League of Legends Thread

I agree with both sides. I especially liked what was said about playing on a team. Pubs will always be pubs but the game could be much more fun and interesting if you were apart of a level-headed team dedicated to playing the game, getting better, and especially having fun. That's one thing I never had in Dota, mostly because I was never really knew anyone who played that personally. I'm pretty sure I lost the vast majority of my party games because if and when you start to lose, the people you had fun with once turn back into the angry pub players.
Sometimes I feel like players are just trying to rage.

In ranked matches the slightest mistake from anyone and suddenly someone bursts out, "OMG SCRUB NOOB BITCH INSULT INSULT REPORT SURRENDER @ 20!!!111!!!" The moment I hear this I know the match is going to be 10 times harder.

It's annoying and 70% of my losses are from players raging at each other and doing nothing else. Then they be like "gg noob team" after the match. -_____________-
Dear Riot, please make your doom bots harder.

My last game that I played on PBE.
Dom bots.png
I don't appreciate this picture you are painting of me. I do not complain about my teammates. I simply make logical conclusions of cause in a given result of a game. I do not bitch them out in game. I always try my hardest, encourage my team and play the game out to the end. In review, however, I always dissect a game to find cause for loss. Many mechanics of the game are objectively calculable without question. There are simply aspects of your team's performance that you cannot control. No matter what you may think, in addition to the actions made by the team collectively, in any team game, there are individual's actions that nobody else can contribute to. This means that, in fact, there actually are aspects of my team's performance that I could not have changed with better playing on my own part. If you need examples of this to convince you, I would be happy to provide such, but honestly, just think about the laning phase pre-6. Playing top, I can't possible prevent my bot lane from going 0/5 before level 6 if I wanted to, don't be ridiculous.

The real issue at play here is what is gained with this attitude of finding cause for loss. The only issue I see with my current out view on league of legends is the fact that I will never play with these players on a team again, and so identifying causes of defeat in individuals other than myself has no merits, other than satisfying my discontent with the outcome in the immediate present. If I was on a team that continued to play with each other, however, this is the most useful kind of attitude possible to exhibit, if the goal is improvement--Identifying problems not only in yourself but in your teammates and how to overcome them with practice is of the utmost importance. My expression of annoyance here on the forums is simply the built up aggravation of wanting to be able to correct my teammate's poor playing but being unable to do so, and frustration that in my perception, I am not paired with teammates I believe to be of my same skill level.

It is noble to always blame yourself for your team's loss, but in my mind, that doesn't make sense logically. If you take my first conclusion--that there are aspects for the team's performance that cannot be changed by an individual on that team--Saying to yourself that the defeat was your fault when it was really disproportionately caused by a sum of individual actions of a teammate really doesn't get you anywhere. On the other hand, because I also identified the problem that I will never play with these people again, the causes of defeats I find in my teammates also will not get me anywhere, unless I use it as a "what-not-to-do" kind of exercise for the future, though I have not found it to be useful as such.

We are all exhibiting behaviors/attitudes that get us nowhere. Best to just think nothing. Let riot be riot. We play games. We always try to do our best, and sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Despite having this outlook, it may still be true that riot is not doing the best job at teaming people together with other players of the same skill level. This is where my complaint lies, not bitching at teammates and being a general cunt. That is not how I roll.
I get what you mean.

Welp, there's the 10000th set of promo matches gone to hell....

I don't know why I get to so braindead in promo matches. -.-
Whats your summoner name? Maybe I could help you out or something.
I was 800 elo in season 1/2 :3 Made the climb to 1470elo doing duo alistar ezreal

I think I was around 1100 season one, climbed to 1440s in season 2. I just kind of found what I was good at and played it. Ranked has gotten a lot easier though, these days I screw around and slowly move up. I wish they'd bring back the elo system.
My summoner name is Insanity 101.

Pls don't mind my fellow bronzies, they mean sometimes. :(

I just lost 10 LP thanks to a troll Vayne screaming gg from the beginning of the game then afk'ing.

There are more ranked trolls in Bronze than normals. -___-