League of Legends Thread

First time playing Cho'gath. I like to think I did sorta good.
I really wish I could play PvP even HALF as good as I do in a bot game. But that never happens :(


(This was an experimental build, which is why it was a bot game in the first place. Also it was very expensive at 18,130 gold to make all the needed items)

Most I have ever gotten in a PvP match was 13 kills ;(
I really wish I could play PvP even HALF as good as I do in a bot game. But that never happens :(

View attachment 140847
(This was an experimental build, which is why it was a bot game in the first place. Also it was very expensive at 18,130 gold to make all the needed items)

Most I have ever gotten in a PvP match was 13 kills ;(

The only thing I see wrong with that build is the fact that I don't see any boots.
The only thing I see wrong with that build is the fact that I don't see any boots.
I got rid of them at the very endgame to add more damage via the Last Whisper for that Armor Penetration. From start until just before finish I had Ionian Boots of Lucidity to add movement speed and reduce cooldowns. If I needed to get somewhere quick enough, Riven has 4 free dashes in her skillset and doesn't rely on mana, so they can be spammed without worry in order to travel quickly.
I got rid of them at the very endgame to add more damage via the Last Whisper for that Armor Penetration. From start until just before finish I had Ionian Boots of Lucidity to add movement speed and reduce cooldowns. If I needed to get somewhere quick enough, Riven has 4 free dashes in her skillset and doesn't rely on mana, so they can be spammed without worry in order to travel quickly.
There isn't a single champion in the game that you should buy atma's on.
There isn't a single champion in the game that you should buy atma's on.
Its funny that you think that.

With Atma's you gain AD equal to +1.5% of your maximum health. Granting the fact that I have both Frozen Mallet and Warmogs armor in this build that's +1700 health right there without including stacks. Endgame I had roughly 3664 HP and had a wonderful amount of damage, I believe Warmogs and Mallet helped boost that with the Atma's boost to almost +60 AD.

So all in all, I was quite tanky with large health reserves, and I was melting champions due to my damage output.

Atma's can be very useful.
I got rid of them at the very endgame to add more damage via the Last Whisper for that Armor Penetration. From start until just before finish I had Ionian Boots of Lucidity to add movement speed and reduce cooldowns. If I needed to get somewhere quick enough, Riven has 4 free dashes in her skillset and doesn't rely on mana, so they can be spammed without worry in order to travel quickly.
The speed boots that boots give is ESSENTIAL to every champion.... unless you want to waste all your gold on cooldown reduction items as Riven.....
unless you want to waste all your gold on cooldown reduction items as Riven.....
The way I build Riven, her Q (which has a static cooldown and stays the same when leveling) gets dropped from 13 seconds down to 10 seconds because of the CDR items I get. Her E scales the cooldown to something manageable like 5 or 6 seconds just by leveling. So once you use your E you can go straight to Q and by the time you are done with the 3rd press of Q your E should be back up and ready to go again. You don't need boots on Riven for endgame, she's very mobile as it is.
The way I build Riven, her Q (which has a static cooldown) Gets dropped from 13 seconds down to 9 seconds because of the CDR items I get. Her E scales the cooldown to something manageable like 5 or 6 seconds. So once you use your E you can go straight to Q and by the time you are done with the 3rd press of Q your E should be back up and ready to go again. You don't need boots on Riven late game.
First of all, kudos to you for finding your own way to build a champ rather than sticking to what everyone else does. Second, while I don't agree with not having boots, as movement speed is arguably my favorite stat in the game, there are times where they aren't necessary. Riven is fairly mobile, so I understand not seeing the need to get boots in favor of more damage. Just remember a few things: Cooldown reduction caps at 40%, masteries and runes included. This means that you can only get so far in terms of mobility with Riven via CDR. Second, most of your opponents will have boots, meaning they can, in theory, run away from you without you catching them, or doing enough to deliver the fatal blow. Now, if you're good at catching them off guard and your damage output is high enough to even make their bulkiest teammate go "Oh, fuck that noise.", then definitely more power to ya. Also, nice to see someone using the Fratmog's combo. <3 It never gets the love it deserves.
So I tried my hand at Jungling for the first time... Probably the most fragile early game champ ever, but late game I was dealing considerable damage and had good run-ins with team fights. Also, Evelynn is really fun to play :D


Pretty crappy score, but I blame the Nidalee player for taking most of the kills xD
I'd literally be about to kill someone and a spear comes from off the screen and kills em...
So I tried my hand at Jungling for the first time... Probably the most fragile early game champ ever, but late game I was dealing considerable damage and had good run-ins with team fights. Also, Evelynn is really fun to play :D

View attachment 140854

Pretty crappy score, but I blame the Nidalee player for taking most of the kills xD
I'd literally be about to kill someone and a spear comes from off the screen and kills em...
Try running Ghost on her. The speed with her w and boots of mobility is insane.