League of Legends Thread

So, I think I'm gonna buy Quinn.

And despite what most people say, I went mid this match.

Soooo, tried out some of the new champs (sorry don't have the screen caps)

Miss Fortune: 4/1/6

Amumu: 2/6/4

Clearly, I did better as Miss Fortune then Amumu. Also, my summoner name is Walrus12.
She has a hard time against burst.
That is semi-true, depending on if the enemy has a hard CC or not. If they don't, Quinn can go all in against her lane opponent at level 2 by using her auto attack, get the passive proc, auto attack for bonus damage, use E to deal damage and mark for another passive, auto attack, and Q to blind and deal good damage. One burst from Quinn will force the opponent back to base early game denying them any good CS, unless they have health pots, in which case your next combo will secure you a kill. Each combo takes roughly 2 seconds because of the auto attacks early game.

If going bot lane as a Quinn ADC, you should have a support that can run the lane as a kill lane to gain the advantage, such as Blitzcrank or Thresh who can hold the enemy from escaping and give Quinn the opening she needs to land the combos.

I have yet to find an enemy that can easily out burst an aggressive Quinn.
Isn't Varus a good counter to Quinn in general though?
Can be, but if you can bully him pretty early and deny him farm, he won't be much of a threat.

Against Vayne however, Quinn needs to play it safe. Tumble and her passive ability that makes every 3rd shot do true damage make her a big threat.
Can be, but if you can bully him pretty early and deny him farm, he won't be much of a threat.

Against Vayne however, Quinn needs to play it safe. Tumble and her passive ability that makes every 3rd shot do true damage make her a big threat.
Vayne would be the ADC to be able to outburst Quinn. Unless the Quinn is exceptional at landing that blind, it can be difficult for Quinn to come out on top.

As you stated earlier, Quinn's main weakness is CC. When she does have easily one of the best escape moves in the form of Vault, if she gets slowed or stunned, it'll be easy for her opponents to catch her immediately unless she vaults over a wall. Same issues for Valor. If he gets CC'd, there's nothing much he can do. Also, Quinn can easily be outdueled by someone with a good gap closer, like Renekton, as it makes Vault effectively useless as an escape tool. However, Quinn excels at Top because of the Vault+Blinding Assault combo wrecking any melee champs without such gap closers, and/or non-physical abilities. Quinn excels in Mid due to Vault+Harrier, doing significant burst to squishier midlaners.
Just started playing LoL a lot lately :p Been getting better and better. Wont be able to play a game for the next couple hours for football, but anyone wanna play a game afterwards? :D

Username: DownedFoes

Champions Owned: Ashe, Fiddlesticks*, Jax*, Kayle, Rammus, Teemo*, Tryndamere*

*I can play proficiently

Preferred Roles: Mid/adc? Not really familiar with roles :p

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Uhm... The usual? Summoner's rift, OK on howling abyss 1v1
Vayne would be the ADC to be able to outburst Quinn. Unless the Quinn is exceptional at landing that blind, it can be difficult for Quinn to come out on top.

As you stated earlier, Quinn's main weakness is CC. When she does have easily one of the best escape moves in the form of Vault, if she gets slowed or stunned, it'll be easy for her opponents to catch her immediately unless she vaults over a wall. Same issues for Valor. If he gets CC'd, there's nothing much he can do. Also, Quinn can easily be outdueled by someone with a good gap closer, like Renekton, as it makes Vault effectively useless as an escape tool. However, Quinn excels at Top because of the Vault+Blinding Assault combo wrecking any melee champs without such gap closers, and/or non-physical abilities. Quinn excels in Mid due to Vault+Harrier, doing significant burst to squishier midlaners.
Quinn is a hard counter to Vayne. Landing Q isn't hard and Quinn can beat Vayne easily when it lands.

Just started playing LoL a lot lately :p Been getting better and better. Wont be able to play a game for the next couple hours for football, but anyone wanna play a game afterwards? :D

Username: DownedFoes

Champions Owned: Ashe, Fiddlesticks*, Jax*, Kayle, Rammus, Teemo*, Tryndamere*

*I can play proficiently

Preferred Roles: Mid/adc? Not really familiar with roles :p

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Uhm... The usual? Summoner's rift, OK on howling abyss 1v1
Sent FR's

Just realized I never formally introduced myself:

Summoner Name: Walrus12

Champions Owned: Annie, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Miss Fortune*, Sivir

Preferred Roles: Bot, and sometimes Mid

Preferred Maps: Summoners Rift and Howling Abyss in ARAM and 1v1
I guess I should, for the hell of it. 2 zeros in Sc00t, not O

Summoner Name: Sc00taloser (Level 15)

Champions Owned: Ahri, Alistar, Anivia*, Gangplank*, Graves, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Master Yi, Quinn*, Rammus, Riven*, Talon

Preferred Roles: I play anywhere I'm needed, as long as I don't have to be a tank.

Preferred Maps: Summoner's Rift and Howling Abyss in ARAM