Joke thread

Here's my own original joke:

One day, Duck, Frog, and Crab were hanging around a small pond just relaxing and chilling. A corrupt officer passing by just happened to see them and decided to bust them for no reason. In cuffs and headed to the police station, Duck, Frog, and Crab tried to collect themselves as best as they could. They all decided that they would play dumb during the interrogation and just act natural. Whatever question they got, they would just make animal sounds in reply. So one by one, all three of them were taken in for questioning. The interrogation took hours, but eventually they were all sent to a cell. Reunited in the cell, Duck and Frog could see that Crab was worried.

"What's wrong?" Duck and Frog asked.
"I told them nothing because crabs don't make sounds naturally," Crab replied.
"I'm afraid that they'll throw a bogus charge on me," said Crab ruefully.

As Duck and Frog tried to comfort Crab, the officer approached the cell and read off their charges. The three braced for the bad news.

"Duck, you are charged with the sale of illicit drugs. When I asked you what drugs you've been pushing to the local teens, you replied: Quack!"

Duck wept, knowing that he'd be doing at least a few months' time.

"Frog, you are charged with conspiracy to assassinate a public figure. When I asked what will happen to the President during his visit later this week, you replied: Croak!"

Frog started to hyperventilate, knowing that such a serious charge would put him behind bars for at least a year.

"And Crab..."

Crab started to quiver uncontrollably. He had a feeling that his sentence would be worse than either Duck's or Frog's.

"For being completely uncooperative and non-compliant to the requests of law-enforcement officers, how would you like a job?"

All three of them looked at the officer completely dumb-founded.

"What?" Crab said disbelievingly. "Why and how?"

"You did not answer any of our questions, no matter how hard we pressed. You're thick-skinned, and I can tell that you're shellfish. You'd fit right in here."

And so, Crab joyfully accepted the job offer and took on the responsibility of regularly abusing his friends during their incarceration.

And that, my friends, is how Crabbie became a moderator.

I mean... the characters in this story are totally not lameducks, MrFrog90, or Crabbie1.
Rape joke, ptsd warning, etc.
Guy: Want to play the rape game?
Girl: No...
Guy: That's the spirit! *unzips pants*