League of Legends Thread

I'm tired of editing :p so here's a new response :

first, a little question ... I'm playing at server WE (western Europe) Not the NA server ... it's a problem for my rank now no ?
Second, I'm trying to get higher ranked, so I can unlock/buy new champions, atm I've unlocked Sivir, And I'm quite happy with that :rofl:
but is there a special champion from wich you guys feel that it's really a good one to buy ?
And third, LoL is awesome !! ( oh, I'm at lvl 10 now yay, after 3 days :ninja:.. got hooked right away)

anyway Ty for your thoughts/advice or anything else x3
If you want to play with us in the US, you may want to switch over to NA servers. Games/friends don't go cross server, you need a separate account and summoner for each.
I'm tired of editing :p so here's a new response :

first, a little question ... I'm playing at server WE (western Europe) Not the NA server ... it's a problem for my rank now no ?
Second, I'm trying to get higher ranked, so I can unlock/buy new champions, atm I've unlocked Sivir, And I'm quite happy with that :rofl:
but is there a special champion from wich you guys feel that it's really a good one to buy ?
And third, LoL is awesome !! ( oh, I'm at lvl 10 now yay, after 3 days :ninja:.. got hooked right away)

anyway Ty for your thoughts/advice or anything else x3
Sivir is amazingly cheap and very reliable as a champion, i've seen people play her both AD and AP (the second is full of funnies)

my suggestion would really depend on a couple things: if you just have IP available to purchase champs or have some extra RP, plus what role. If the role doesn't matter and you have the IP available, go for some of the other classic champs like Soraka and Twisted Fate (the second can also be played as a pusher). However, if IP doesn't matter/you have RP to spend, i'd personally suggest buying Kog'Maw. he's arguably the best AD Carry champ available and has amazing range. If you want to dabble with more Support-type champions, get Sona imo
Username: Vutpa

Champions owned: Teemo, Sivir, Dr Mundo, Nasus, Anivia

Preferred roles: Teemo (AD carry bot) and Anivia (AP solo mid). Learning Nasus (Solo-top) and Sivir (AD carry bot) right now, and Dr Mundo for 3v3's.

Preferred map: Summoner's Rift, 5v5. But I also like the importance of the early game in 3v3, which makes LoL a whole other game.

What level/server: Currently Level 18, West European server, but it's not like I am a 'What-is-jungling'-noob, because I mostly play with friends of mine who are all Level 30.

If you want to, add me to your friends list. :D
Username: Justdonvittorio (NA), Donvittorio (EUW), Donvittorio (EUNE)

Champions Owned: I've got all the 450's, all the 1350's quite a bunch 3150's and going for all dem 4800's and 6300's
Notable champs: Riven (Battle bunny<3), Shen (Blood moon<3), Galio (Gatekeeper<3) Sona (Muse<3)

Preferred Roles: Support, Tank, Jungle

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: 5v5

What level/server: 30 on EUW, 18 NA and 3 or so on EUNE
Username: Justdonvittorio (NA), Donvittorio (EUW), Donvittorio (EUNE)

Champions Owned: I've got all the 450's, all the 1350's quite a bunch 3150's and going for all dem 4800's and 6300's
Notable champs: Riven (Battle bunny<3), Shen (Blood moon<3), Galio (Gatekeeper<3) Sona (Muse<3)

Preferred Roles: Support, Tank, Jungle

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: 5v5

What level/server: 30 on EUW, 18 NA and 3 or so on EUNE
I personally am a fan of 5th Age Armor'd Taric, no other skin has enough Fabulous to top that (except maaybe Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate)
We got a big patch today.

I bought and played Darius today. He is AWESOME. He works well as tanky DPS. His ult is a great kill secure, and you can use it consecutively if you land it on kill hits. I got a double kill by using it twice in a row today. 10/10, would recommend.

Ashe has a very nice rework look. Very polished.

The new Summoner's Rift looks really nice. It increased my FPS by about 5, which is nice considering I play on low frames because I'm on a laptop.

I plan to play Fiddlesticks later, as his E got a big 50% buff to minions and monsters.
About that map update...

It seems that alt tabbing causes the game UI to derp even harder than usually from this update. I actually blue screened later on as I played more games, in other news I gained about 10 FPS from the map. :D

Also, Darius is too OP; he destroys squishies like Veigar and Teemo in very few hits.
About that map update...

It seems that alt tabbing causes the game UI to derp even harder than usually from this update. I actually blue screened later on as I played more games, in other news I gained about 10 FPS from the map. :D

Also, Darius is too OP; he destroys squishies like Veigar and Teemo in very few hits.
to be fair, Darius has no escape mechanisms to help him when everyone focuses him aside from whether people take Ghost or Flash as Summoner Spells. If you catch a squishy like Veigar or Teemo its usually because they were either caught out of place or are derping as champs
Username:NastyKill3r Lvl.27 Still getting Better i dont play much

Champions Owned: Akali,Annie,Ashe,Cho gath,Dr Mundo, Darius*, Gangplank*, jax, Kassadin*, Lux, Master yi*,Nunu, Sivir, Teemo, Udyr, Volibear*, and WarWick*

Preferred Roles:AD, Carry, Tank, Fighter, Jungler, and Assasin

Preferred Maps/Arrangements:confused:ummoner's rift
Username: WorstNewbEver (level 22 Kinda getting the hang of it)

Champions Owned: annie, blitzcrank, fiora, garen, jax, kayle, nidalee, morgana, olaf, ryze, shaco, soraka, sion, TEEMO, tristana, (gonna buy) vaurs, veiger, and warwick

Preferred Roles: AP is nice but a good AD like teemo rocks
Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Just normal 5v5 (draft pick is fun too)