League of Legends Thread

I already told you before, it isn't fear of playing alone, its the knowledge that I'm going to get destroyed because I don't know if I'm gonna be stuck on a team of asshats or feeders. And there's no guarantee that the team will communicate well if its a room full of randoms.
That's one big problem that never goes away, no matter if you are Level 5, Level 30 or Challenger Tier - everybody gets asshats from time to time. Just report after the game and hope this happens:
I play with randoms all the time. I just try to be positive and it's been working fairly well so far. If my team sucks then I tell them to shield for me so I can engage and then carry us all. :D
I would really like to know what your least favorite ultimate abilities are.

Mine are...

11. Darius's Noxian Guillotine

Darius's ultimate promotes kill stealing so much it just makes me want to quit playing a lane with Darius there, because it's not fun.

10. Urgot's Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser

If you try to harass an urgot hugging a turret with his ulti up, then prepare to get raped by that turret.....

9. Annie's Summon TIBBERSSSSS!!!!

This could be especially annoying when your team is all huddled together and annie has her stun ready....

8. Shen's Stand United

You're chasing someone low on health?! NOPE! That certain someone will somehow get a shield and then Shen comes out of his butt.

7. Ahri's Spirit Rush

Your running away with low health?! NOPE! Ahri spirit rushes and your dead. Your trying to chase Ahri?! NOPE! Ahri spirit rushes away.

6. Soraka's Wish

This is what makes Soraka soooooo annoying. If you're in a team fight, with both teams fairly low on health, Soraka then uses her ulti and then the enemy team destroys your team.

5. Lux's Final Spark

This detonates Lux's annoying as hell passive AND has HUGE range, dealing HUGE damage to you while your TRYING to escape from her.

4. Karthus's Requiem

Your trying to hide with low health?! NOPE! Karthus presses R, killing you in all places except for the spawn fountain....

3. Tryndamere's Undying Rage


2. Teemo's Shrooms

Teemo is a spawn of Satan, wait he IS Satan. Although Teemo's other abilities are fine, his ulti is CRAZY AS HELL!!!! These "shrooms" (aka. Satan's garden plants) are everywhere! Whenever I play against a Teemo I get hit by shroom every time I enter a bush, it's annoying as hell. Especially in ARAM where he rigs the goddamn health stations with a shroom or ten....

1. Kassadin's Riftwalk

You are chasing troll Kassadin?! Too bad, he Riftwalks away. You are Ahri AND have a flash?! Too bad, his Riftwalk only has a seven second cooldown. You are running from troll Kassadin?! Too bad, he Riftwalks and anal rapes you. You are Ahri AND have a flash?! Too bad, he has cooldown reduction runes. Kassadin's ulti is the most insanely broken ulti in all of LoL IMO, because it makes his mobility COMPLETELY UNBEATABLE!!!

So is this a thing? Because I really really want this skin!!

And how can I get this?
Ok thanks :3
By default it's around 4k RP by default, not sure what the exact price is. You only get the skin if you get the digital collector's pack, over the physical collector's pack. Physical copies got silver kayle, but they are few and far between (only 1 printing was done and it was in late 2010/early 2011.)
so um I'm back (ish) and probably rusty as hell, who's playing and whats new?
3.10 patch, item changes, Lucian.
I already told you before, it isn't fear of playing alone, its the knowledge that I'm going to get destroyed because I don't know if I'm gonna be stuck on a team of asshats or feeders. And there's no guarantee that the team will communicate well if its a room full of randoms.
It's quite hard if they do it repeatedly.
The solution to these problems are to play with friends and not take games too seriously.
Username: Kerzyte

Champions Owned: Teemo

Preferred Roles: Teemo

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: The ones with Teemo in them