League of Legends Thread

Cheat sheet for newblets who are unsure what to build on certain champions:

If the bonus number, i.e. the number set-up like this: (+0), is:

Orange: Attack Damage
Green: Ability Power
Red: Health
Blue: Mana
Yellow: Armor
Purple: Magic Resist
Malzahar is great fun. Easily my favorite AP caster, with LeBlanc as a close second.

PS: Anyone know of an AP assassin with a bit of a learning curve, but worthwhile.once you've mastered them? I want to work on a more difficult champion for the lulz.
Malzahar is great fun. Easily my favorite AP caster, with LeBlanc as a close second.

PS: Anyone know of an AP assassin with a bit of a learning curve, but worthwhile.once you've mastered them? I want to work on a more difficult champion for the lulz.

Evelynn, Akali, Katarina, Kassadin, Ahri, Talon...

An assassin is any champ with high burst damage and high mobility like gap closers that excel in 1v1 fights. My personal favorite is Akali for pub stomping whenever, but the hardest to learn is probably Ahri because of high dependence on landing skill shots to win the lane. Akali is not that hard to learn. The onlky difficult aspect is learning how to abuse the shroud.
Evelynn, Akali, Katarina, Kassadin, Ahri, Talon...

An assassin is any champ with high burst damage and high mobility like gap closers that. excel in 1v1 fights. My personal favorite is Akali for pub stomping whenever, but the hardest to learn is probably Ahri because of high dependence on landing skill shots to win the lane. Akali is not that hard to learn. The onlky difficult aspect is learning how to abuse the shroud.
I play all of those except for Ahri and Katarina. I was considering buying Ahri next... Alrighty, I think I have my answer, thanks for the second opinion.
Malzahar is great fun. Easily my favorite AP caster, with LeBlanc as a close second.

PS: Anyone know of an AP assassin with a bit of a learning curve, but worthwhile.once you've mastered them? I want to work on a more difficult champion for the lulz.

Diana is very fun, an ap bruiser assassin. getting the resets on her ult and the potential jukes on her are so great.
I'm having an extremely difficult time with this.

So, I've been practicing with Shaco on a couple of PvP games but couldn't help but notice how his W and E need AP. My main question is why he is mostly played AD instead of AP. I know that he is mostly a jungler, but I'm still confused. :confused:

He is played AD because of the 20% damage from basic attacks to the back, A guaranteed crit from his Q, and his clone dealing damage based off his AD.
I'd like to announce that after being placed in Bronze 3 in the beginning Season 3, I am now Silver 3 as of July 21st. :thumbsup:
My first game I did terribad.
first match.png
You may like range champions, but I highly suggest branching out and trying each position with a couple different champions. Someone who can only play adc is not very useful and it is a lot more fun to switch the position you are playing each game. You can find very fun champs to play in each.
You may like range champions, but I highly suggest branching out and trying each position with a couple different champions. Someone who can only play adc is not very useful and it is a lot more fun to switch the position you are playing each game. You can find very fun champs to play in each.
Tried Rammus and got obliterated. I can't play a tanky melee at all to save my ass.
No one can just play any champion the first time and dominate a game...

I suggest that you try to find champions that are fun to play with cool move sets and then practice with them until you are good. Don't just expect to be good the first time you try a champion. That is foolish and is a bad way to decide which champs to play/buy.
Currently a free to try champion. I'm pretty decent with Range characters but I don't own any good ones yet. As it states in the pic, I'm eyeing Caitlyn as being my first Champion that I get.
Just try all the free champs and start getting used to different roles. I would say Caitlyn is a very good first ADC to use, though you should also try Ashe :)

No one can just play any champion the first time and dominate a game...

I suggest that you try to find champions that are fun to play with cool move sets and then practice with them until you are good. Don't just expect to be good the first time you try a champion. That is foolish and is a bad way to decide which champs to play/buy.
First time I used Twitch I dominated :p