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Midgard <-- AVOID AT ALL COSTS Terrible Town.

Cities of the Server has been updated.

The rating has not dropped yet, but it will if these actions are confirmed.
Cities of the Server has been updated.

The rating has not dropped yet, but it will if these actions are confirmed.
I SHOULD have taken screens I know, and honestly I'm not looking to get the rating dropped, its a wonderful town with great citizens but just fox_news was a jerk during this, up before that he was fine =/

and as far as the Haven comments went, I'd love to join but Im clearly no where near the skill level of the builders in Haven, well, maybe I COULD be, but I am EXTREMELY lazy.

uhm. @ Beeze I started this thread RIGHT after it happened, so there's the date and relative time even'
I know woot would be able to look it up, I just believe he's far busier with other matters and this was so small and insignificant that I didn't want to even waste his time.
Sourpunk, two things.

#1 - If you built the house, and used your own materials or were given materials without any conditions such as "you can have these as long as you stay in the town", then it's your house. Sell it if you want, or destroy it for materials if you want. :)

#2 - Join Haven, were pretty awesome. <3

They were all my own materials, gathered from outside the city mainly, and I left the city to move to another on my own accord. I just thought i'd be able to sell it, or the very least, break it down to get materials, but as an update, fox_news has seemed to put a sign on it, giving it to another player.
They were all my own materials, gathered from outside the city mainly, and I left the city to move to another on my own accord. I just thought i'd be able to sell it, or the very least, break it down to get materials, but as an update, fox_news has seemed to put a sign on it, giving it to another player.

If you are still able to modify blocks on that lot, just rip it down. Not sure if you can though, I haven't been following this thread that thoroughly.
They were all my own materials, gathered from outside the city mainly, and I left the city to move to another on my own accord. I just thought i'd be able to sell it, or the very least, break it down to get materials, but as an update, fox_news has seemed to put a sign on it, giving it to another player.
If it's a reasonable issue for you, talk to Woot. This is why we have him; to sort out problems like this.
Woot can fix this with the press of a button, and won't even need to stop eating his guacamole.
You know, after talking to everyone I feel ALOT better, and it's not even worth my time I don't think. If I did bring it to woot it'd be like what? fox would have to give me supplies I already have? and I don't want to destroy it really, it's a nice house' x/ So I think I'm just going to let it go and move on, my new town Teddybearz is doing great' and we just got our first new citizen. So things are looking good. Sure I was upset, and I'm still a bit urked. But I'm a firm believer in karma, and this'll swing around and hit fox with something bad '=/ so.
Thank you everyone who commented and talked about this with me, I couldn't thank you enough! :D

@Kurtis I'm not from the town anymore so i can't touch it, and again, I wouldn't really want to break it down. It's nice' '=/ I was considering posting a vid or screens of it even' since we've been talking about it so long lol
and I submitted an app to Haven, forever ago, but never was adressed, I'm fine with things for now, and will maybe consider Haven down the road, all though my next town in line to join is TOTALLY Kiyomi' It's a small island city in the south that's all Japanese theme'd for those that don't know xP so yeah.
Cities of the Server has been updated.

The rating has not dropped yet, but it will if these actions are confirmed.

Hold on Xraptor. Based on your past CotS editions and your critical rating system, it would seem that the purpose of your series is to critique building architecture and layout rather than the community. So it wouldn't be fair to Midgard to change the score based on an element that you don't take into account in the rating system (in this case: community or leadership). You can still note on your Midgard edition that there is controversy, but I don't think it gives credibility to your series to change the score for the above reason.
While I was in Midgard, I was helping fox_news and I helped him out so much with his town by cleaning it up and removing excess stuff. He made be town assistant, then I was being stupid and I gave him all my 400$ in cash and then said, well I really need it back because *... And I politly asked him if I could withdraw 400$ and he said NO! ITS MY MONEY! So I take it out anyway and with all my stuff in chests in his town, he removed me from the town and I had to start all over... :\
Is that why your leaving?
Hold on Xraptor. Based on your past CotS editions and your critical rating system, it would seem that the purpose of your series is to critique building architecture and layout rather than the community. So it wouldn't be fair to Midgard to change the score based on an element that you don't take into account in the rating system (in this case: community or leadership). You can still note on your Midgard edition that there is controversy, but I don't think it gives credibility to your series to change the score for the above reason.

The rating system was in place to tell if you should live there or visit.

The current rating states that people should live there, and people should visit. I feel as if giving the town a 7.7 during this controversy would hurt my credibility.
The rating will not change, the controversy warning still stay.

Anyways, enough about Cities of the Server, lets try and settle this issue.
All I said is if you wanted to get stuff you should have taken you house down and bring your stuff to your new location. But then sour started talking of selling his house AFTER he left the town. This means he is trying to sell land that he gave up when leaving. So saying he is trying to sell town property.
No hateful words but I do recall sour saying "see you on the ban apps asshole"
P.s. I loved having sour in the town but after he called me an asshole I regret ever accepting his application