League of Legends Thread

Well, if you ever need tips for jungle, I got loads to give ya, though keep in mind that after the new patch all of the Meta game we all knew, changes.
I really wish I could play with you guys, but damnit you are all in NA and transfering there would be a pain... If anyone needs any tips or anything at all don't hesitate to ask, its the least I can do taking into account I can't play with you all :(

you can always make a new account to boost up in the NA servers... even if some people look down upon Smurfing, everyone starts from scratch

If anyone can teach me how to proper jungle, I 'd love to learn all the different roles of LoL
I mostly play tank (nautilus/Alistar)
or AD (Ashe, Nocturne,Pantheon)

But I try out lot's of other champions...
IF anything, I would love to play with more experienced players to learn more so I can start playing ranked games ;)
or just enjoy playing with guys from outside the European Continent :p
yea, its good to try out as many champs as possible. If anything, playing them lets you learn their mechanics, and how to counter that accordingly when an opponent plays the same champ in a later game.
I'd play with you guys but my computers system 32 has been deleted so i won't be able to access a decent pc for months.
made an account for NA: BlackBirdNA
IG username: BlackBird2905

Doing Bot games so I can start my runepages like in EUW...
just bought Master Yi (had my best game with him in EUW ^^... it was a massacre :p)
C y'all on the fields of justice :D
I'm tight on money at the moment so i won't be able to acquire a new operating system or computer and the soonest i can get a job is next month but i won't be applying for a job until next year.
You shouldn't need a new computer just for your OS being messed up. And if you don't have a Windows copy anymore, just get Linux. Linux is free.
You shouldn't need a new computer just for your OS being messed up. And if you don't have a Windows copy anymore, just get Linux. Linux is free.

I know but my computer is old and inferior to the newer models and can't run most of the latest games with a moderate fps and decent graphics, so it's better if i just purchase a new computer instead of replacing the OS
I know but my computer is old and inferior to the newer models and can't run most of the latest games with a moderate fps and decent graphics, so it's better if i just purchase a new computer instead of replacing the OS
Well of course, but at least in the mean time...
Well of course, but at least in the mean time...

I guess i could acquire linux, but i have no idea how to acquire linux or use it, let alone install an OS. I'm going to assume it's a freeware that can be downloaded from the internet which isn't helpful since the only other computer i have is a school laptop which is highly restricted on what websites i can visit, therefore not allowing me to download it.
This week's rotation:

Not one of my favorite rotations. I'll definitely try top lane leona and jungle ww. Maybe even eve (top/jungle) and vayne. I was hoping for zed and/or olaf but you dont always get everything you want.
I've tried Riven and Leona once, they were fun from what I remember... Xerath and Evelyn i've been meaning to try when they're available, been really distracted with other things though... >.>
Nearly had a perfect game as Riven (Battle Bunny skin). Was 10/0 when i finally got shut down and ended the game 15/2.
Why aren't all the Champions free?
To encourage more play. If they released zed for free, people will just play 1 or 2 games with him and then drop LoL until the next new champion. If you have to work up enough IP to get a champion, it's making you play more therefore making you better, therefore you enjoy the game more, therefore you will spend money on RP for skins and such.