenshot ever.
Rose are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Giraffes are big,
Bigger than YOU

- Sage Bermudez (Real person my best friends brother... Seriously)

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Daisy who?
Daisy me rollin' they hatin, and rolling their eyes because I be ridin' dirty.
I would take time out of my life too contribute to this thread but I'm too beese atm. Maybe its cause I'm too mcfar behind on my schoolwork. Oh well, I'm pretty sure this thread will be vorsprunged out of the forums and locked before it becomes a problem.