League of Legends Thread

*sobs since Malzahar is no longer available as a free champ to play*

tried out Pantheon during this free champ rotation, was surprised with how fun he was to play since I usually don't play melee AD types.

why mention these two things? Because of these two videos they reminded me of (Enjoy!):

Smashing, Just Smashing.

and I thought Kog'Maw could be OP as a ranged carry... my god Draven is fun to play with @_o
that build was to test how wide of an angle I could make by shooting Draven's Ult toward enemy spawn starting from the middle of bot, then running toward top through the river. I managed to reach mid by the time the blades came back! @_o sadly ran out of time to build a 5th PD though ;(

EDIT: on top of that, you do have enough time to use a Teleport while your Ult is in progress, it does not reset, and have the returning blades go along either top or mid. This could turn out some epic Lulz if the scenario plays out right
Guys, I'm working on an experimental build with WW where you get 13 mana potions as your starting items and holy shit is it good : O!
WW has amazing lane sustain, partially because of his passive, but mostly because of his Hungering Strike which can do such huge amounts of damage and provide you with a big heal in return. The downside to this ability though is that it consumes so much mana in comparison to WW's mana pool. Ofcourse you could roll some Mana regen runes and masteries, but they will simply not provide enough regen to keep you in lane for as long as possible. Getting 13 mana potions makes me get about 2 kills on top lane before the 10 minute mark, making me able to stay in lane with full HP and Mana for around 10-12 minutes AND being able to go b with around 2k to 2.5k gold in my pocket.
I can't post screenies right now, but I will keep you updated on my exact build and I might even put this build on mobafire, since it's been working out quite well for me.

EDIT: This build being viable is mostly because mana potions now cost 35g instead of 40g.
Guys, I'm working on an experimental build with WW where you get 13 mana potions as your starting items and holy shit is it good : O!
WW has amazing lane sustain, partially because of his passive, but mostly because of his Hungering Strike which can do such huge amounts of damage and provide you with a big heal in return. The downside to this ability though is that it consumes so much mana in comparison to WW's mana pool. Ofcourse you could roll some Mana regen runes and masteries, but they will simply not provide enough regen to keep you in lane for as long as possible. Getting 13 mana potions makes me get about 2 kills on top lane before the 10 minute mark, making me able to stay in lane with full HP and Mana for around 10-12 minutes AND being able to go b with around 2k to 2.5k gold in my pocket.
I can't post screenies right now, but I will keep you updated on my exact build and I might even put this build on mobafire, since it's been working out quite well for me.

EDIT: This build being viable is mostly because mana potions now cost 35g instead of 40g.

Interesting, I'll have to try this out. Though you could just start with a more sufficient item like Boots + Pots/Etc and ask the jungler to spare you blue buff if they are a energy jungler such as lee sin.
I'm level 30, around 830 normal games won, I don't often do ranked. I main Warwick, Amumu, Shaco, and shyvana. All jungle, of course
Username: Io Reign

Champions Owned:
I own about 80 of them and ti would take to long to list ._.

Preferred Roles:
I jungle. I have a few good people with other lanes, but 90% of what I do is jungle. I'm a generally mediocre player who is a god like jungler

Preferred Maps/Arrangements:
Don't much care, as long as I get jungle :p
Username: shadowwolf59

Champions Owned: Anivia, Alistar, Volibear, Master Yi, Warwick, Pantheon, Janna, Teemo, a couple more

Preferred Roles: Mid, tank, or carry.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: 5v5 only
Tried LoL out forever ago and didn't like it. This was before I knew how to/played MOBA's. Ever since I got a Dota 2 beta key that changed. I've thought about trying LoL again but from what I've seen it looks much easier than Dota 2. Once I started getting good at Dota 2 the challenge is something that attracted me to it. You do/can buy certain heroes correct? I'm not a fan of having to purchase heroes with real money either. Then there's the typical "Dota 2 looks better than LoL."

I'm not saying this to be trollish. This is just how I feel about the game and the MOBA genre in general.
Interesting, I'll have to try this out. Though you could just start with a more sufficient item like Boots + Pots/Etc and ask the jungler to spare you blue buff if they are a energy jungler such as lee sin.
If the jungler is gonna give away blue, he might aswell give it to the ap carry imo