Most liked on Team9000?


Well-Known Member

"Having the most likes" is not the same as "Being The most liked". Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Don't project the amount of time you spend whoring the forum onto people's opinion of you as a person.
Way to be an ass about it. Maybe I didn't mean for it to say "most liked" as in what a person thinks maybe I meant the most liked. I don't see why I have to sit and be insulted by you at every messily action I do that you disagree with. "Oh look rsmv2you accomplished something, time to disagree and insult him". You think I like that? I'm human to, I don't go to every accomplishment you do and insult and make fun of you about it. I actually try to be nice to everything mean you do. I'm not gonna say if you wanna sort anything out, because I already have with you, and if that didn't work then I'm just gonna press the ignore button because I'm not gonna sit and be insulted by someone who obviously has issues that can only seem to solve them by pulling me down. Way to go.
Then again, anyone could dig through the internet and put up a few funny pictures instead of typing something out.
Whats the point of making a thread if it gets trolled out to fuck...
Seriously, can I be proud of one thing? Or do I have to sit and have people complain about my actions?
Watch out thinking you're the most liked, you'll end like Yogscast..................................
Did I ever say I was liked from the stand point of someones opinion?

I'm sorry but since when has T9k become a popularity contest?
Since when was it a bad thing for me to point out a simple fact.. Im really starting get the feeling Im being treated like an outcast since every time I create a thread it is full of people complaining about something I did...
Whats the point of making a thread if it gets trolled out to fuck...
Seriously, can I be proud of one thing? Or do I have to sit and have people complain about my actions?
Well, thing is, you sometimes do tend to make a big deal about things you do sometimes.

However, there's no reason for all of this response. All this is simply harmless "I have the most likes" much in a similar way someone would say "I have the most posts" There's nothing wrong with this.

I think people need to back off a little on RSMV here.